[QUOTE="subrosian"]I'm always amazed at the assumptions people make when I ask them to stop using the term "console graphics king". I own every since released since 1980, and have played more games *on any given system* than the people who only own that system. Chances are if you've heard of a game that will be coming out in a year, I've already played that game. I don't care about systems, just games. But the term "console graphics king" is idiotic. Not only does it immediately say "consoles can't keep up with ________" (because if they could, why couldn't a console game beat a PC game in graphics?) but it also implies anything "less than" a console is irrelevant (handhelds, portable systems). And given that "graphics" is a completely subjective term (frankly I think Farmville looks better than quite a few "fancy 3D games" that people rave about) why would you even bother categorizing? - The ONLY reason people use the term "console graphics king" is because they want their "System of Choice" to have a trophy that is won on defendable grounds. They want to have "mine is better than yours" and be able to say "my game has technically better graphics" while still excluding anything that would make their argument have to be subjective. People want to make extremely subjective arguments and pretend they're logical, scientifically sound points. - So no, right out, toss out the "console graphics king" point. As the scientist said to the last male panda on earth, pointing at the last female panda on earth... "you're probably going to die as a species, the genetic variety is just gone, sorry"... stop shrinking the pool to the point of irrelevance. Malta_1980
am sorry but i disagree..
every item in life is compared (household goods, cars, mobile phones etc etc) but they are put in cathegories.. these cathegories vary from price range, functionatlity etc etc..
If everything else is 'split' in order to make fair comparisons why shouldnt the same apply for gaming systems??
why do you even remotely think it would be fair today comparing a 4-5yr old console to a high-end PC (with latest tech) when it comes to visuals?I dont believe one can play Crysis, Metro2033 etc on a 5yr old PC at max settings.. (however upcoming titles like Geow3, KZ3, Uncharted3 etc will still be played on the same old 4-5yr old consoles)
would it be fair to compare a Ferrari to a Honda Civic in order to state which performs better on a track?? but if you say Consoles cant have a seperate cathegory when it comes to declaring graphics king titles, you're saying a top end sports car has to be put in the same cathegory as a family car..
We all know that High-end PC's perform better technically, by accepting this we are in no way stating consoles are crap.. However having a 'console Graphics king title' is far from being idiotic, its just saying which is the best looking title on consoles.. A console is not a PC, so it can have a seperate cathegory..
You don't really explain why we can't have a console graphic king. I could equally say: in a race they might have different age ranges, or an under 16 event. Should that not be allowed? But this is silly because whether you like it or not, we have always had console graphic kings. PC owners don't like it because they feel left out.
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