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I'ma Playstation guy at heart, but I still felt a little shafted after buying the Move and Sharpshooter. I just feel like this whole motion craze is great for introducing new people to the amazing thing known as videogames; but kinda suckish for people like us who love using a controller, keyboard or w.e.
And the reason why Kinect flew away sales wise is marketing. Give Microsoft some credit for marketing that thing like theres no tomorrow.
Who in here thinks Move can make a comeback in 2012 after being smacked around like a little girl by Kinect? I'm thinking 25 million kinects by end of 2012. Oh my but the kinect is gonna fail cause of teh lag. How many stupid posters fell on their face with that! Oh yeah, and deal with it!ForzaGearsFace
Indeed, it is funny but all the 360 trashing is always coming back in a huge way
Kinect epic success and Crysis 1-2, Witcher 2 running fine on 360 are two major examples
Same for the paid online, which did not have 60.000.000 accounts hacked like some other HD system on the market
Who in here thinks Move can make a comeback in 2012 after being smacked around like a little girl by Kinect? I'm thinking 25 million kinects by end of 2012. Oh my but the kinect is gonna fail cause of teh lag. How many stupid posters fell on their face with that! Oh yeah, and deal with it!ForzaGearsFaceUumm.. What's the MOVE? I swear Sony is totally ignoring it now. I haven't seen any advertisements for it or it's games since the holidays. All Sony has been doing and tacking on MOVE support to current games and a few of their future titles. No games that use MOVE specifically. I'm still waiting for Sorcerer.
Does it look like Sony really cares? The R&D was wasted but they never real gave Move a really big financial push, they kind of just threw it out there for developers (Fun note: Sony was apparantly working on the move long before the Wii launched) they made some cash got some games and moved systems (not a great deal mind you) and as soon as it's hype was up. Sony more or less dropped move like a rock. Kinnect still shows us though that peripherals introduced long after a systems launch are doomed to terrible support by the thing that matters (Not consumers) but game developers. We have a handfull of developers pushing out games for the kids and parents who bought into the Kinect but as far as core gamers go Kinect might as well not exist for the...what 2 titles coming for it that show some actual gaming promise (None of wich a traditional game couldn't have done anyways). Motion gaming has still not shown itself to be a big enough force in the hardcore market to make most developers care. Casual market is good and all but a large portion of software sales come from the hardcore crowd.Jynxzor
That is only because good core Kinect games, like all good games, take time to make
Gunstringer (8.5/10) is just a small taste of what is to come
In 2012 is all about core Kinect titles though, not a single casual or family game from MS
Mass Effect 3
Ghost Recon
Fable JOurney
Project Draco
Steel Batallion
Diabolical Pitch
Halo 4
2012 is all about core Kinect titles though, not a single casual or family game from MSWake me up when some of the "Good" games on those can't be played without Kinnect.Mass Effect 3
Ghost Recon
Fable JOurney
Project Draco
Steel Batallion
Diabolical Pitch
Halo 4
Wake me up when some of the "Good" games on those can't be played without Kinnect.[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]2012 is all about core Kinect titles though, not a single casual or family game from MS
Mass Effect 3
Ghost Recon
Fable JOurney (Kinect only)
Project Draco (Kinect only)
Ryse (Kinect only)
Steel Batallion (Kinect only)
Haunt (Kinect only)
Diabolical Pitch (Kinect only)
Star Wars (Kinect only)
Halo 4
What difference does that make ?
In any case 7 of them are Kinect only anyway, i marked them for you
Those cant be played without Kinect
Wake me up when some of the "Good" games on those can't be played without Kinnect.[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]2012 is all about core Kinect titles though, not a single casual or family game from MS
Mass Effect 3
Ghost Recon
Fable JOurney
Project Draco
Steel Batallion
Diabolical Pitch
Halo 4
wow can I jump in your time machine and play those games? I guess your mind is already made up. JOKEboy confirmed
[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]2012 is all about core Kinect titles though, not a single casual or family game from MS
Mass Effect 3
Ghost Recon
Fable JOurney (Kinect only)
Project Draco (Kinect only)
Ryse (Kinect only)
Steel Batallion (Kinect only)
Haunt (Kinect only)
Diabolical Pitch (Kinect only)
Star Wars (Kinect only)
Halo 4
Wake me up when some of the "Good" games on those can't be played without Kinnect.What difference does that make ?
In any case 7 of them are Kinect only anyway, i marked them for you
Those cant be played without Kinect
Whats your PSN>?[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]Those cant be played without KinectJynxzorOh thanks for doing all the hard work for me. Like I said tell me when a good game controls in a way you couldn't without Kinect and maybe I'll listen the games you listed as Kinect only are far from good.
I see, seems i was wrong to assume you really cared for Kinect games
My mistake
Lems are now voluntarily bragging about Kinect.
sorry you have nothing to brag about.... we know thats why you are on here defending your beloved piece of garbage PS3..
I must invest in a kinect to see what all the fuss is about. Surely it can't be that bad.D4W1L4H
its awesome, these guys are just haters that probably predicted it would fail and then PNF made fun of them and they got all upset. Who knows why they hate Kinect, but its stupid. Also some of these games are hybrid Kinect games like RYSE and Steel Battalion. Awesome stuff. Plus your GF will love it.
[QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"]Who in here thinks Move can make a comeback in 2012 after being smacked around like a little girl by Kinect? I'm thinking 25 million kinects by end of 2012. Oh my but the kinect is gonna fail cause of teh lag. How many stupid posters fell on their face with that! Oh yeah, and deal with it!blackaceUumm.. What's the MOVE? I swear Sony is totally ignoring it now. I haven't seen any advertisements for it or it's games since the holidays. All Sony has been doing and tacking on MOVE support to current games and a few of their future titles. No games that use MOVE specifically. I'm still waiting for Sorcerer.
[QUOTE="D4W1L4H"]I must invest in a kinect to see what all the fuss is about. Surely it can't be that bad.ForzaGearsFace
its awesome, these guys are just haters that probably predicted it would fail and then PNF made fun of them and they got all upset. Who knows why they hate Kinect, but its stupid. Also some of these games are hybrid Kinect games like RYSE and Steel Battalion. Awesome stuff. Plus your GF will love it.
Because Kinect thus far has only managed to produce shallow, mediocre experiences that are bested in every way by a dual-analog controller. Truth hurts.
[QUOTE="D4W1L4H"]I must invest in a kinect to see what all the fuss is about. Surely it can't be that bad.Vari3ty
its awesome, these guys are just haters that probably predicted it would fail and then PNF made fun of them and they got all upset. Who knows why they hate Kinect, but its stupid. Also some of these games are hybrid Kinect games like RYSE and Steel Battalion. Awesome stuff. Plus your GF will love it.
Because Kinect thus far has only managed to produce shallow, mediocre experiences that are bested in every way by a dual-analog controller. Truth hurts.
Because Kinect is 3 years on the market and all developers have found every single use, control method and optimization for it
LOL @ bragging about the Kinect
When it actually gets some decent games and competant child actors, wake me up.
Who in here thinks Move can make a comeback in 2012 after being smacked around like a little girl by Kinect? I'm thinking 25 million kinects by end of 2012. Oh my but the kinect is gonna fail cause of teh lag. How many stupid posters fell on their face with that! Oh yeah, and deal with it!ForzaGearsFace
You do know that Kinect sales are a BAD thing, right? The sales of Kinect will be directly related to the next console.
Meh, it's all for the casuals. Sports Champions with the Move was fun but there haven't been any Move exclusive games that have had more depth than mere tech demonstration worth.
As for Kinect, I've been impressed with the type of games they've made for it. I would never play Kinect by myself, but it introduces a great way to play games with other people simultaneously. For example, my nephew (4 years old) loves to play Kinect Disneyland and yes, I play the Princess Dance part and shamelessly enjoy it. If I can play games with 4 year old nephew and not have to worry about corrupting his innocence with headshots and chainsaw kills, all the better.
omg! kinect is sooooo awesome i can't wait to play..... ummm.... maybe i'll get!.... hmmm nope..... oh wait! i know! i'm sooo hyped for...... damn...
lol, kinect sucks so bad. it is literally microsofts ps3. it sells like mad but nobody buys the software or hardly even cares about the software or knows it exists.
I couldn't care less. Both move and kinect suck.AmazonTreeBoa
I agree 110% Move, Kinect, sharpshooter, 3D, Wiimote, twitter, facebook, etc can all sail off in a boat with a hole in it and sink to the bottom of the Atlantic for all I care......
Who in here thinks Move can make a comeback in 2012 after being smacked around like a little girl by Kinect? I'm thinking 25 million kinects by end of 2012. Oh my but the kinect is gonna fail cause of teh lag. How many stupid posters fell on their face with that! Oh yeah, and deal with it!ForzaGearsFace
and to this day kinect cant be used to control any core game like move can be used for killzone3.
ForzaGearsFace, Loosing Ends and Reach are the same person, who must be really insecure, considering he created 3 accounts.aleuni
Actually we are three different accounts and 3 different people
Somehow anyone that likes 360 here is a alt account of the same person ?
If you consider 360 is selling triple of 360 in US and is 15.000.000 systems ahead there, isnt it far more possible that PS3 fanboys are the ones with the multiple accounts ?
It is not that strange to have more people that like 360, when 360 outsells PS3 by 10+ million systems in US
So, why do you think it is alt accounts ? 360 is the best system, best games, best online, motion controls, exlusives, lineup, sales etc
So, people like it, that is all, it is not alt accounts of course or anything strange, the strange is why PS3 people try so hard at damage control
[QUOTE="aleuni"]ForzaGearsFace, Loosing Ends and Reach are the same person, who must be really insecure, considering he created 3 accounts.loosingENDS
Actually we are three different accounts and 3 different people
Somehow anyone that likes 360 here is a alt account of the same person ?
If you consider 360 is selling triple of 360 in US and is 15.000.000 systems ahead there, isnt it far more possible that PS3 fanboys are the ones with the multiple accounts ?
It is not that strange to have more people that like 360, when 360 outsells PS3 by 10+ million systems in US
So, why do you think it is alt accounts ? 360 is the best system, best games, best online, motion controls, exlusives, lineup, sales etc
So, people like it, that is all, it is not alt accounts of course or anything strange, the strange is why PS3 people try so hard at damage control
What's also strange is why you feel the need to provide free advertising for Microsoft...
And your post I'm quoting completely convinces me you are indeed are one person with 3 alt accounts.
[QUOTE="aleuni"]ForzaGearsFace, Loosing Ends and Reach are the same person, who must be really insecure, considering he created 3 accounts.loosingENDS
Actually we are three different accounts and 3 different people
Somehow anyone that likes 360 here is a alt account of the same person ?
If you consider 360 is selling triple of 360 in US and is 15.000.000 systems ahead there, isnt it far more possible that PS3 fanboys are the ones with the multiple accounts ?
It is not that strange to have more people that like 360, when 360 outsells PS3 by 10+ million systems in US
So, why do you think it is alt accounts ? 360 is the best system, best games, best online, motion controls, exlusives, lineup, sales etc
So, people like it, that is all, it is not alt accounts of course or anything strange, the strange is why PS3 people try so hard at damage control
Hardly anyone cared about the competition between kinect and move to begin with. Not sure why you're making a big deal out of this.
Lol at lems hyping Kinect. Did lems become 13 year old girls all of a sudden?kuraimen
ForzaGearsFace, Loosing Ends and Reach are the same person, who must be really insecure, considering he created 3 accounts.aleunilol forzagearsface is on the old ask the mods forum asking for his old pnf account back , now that they bringing back banned accounts. LOL what a loser
Woohoo, who gives a sh!t? At least with Move I can play GOOD games like Killzone or LBP ect... and at least it's an option, unlike what MS did with Kinect. It's the only thing the Xbox is about anymore.
Also I don't care what you think Forza, you are an anti semite (he said he thinks Hitler was a good person using one of his alts in OT) so your opinion doesn't matter. Doesn't surprise me though, the XBL community is FULL of your kind.
so it has come to this....accusing someone you dont know of anti really are a loserWoohoo, who gives a sh!t? At least with Move I can play GOOD games like Killzone or LBP ect... and at least it's an option, unlike what MS did with Kinect. It's the only thing the Xbox is about anymore.
Also I don't care what you think Forza, you are an anti semite (he said he thinks Hitler was a good person using one of his alts in OT) so your opinion doesn't matter. Doesn't surprise me though, the XBL community is FULL of your kind.
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