So, I got into the KZ3 beta thanks to a contest, and I believe anyone who has even touched the beta will not say that KZ3 is Generic, in fact it's an amazing multiplayer! I traded in KZ2 because it got old fast IMO and the chaos was mostly just off-gameplay or just okay, but this beta is chaotic, the graphics are outstanding and you'll be running across very well designed maps, there'll be vehicles (there are 3 in the beta) all around you, shooting each other, the constant sound of explosions and bullets, occasional mortar strikes, it's amazing! The weapons all feel great, the shotgun is very strong, and it can get cheap sometimes but it's nothing near as bad as MW2, and shotguns will always have those kinds of problems unless they're rendered useless. The leveling system is just like KZ2, there isn't much squad play though, but only overall team play. You'll see yourself working with others...just not in your squad. But what I'm saying is that after playing Reach's multiplayer, and this beta, this far surpasses it (in graphics, chaoticness if that's even a word, and fun). I've even said it to all my friends: this multiplayer is GODLY O.O and is anything BUT generic.
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