I saw a Freddy Kruger and Master Roshi in that trailer.
Me too! lol
Great news for Mai fans. Should I make a new thread if another trailer is released?
Great news for Mai fans. Should I make a new thread if another trailer is released?
And WTF is that perverted ninja? HAHAHAHA
Great news for Mai fans. Should I make a new thread if another trailer is released?
And WTF is that perverted ninja? HAHAHAHA
So now they reveal my girl Mai
*looks at footage*
lol this game looks so good now, Gameboy Tory thanks for the updates. Give me the release date already SNK, This is a day F'in 1 on lock
Never really cared for KoF games. My SNK Fighting games were Samurai Shodown & World Heroes.
Samurai Shodown peaked at 2. Loved it.
World Heroes should be before the KoF era.
Monday could be interesting.
New King of Fighters 14 trailer drops this coming Monday, SNK promises 'tons of hot information'
I don't get it, it looks like it did before, this is borderline something the original Xbox could handle.
I see you've never played an xbox before, or any 6th gen system. The mention of the xbox though makes it pretty apparent that you're bitter this is ps4 exclusive.
The Xbox was the most powerful 6th generation system and this game is closer to draw a comparison to it than the 360 or PS3. The graphical technology in this game looks like it's from the 6th generation, Dead or Alive 3 is something this reminds me of in particular.
If the rendering resolution of DoA3 was the same as this game they wouldn't be that far off from each other, you're greatly underestimating that system and giving this game way too much credit.
Seems to me like you never played on an Xbox.
That has held up VERY well..
I don't get it, it looks like it did before, this is borderline something the original Xbox could handle.
I see you've never played an xbox before, or any 6th gen system. The mention of the xbox though makes it pretty apparent that you're bitter this is ps4 exclusive.
The Xbox was the most powerful 6th generation system and this game is closer to draw a comparison to it than the 360 or PS3. The graphical technology in this game looks like it's from the 6th generation, Dead or Alive 3 is something this reminds me of in particular.
If the rendering resolution of DoA3 was the same as this game they wouldn't be that far off from each other, you're greatly underestimating that system and giving this game way too much credit.
Seems to me like you never played on an Xbox.
That has held up VERY well..
Even though king of fighers XIV shits on it by recent trailers.
I know people say that graphics in fighting games doesn't really matter but if we are being 100% honest here it does. I don't understand why they would ditch the beautify 2D rendered models for these generic borderline PS2 graphic character models. It's astoundingly terrible. I only hope the fighting game mechanics are crafted to near perfection other wise this game will fail to capture the casual crowd. With fighting games that look as good as Guilty Gear Xrd, MKX and SF5 there is no excuse for such a poorly designed visual style. It's down right embarrassing.
Looks awful. According to cows shit graphics=shit game
Not true. Ryse has good graphics yet it still sucked.
This game looks Amazing? I guess any game regardless of it graphics is amazing looking once its on the PS4. I need to get those PSBoy glasses, its obviously does a better job at enhancing graphics than a 4K TV.
No, if you aren't a fighting game fan and also an ignorant rage-blinded anti-PS troll who only plays point and click fest games your opinion about this title is worthless.
Stop being so butthurt about everything that's on PS4 it's pathetic. Go find one of those crappy point and click *games* and boot it up and click your life away. No one will give a f***.
If the only thing you can think of to say when looking at a game like this is to nitpick about the platform on some bonehead fanboy shit then it's clear you don't even care about fighters nor would ever know what a good one looks like.
Go take your idiotic anti-PS4 fanboy obsession to another thread, this is about a great looking fighting game and if you can't comment on the actual game then there's no point in you even making a comment.
This game looks Amazing? I guess any game regardless of it graphics is amazing looking once its on the PS4. I need to get those PSBoy glasses, its obviously does a better job at enhancing graphics than a 4K TV.
No, if you aren't a fighting game fan and also an ignorant rage-blinded anti-PS troll who only plays point and click fest games your opinion about this title is worthless.
Stop being so butthurt about everything that's on PS4 it's pathetic. Go find one of those crappy point and click *games* and boot it up and click your life away. No one will give a f***.
If the only thing you can think of to say when looking at a game like this is to nitpick about the platform on some bonehead fanboy shit then it's clear you don't even care about fighters nor would ever know what a good one looks like.
Go take your idiotic anti-PS4 fanboy obsession to another thread, this is about a great looking fighting game and if you can't comment on the actual game then there's no point in you even making a comment.
LMAO that rant is rich coming from you. I did not know a fanboy feelings can be devastated so easily. Its OK to like crap. I am not stopping you from enjoying games with mediocre Xbox Original graphics.
This game looks Amazing? I guess any game regardless of it graphics is amazing looking once its on the PS4. I need to get those PSBoy glasses, its obviously does a better job at enhancing graphics than a 4K TV.
No, if you aren't a fighting game fan and also an ignorant rage-blinded anti-PS troll who only plays point and click fest games your opinion about this title is worthless.
Stop being so butthurt about everything that's on PS4 it's pathetic. Go find one of those crappy point and click *games* and boot it up and click your life away. No one will give a f***.
If the only thing you can think of to say when looking at a game like this is to nitpick about the platform on some bonehead fanboy shit then it's clear you don't even care about fighters nor would ever know what a good one looks like.
Go take your idiotic anti-PS4 fanboy obsession to another thread, this is about a great looking fighting game and if you can't comment on the actual game then there's no point in you even making a comment.
LMAO that rant is rich coming from you. I did not know a fanboy feelings can be devastated so easily. Its OK to like crap. I am not stopping you from enjoying games with mediocre Xbox Original graphics.
lol I doubt you could wrap your brain around it but the gameplay and animation make this game look fantastic not the amount of polygons on the characters. A fighter could have better "graphics" than this and still look worse. You are just too ignorant to understand anything relating to fighters.
I criticized this games graphics at first but because of how the game has progressed throughout development it now looks terrific. You can continue to be salty and blind, this game will score no less than AA all around. But any fighting game fan can see this looks good.
Now that you've made your irrelevant opinion known you can go back and continue to hype non-gameplay point and click fest titles to your hearts content. Bye now.
LMAO that rant is rich coming from you. I did not know a fanboy feelings can be devastated so easily. Its OK to like crap. I am not stopping you from enjoying games with mediocre Xbox Original graphics.
lol I doubt you could wrap your brain around it but the gameplay and animation make this game look fantastic not the amount of polygons on the characters. A fighter could have better "graphics" than this and still look worse. You are just too ignorant to understand anything relating to fighters.
I criticized this games graphics at first but because of how the game has progressed throughout development it now looks terrific. You can continue to be salty and blind, this game will score no less than AA all around. But any fighting game fan can see this looks good.
Now that you've made your irrelevant opinion known you can go back and continue to hype non-gameplay point and click fest titles to your hearts content. Bye now.
I feel embarrassed for you, this is the exclusive you will hype. It looks like an Indie project made by a team of maybe 5 people. That video is cringe worthy at best and it's not just the graphics, the animations and movement of the charters look like basement project work.
LMAO that rant is rich coming from you. I did not know a fanboy feelings can be devastated so easily. Its OK to like crap. I am not stopping you from enjoying games with mediocre Xbox Original graphics.
lol I doubt you could wrap your brain around it but the gameplay and animation make this game look fantastic not the amount of polygons on the characters. A fighter could have better "graphics" than this and still look worse. You are just too ignorant to understand anything relating to fighters.
I criticized this games graphics at first but because of how the game has progressed throughout development it now looks terrific. You can continue to be salty and blind, this game will score no less than AA all around. But any fighting game fan can see this looks good.
Now that you've made your irrelevant opinion known you can go back and continue to hype non-gameplay point and click fest titles to your hearts content. Bye now.
I feel embarrassed for you, this is the exclusive you will hype. It looks like an Indie project made by a team of maybe 5 people. That video is cringe worthy at best and it's not just the graphics, the animations and movement of the charters look like basement project work.
It's ok bitter and resentful xbox fanboy, I created this because I am hyped for it and it looks great to me. The graphics have gotten a lot better than when first revealed and it's looking better and better with each new trailer.
Settle your feelings and go back and hype gears 4 since you are teary eyed about that.
KOF has traditionally gone with sprites (again not that you know anything) for creating games but have chosen to go with polygons for this game and yes, it is on a lower budget as it's a 3rd party who doesn't have a mega million budget to lean, so working with what they have it's looking great so far.
If you want to cry about Gears to take it to the Gears 4 thread, as far a graphics is concerned this isn't really that bad compared to a game that supposed to me a 1st party AAA franchise blockbuster.
For that level game on PS4 you can look to has Unchartd 4 and have your dreams crushed. There is literally nothing else to hype on xbone the entire year so I guess that's why you are so butthurt but as you can see several other people who think this game looks great an and are ready for a release date...you should worry about your 1 game for the rest of the year lem.
I feel embarrassed for you, this is the exclusive you will hype. It looks like an Indie project made by a team of maybe 5 people. That video is cringe worthy at best and it's not just the graphics, the animations and movement of the charters look like basement project work.
It's ok bitter and resentful xbox fanboy, I created this because I am hyped for it and it looks great to me. The graphics have gotten a lot better than when first revealed and it's looking better and better with each new trailer.
Settle your feelings and go back and hype gears 4 since you are teary eyed about that.
KOF has traditionally gone with sprites (again not that you know anything) for creating games but have chosen to go with polygons for this game and yes, it is on a lower budget as it's a 3rd party who doesn't have a mega million budget to lean, so working with what they have it's looking great so far.
If you want to cry about Gears to take it to the Gears 4 thread, as far a graphics is concerned this isn't really that bad compared to a game that supposed to me a 1st party AAA franchise blockbuster.
For that level game on PS4 you can look to has Unchartd 4 and have your dreams crushed. There is literally nothing else to hype on xbone the entire year so I guess that's why you are so butthurt but as you can see several other people who think this game looks great an and are ready for a release date...you should worry about your 1 game for the rest of the year lem.
Now you are apologizing for the games graphics? How sad. Whats even more sad is that I NEVER mentioned Gears of Wars but somehow you can't help but mentioned the game. Do you secretly plan on purchasing the game over this second grade graphics game? Well at least the game would look presentable when Sony releases the Neo.
Its releasing on August 23.
King of Fighters 14 gets 2 new trailers, will be released in August for Japan and the US, Classic Kyo shown as a DLC costume
Its releasing in August
King of Fighters 14 gets 2 new trailers, will be released in August for Japan and the US, Classic Kyo shown as a DLC costume
So, August 23?
FYI, some comments from the youtube section:
lol for trolls who question this game and don't know what a good fighter looks like, :)
Looks like a must have game for fighting fans and a system seller for others and one that non-PS4 owners are willing to openly beg to come to their platform. Doesn't look like you need to be a PS fan to call this game "amazing"! So much for those theories ;)
Another amazing exclusive releases on PS4 Aug 23, damn can't wait!!!! Hype 9.0 bitches! AA on MC
Its releasing on August 23.
King of Fighters 14 gets 2 new trailers, will be released in August for Japan and the US, Classic Kyo shown as a DLC costume
I saw Nakoruru!!! Whos the other 2 from Team Another World?
Very nice to see an addition from Samurai Shodown!! Big plus points on that.
Team Invitation is weird, no idea who they are.
Hoping they nail the gameplay.
Archived gameplay
lol Man SNK has out done themselves,@ 23:30 the black ninja dude weaves seals like Naruto for one of his of his critical specials.
Yeah, they did a good job with those hand sign animations.
Archived gameplay
lol Man SNK has out done themselves,@ 23:30 the black ninja dude weaves seals like Naruto for one of his of his critical specials.
Yeah, they did a good job with those hand sign animations.
lol they absolutely did, the vid is low quality and it still looks fantastic.
downscale this to 480p and you can run it on a ps2
this looks on par with those low budget niche japanese titles(knights of azure,SOA,etc....)
Archived gameplay
lol Man SNK has out done themselves,@ 23:30 the black ninja dude weaves seals like Naruto for one of his of his critical specials.
Yeah, they did a good job with those hand sign animations.
lol they absolutely did, the vid is low quality and it still looks fantastic.
The video is in 720p.
lol Man SNK has out done themselves,@ 23:30 the black ninja dude weaves seals like Naruto for one of his of his critical specials.
Yeah, they did a good job with those hand sign animations.
lol they absolutely did, the vid is low quality and it still looks fantastic.
The video is in 720p.
Shrug, I guess I'm used to seeing things in 1080p now.
downscale this to 480p and you can run it on a ps2
this looks on par with those low budget niche japanese titles(knights of azure,SOA,etc....)
So as good as the best games PC gamers have as exclusives this gen?
Low budget niche looking titles and all...
Well there's still time in development to get it up to console standards, wouldn't want to have lower them to the level of mustard beggars race but SNK are pros so I'm not too worried. :)
King of Fighters 14 features 'vastly improved online gameplay' and 19 brand new characters
First look at high level King of Fighters 14 play - KSB 2016 Top 8 replays
oh lawdy, seems like PS4 is the place for fighting games this gen.
And JRPGs, and exclusives, and GOTY's, and 10/10s, and 90+ scoring games on MC etc
More than Dynamitecop in this thread pointing out its graphics. I couldn't care less about it, but if its your thing I hope its great for you.
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