point being...?the problem is that people dont realize that ray tracing isnt what they think....were doing 90% of that,visually speaking, with todays shaders and hdr....the only real advantage a ray tracer gives.... u would only notice if u were to render a whole room filled with translucent and reflexive spheres.....for the rest its similiar to what u do with hdr and other lighting techs....the point isnt only its processing consuming but its geared toward an architecture thats at the opposite of today rendering pipeline...our dear old rasterization....maybe we could see a hybrid rasterizer/ray tracer with larabee and future cgpus but i dont think hardware people will ever abandon rasterization for ray tracing...little gain for humungous processin power consumption...Lol what the hell? Do people really believe that's raytracing? :lol:
God rays + bloom has been done before, it's the same effect that for example, Crysis and Clear Sky use and it's NOT raytracing. We aren't gonna see REAL raytracing in games for a loooong time.
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