Pretty impressive tech and an excellent interview worth the full 3 page read plus there will be a part 2.
The Story.
Just the last paragraph or two..
For the full read:
"Project Gotham Racing is made to be much more approachable. More arcadey in its driving, less simulation. It allows for a different type of experience. The same is true here, and I'll use the two examples... Dance Central is made to be a simulation type game. You're simulating dancing – you want it to be precise, you want it to be real-time and guess what? If you're not good at it, you're just going to suck at dancing...
"Take Kinect Adventures, the needle moves to a different side. It is made to be a fun, simple, approachable game that gets people acquainted with the platform. Those remain toolsets - paint colours and paintbrushes that game designers, the storytellers, get to choose. I think you'll see that the platform has range, that it has the range to go down a more real-time simulation, all the way out to a less simulation sort of game."
The full GI.bizinterview is well worth a read, with a second part coming tomorrow. While Alex Kipman expertly side-steps a fundamental question or two, his comments do serve to remind us that Kinect is truly a remarkable evolution in console gaming. The sheer technological achievement in bringing a fully featured real-time motion capture system to the Xbox 360, with support for multiple players and without sapping too much in the way of the console's resources is something of a miracle that perhaps gets overlooked.
But while cool tech is one thing, questions still need to be answered concerning the quality of the gameplay experience. Does the first wave of Kinect titles deliver? The first Eurogamer Kinect reviews hit tomorrow...
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