ok as a sheep in the N64 era...i will debate till hell freezes over about this.
Perfect Dark >>>>>> Goldeneye
Rare made both games. They made perfect dark with better knowledge of how to program for the console. As a result:
Higher polygon count (with the help of the expansion pack)
Smarter AI
Multiplayer improved (even included upgraded Goldeneye maps)
Weapons have secondary functions (goldeneye weapons had only one mode). Plus PD had alien weapons which were amazing.
Sci-fi story was amazing and well written.
Don't bother trying to tell people on here what a good game is. A good game to them is doing something first, such as Goldeneye making console FPS popular. Even though Perfect Dark takes a huge dump on it in every way imaginable, since it was a "Goldeneye ripoff" (if you don't do things first, according to System Wars it's a ripoff) it sucks and is "teh failz."
90% of the people on here don't know what a good game is. They just hate on any popular/good game simply because it's popular/good and say "oh look at this 3.5 game, it trumps Gaylo/Dullzone in every way imaginable" just to make it look like they are a real gamer.
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