Obviously it all comes down to opinions, but I'm still very surprised to see Shadow Fallreceive some of the reviews it has.
It's a pretty solid game. It's not amazing, I definitely think it deserves an 8.0 though, or to be more specific, an 8.5 on the old scale.
The game has been criticsed for its single player yet praised for its multiplayer, similar to Battlefield 4. I think KZSF was marked more harsh than B4 to be fair.
SINGLE PLAYER: Pretty good. Then joy meant of the campaign is a bit inconsistent. There are some awesome moments, and some dull moments. The story is pretty enjoyable. The campaign is a lot better than most reviewers have suggested.
MULTIPLAYER: Pretty good fun. It's a mix of KZ2 and KZ3. It's definitely the strong point of the game, and the mp alone could give this game an 8.0
BOTZONE: A good alternative if you ever wanted to try out new things offline or if your internet wasn't working. Feels like you're playing real people.
GRAPHICS: Very impressive.
GAMEPLAY: Very smooth.
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