Well, its just sexier than before so I can dig it 8). Going by the update from alpha-to-final in KZ2, KZ3 should have a slight graphical upgrade by the time its released.
This is a multiplayer vid too. Multiplayer modes this gen usually don't look as good as their single player counterpart. KZ2 came very close to matching the single player graphics-wise. I'm thinking KZ3's single player will still look better than the MP, but the technical mastery going on here is impressive (3D and 720p as well).
I was happy to hear that the game looks better on an HDTV as Youtube obviously compresses the video's quality (stated by the Invidious guy). I'm looking forward to seeing just how much better it will look, because the 720p video in the OP was awesome. I'm a graphics hoe, so I pay attention to small stuff like that lol.
A graphical thing I would like to see updated are expressions on the Inflitrator's and Engineer's face. Right now they are a bit lifeless expression-wise. It would be nice to see them squirm as they get hit with a brutal melee.
More demanding of my attention is the smoothness of the gameplay and framerate. Responsive and slick. There are some new gameplay updates I've noticed in recent beta videos as well. Players earn ribbons doing various things on the battlefield, which are objective/kill related from the looks of it. For example, there was a Faster Aiming ribbon a player earned in one video by killing multiple enemies while aiming down the sight/scope. Once you earn a specific ribbon, it's attribute lasts for the rest of the match, even if you die. I think that's a neat addition. It's a streak reward of sorts, but noob players who work hard for it get to keep it for the rest of the match (as does everyone else).
The point system looks very satisfying. I know many people who despise Call of Duty will automatically bash this addition in KZ3. I have to side with GG on this one though. You are rewarded for everything that benefits your team such as Territory Neutralized; Speaker Pick Up; Sentry Kill etc. It gives you a feeling of helping your team, while feeling like the top dog on your team, even if you're at the bottom. Like you've accomplished something at least. This will help keep a more players happy, possibly making the community bigger than in KZ2 (which is a somewhat decent size right now).
I'm very pleased from what I'm seeing so far. Some cool weapons are returning like the Battle Pistol and Luger's SMG. Some weapons have slight upgrades. Overall, the weapon list still feels a bit bare in MP. I'm sure they are saving some cool weapons for single player. They may even add them in map packs as power pick ups similar to KZ2.
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