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I agree with you when you say it will be a Wii exclusive. Dual-Weilding Keyblades would be awesome on the Wiimote and Nunchuk.
But at the same time, I want awesome graphics that only the 360 and PS3 can produce.
Ok I belive the game will come out as a 360/PS3 game. or as a wii exclusive. Mostly a Wii exclusive. I doublt theyl add nintendo charcters because itll legally stop them from going to a another systm again and MARIO DOSNT TALKLucifer007Please don't tell me you're taking the Mushroom Kingdom Hearts serious.
Ok I belive the game will come out as a 360/PS3 game. or as a wii exclusive. Mostly a Wii exclusive. I doublt theyl add nintendo charcters because itll legally stop them from going to a another systm again and MARIO DOSNT TALKLucifer007I don't think it impossible to explore into the Nintendo world, some kind of jump in reality like Disney, but instead being that of Mario world. It could be something that happened once. It would surely be interesting.
I'm expecting it to be on PS3 only, mostly because after the team is done with Versus XIII, they'll pretty much have a general mold to work with for KH3.
But we'll know for sure this summer, Square said they would announce multiple KH projects.
wow...stupidest post ever.
 Disney/son are forerunners for blu ray. Disney wants sony to do well, to get more PS3s in homes and this more blu ray players. Disney/square own the KH rights....disney will do everything to secure it as an exclusive. owning 20% of square enix stocks help.
Tc....your post had no logic in it at all, fission mailed.
My thoughts:
KH3 will be PS3 exclusive.
Wii will get a KH spinoff.
I don't see the 360 getting any version.Â
Third party exclusives are hard to come by this gen , but I feel that its retarded that 3rd or 4th parts of a series go multiplat. Some 360 owners may not have owned a PS2, they wont know what the !@#$ is happening in KH3 if it does go multiplat. Same with DMC4asdasdI don't own a PS3, but I do own PS2 and Kingdom hearts. I own a WIi and 360.
Third party exclusives are hard to come by this gen , but I feel that its retarded that 3rd or 4th parts of a series go multiplat. Some 360 owners may not have owned a PS2, they wont know what the !@#$ is happening in KH3 if it does go multiplat. Same with DMC4asdasdconcerning's following nero not dante....might lead a bit off path?
[QUOTE="Lucifer007"]Ok I belive the game will come out as a 360/PS3 game. or as a wii exclusive. Mostly a Wii exclusive. I doublt theyl add nintendo charcters because itll legally stop them from going to a another systm again and MARIO DOSNT TALKIbacaiPlease don't tell me you're taking the Mushroom Kingdom Hearts serious. Im not stupid.
And sony cant do anything because they didnt stop dragon quest 9 The biggest series in japan from going to the DS and all the other games that are made on other systems then playstasionÂ
I really don't think that the art style of KH would benefit from high end graphics...I mean you really want to see Donald's tail feathers realistically rendered?I agree with you when you say it will be a Wii exclusive. Dual-Weilding Keyblades would be awesome on the Wiimote and Nunchuk.
But at the same time, I want awesome graphics that only the 360 and PS3 can produce.
Please don't tell me you're taking the Mushroom Kingdom Hearts serious. Im not stupid.[QUOTE="Ibacai"][QUOTE="Lucifer007"]Ok I belive the game will come out as a 360/PS3 game. or as a wii exclusive. Mostly a Wii exclusive. I doublt theyl add nintendo charcters because itll legally stop them from going to a another systm again and MARIO DOSNT TALKLucifer007
And sony cant do anything because they didnt stop dragon quest 9 The biggest series in japan from going to the DS and all the other games that are made on other systems then playstasion
That's one game, we have no idea what system DQX will be on.[QUOTE="the-very-best"]How do you see the wii getting any version at all?My thoughts:
KH3 will be PS3 exclusive.
Wii will get a KH spinoff.
I don't see the 360 getting any version.Â
Becuase the core audience will be on that system.
That is why I think Wii is going to get the main, next title and not a spinoff.
[QUOTE="the-very-best"]How do you see the wii getting any version at all? Nintendo has more connnection to Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts than 360, so why couldnt they get it?My thoughts:
KH3 will be PS3 exclusive.
Wii will get a KH spinoff.
I don't see the 360 getting any version.Â
PS3 Game. Square wants to keep their characters in the game, so it makes sense with Sony, the previous installments were on the PS2. Sony is a significant shareholder in Square-enix. Six Flags declared the Wii it's official console, so Disney won't go there. Xbox 360 makes no sense at all.KeyWiiYou know Dragon Quest were on the PS platforms,but went to Wii/DS even though Sony is a "significant share-holder of SE",what makes you think Kingdom Hearts wont to?Same with Final Fantasy...all of them WAS on Nintendo systems,Nintendo was a large shareholder of Square back in the nes/snes days,but then FF went to Playstation.Chrono Trigger was on Snes,but Chrono Cross(the sequel) went to Playstation.Will you people please stop thinking loyalty plays a huge role in the system wars.Developers are in this for money,not for the love of a company like Nintendo,Sony or Microsoft.Yes I know you didnt say anything about SquareEnix making games only for PS3 because of loyalty,but I got the hint that you was heading that way.
[QUOTE="Infinatey"][QUOTE="the-very-best"]How do you see the wii getting any version at all?My thoughts:
KH3 will be PS3 exclusive.
Wii will get a KH spinoff.
I don't see the 360 getting any version.Â
Becuase the core audience will be on that system.
That is why I think Wii is going to get the main, next title and not a spinoff.
Disney/son are forerunners for blu ray. Disney wants sony to do well, to get more PS3s in homes and this more blu ray players. Disney/square own the KH rights....disney will do everything to secure it as an exclusive. owning 20% of square enix stocks help.[QUOTE="ZeldaMaster32"]I really don't think that the art style of KH would benefit from high end graphics...I mean you really want to see Donald's tail feathers realistically rendered?I agree with you when you say it will be a Wii exclusive. Dual-Weilding Keyblades would be awesome on the Wiimote and Nunchuk.
But at the same time, I want awesome graphics that only the 360 and PS3 can produce.
It doesn't have to be realistic. More colors and smoother animations would make the game look sooooo awesome.
[QUOTE="the-very-best"]How do you see the wii getting any version at all? the wii might get a side story that connects the events of KH2 with the events of KH3. kind of like how KH COM chained together the events of KH and KH2My thoughts:
KH3 will be PS3 exclusive.
Wii will get a KH spinoff.
I don't see the 360 getting any version.Â
Disney dosnt care about sony they partenred with square not sony
they do bluray cause it hold more data and those drives came out first.
They dont care about ps3 they care about all of the consolesÂ
/threadwow...stupidest post ever.
 Disney/son are forerunners for blu ray. Disney wants sony to do well, to get more PS3s in homes and this more blu ray players. Disney/square own the KH rights....disney will do everything to secure it as an exclusive. owning 20% of square enix stocks help.
Tc....your post had no logic in it at all, fission mailed.
Third party exclusives are hard to come by this gen , but I feel that its retarded that 3rd or 4th parts of a series go multiplat. Some 360 owners may not have owned a PS2, they wont know what the !@#$ is happening in KH3 if it does go multiplat. Same with DMC4asdasdNot really.....DMC4 is not really tied to 1-3. Dante is now a cameo character. And Nero is the main focus now. Besides, storywise, the lemmings haven't missed much. And DMC3 was actually a prequel. It is just like saying I need to watch Star Wars 4-6 to know who Luke Skywalker is Jedi Knight don't need to know who he is. Besides, lemmings can easily look up the synopsis.
[QUOTE="ZeldaMaster32"][QUOTE="Infinatey"][QUOTE="the-very-best"]How do you see the wii getting any version at all?My thoughts:
KH3 will be PS3 exclusive.
Wii will get a KH spinoff.
I don't see the 360 getting any version.Â
Becuase the core audience will be on that system.
That is why I think Wii is going to get the main, next title and not a spinoff.
Disney/son are forerunners for blu ray. Disney wants sony to do well, to get more PS3s in homes and this more blu ray players. Disney/square own the KH rights....disney will do everything to secure it as an exclusive. owning 20% of square enix stocks help.Doesn't me jack if the game doesn't sell.
The audience is going to be on Wii becuase it is the cheaper system, the games that the KH audience likes will be on Wii, and Square can save on development by using the same PS2 engine which still looks great.
Yeah....after FFXIII and FFXIII They'll know how to fully utilize the cell/rsx. That'd be awesome/I'm expecting it to be on PS3 only, mostly because after the team is done with Versus XIII, they'll pretty much have a general mold to work with for KH3.
But we'll know for sure this summer, Square said they would announce multiple KH projects.
[QUOTE="asdasd"]Third party exclusives are hard to come by this gen , but I feel that its retarded that 3rd or 4th parts of a series go multiplat. Some 360 owners may not have owned a PS2, they wont know what the !@#$ is happening in KH3 if it does go multiplat. Same with DMC4Infinateyconcerning's following nero not dante....might lead a bit off path?
You play as Nero, but Dante will be involved. We really dont know the story until it comes out, but there will probably be refrences to past games in DMC4 that people havent played past games wont know. I made a mistake of playing KH2 before I beat KH1... (Dont ask me why lol) it was soooo confusing.Â
Disney are business partners of Sony for Blu-Ray, not PS3. And Disney is partnered with S-E for the KH series. Disney doesn't care about Sony, they are supporting Blu-Ray since it's 1080p and has more post ever.
Disney/son are forerunners for blu ray. Disney wants sony to do well, to get more PS3s in homes and this more blu ray players. Disney/square own the KH rights....disney will do everything to secure it as an exclusive. owning 20% of square enix stocks help.
Tc....your post had no logic in it at all, fission mailed.
Let me break it down.....
 Disney/sony are both running heaviliy in the blu ray war. Disney supplying exclusive movies to DVD/blu ray and sony having the most commin blu ray player in homes (PS3).
Disney wants more people to buy a have more blu ray players....and thus more possible purchases of disney movies on blu ray.
Disney won't bring over their biggest game over to an enemy console.
And as someone said, which I;m not sure if it's true.....6 flags declared their official console the wii. Disneyland doesn't like them for obvious reasons.......
concerning's following nero not dante....might lead a bit off path?[QUOTE="Infinatey"][QUOTE="asdasd"]Third party exclusives are hard to come by this gen , but I feel that its retarded that 3rd or 4th parts of a series go multiplat. Some 360 owners may not have owned a PS2, they wont know what the !@#$ is happening in KH3 if it does go multiplat. Same with DMC4asdasd
You play as Nero, but Dante will be involved. We really dont know the story until it comes out, but there will probably be refrences to past games in DMC4 that people havent played past games wont know. I made a mistake of playing KH2 before I beat KH1... (Dont ask me why lol) it was soooo confusing.
You probably won't need to know about Dante. Capcom will keep this in mind, and might add info for people interesred in the story. Like I said in Jedi Knight 2, you don't need to watch Star War 4-6. Luke is a character in it though. If you want to know more, you can get a synopsis.PS3 Game. Square wants to keep their characters in the game, so it makes sense with Sony, the previous installments were on the PS2. Sony is a significant shareholder in Square-enix. Six Flags declared the Wii it's official console, so Disney won't go there. Xbox 360 makes no sense at all.KeyWii
Square doesnt need Sony's permission to use "Square's" characters in a game for another console... Sony does not own a significant part of Square-Enix now ur just making stuff up!
Six Flags declared the Wii its official console??? SO WHAT??? The only way that would deter Disney is if the Wii declared Six Flags as being their official theme park....
I know its System Wars so common sense is lacking, but please try to find some please and put it to use!
[QUOTE="the-very-best"]How do you see the wii getting any version at all?My thoughts:
KH3 will be PS3 exclusive.
Wii will get a KH spinoff.
I don't see the 360 getting any version.
I just think it would make sense for Wii's target audience. They could use Nintendo characters in would be perfect for Wii's demographics plus now that Wii is selling well in Japan I'm sure SE will see it as an opportunity for more money.
[QUOTE="KeyWii"]PS3 Game. Square wants to keep their characters in the game, so it makes sense with Sony, the previous installments were on the PS2. Sony is a significant shareholder in Square-enix. Six Flags declared the Wii it's official console, so Disney won't go there. Xbox 360 makes no sense at all.Zandeus
Square doesnt need Sony's permission to use "Square's" characters in a game for another console... Sony does not own a significant part of Square-Enix now ur just making stuff up!
Six Flags declared the Wii its official console??? SO WHAT??? The only way that would deter Disney is if the Wii declared Six Flags as being their official theme park....
I know its System Wars so common sense is lacking, but please try to find some please and put it to use!
No they don't need Sony's permission, but it makes no sense to have Final Fantasy characters on the Wii.:lol: Trust me. Disney doesn't care about Sony. In a format war, movie companies have to choose sides. Disney chose Blu-Ray. And Disney is not MS or Nintendo's enemy. They merely teamed up with S-E to make the game. :lol: You actually think Disney and Sony are buddies :lol: They are business partners. And they don't care what S-E does with KH. All they are doing is giving S-E the right to use their characters. Now you can end the thread.Let me break it down.....
Disney/sony are both running heaviliy in the blu ray war. Disney supplying exclusive movies to DVD/blu ray and sony having the most commin blu ray player in homes (PS3).
Disney wants more people to buy a have more blu ray players....and thus more possible purchases of disney movies on blu ray.
Disney won't bring over their biggest game over to an enemy console.
And as someone said, which I;m not sure if it's true.....6 flags declared their official console the wii. Disneyland doesn't like them for obvious reasons.......
Ok I belive the game will come out as a 360/PS3 game. or as a wii exclusive. Mostly a Wii exclusive. I doublt theyl add nintendo charcters because itll legally stop them from going to a another systm again and MARIO DOSNT TALKLucifer007i dont even have to read anything past "I Belive" to know your thread Flopped.
[QUOTE="ZeldaMaster32"]I really don't think that the art style of KH would benefit from high end graphics...I mean you really want to see Donald's tail feathers realistically rendered? Oh come on, look at the difference in graphics between KH and KH2. Disney characters don't look realistic, but the humans and eviroments do((to a degree)). KH wouldn't be the same with graphics and have you played KH at all? With the amount of action on that game, it'd be difficult to fight.I agree with you when you say it will be a Wii exclusive. Dual-Weilding Keyblades would be awesome on the Wiimote and Nunchuk.
But at the same time, I want awesome graphics that only the 360 and PS3 can produce.
No they don't need Sony's permission, but it makes no sense to have Final Fantasy characters on the Wii.KeyWii
Why not?
Are you going to tell me that it makes no sense to have Revannat Wings on DS because 12 was on PS2?
[QUOTE="Infinatey"]:lol: Trust me. Disney doesn't care about Sony. In a format war, movie companies have to choose sides. Disney chose Blu-Ray. And Disney is not MS or Nintendo's enemy. They merely teamed up with S-E to make the game. :lol: You actually think Disney and Sony are buddies :lol: They are business partners. And they don't care what S-E does with KH. All they are doing is giving S-E the right to use their characters. Now you can end the thread.which has a better chance to sell more blu ray movies? Selling 1 wii, or selling 1 PS3....I know though in it?Let me break it down.....
Disney/sony are both running heaviliy in the blu ray war. Disney supplying exclusive movies to DVD/blu ray and sony having the most commin blu ray player in homes (PS3).
Disney wants more people to buy a have more blu ray players....and thus more possible purchases of disney movies on blu ray.
Disney won't bring over their biggest game over to an enemy console.
And as someone said, which I;m not sure if it's true.....6 flags declared their official console the wii. Disneyland doesn't like them for obvious reasons.......
[QUOTE="the-very-best"]How do you see the wii getting any version at all? Umm...My thoughts:
KH3 will be PS3 exclusive.
Wii will get a KH spinoff.
I don't see the 360 getting any version.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Dragon Quest Swords
Next up: Kingdom Hearths something?
Square seems to fancy making spin off's on the Wii since it's so popular and will most likely sell well while keeping it's main series on PS3 since that is the brand the series has been on and sold well on for years. A Kingdom Hearth spin off is more likely than you think.
PS3 Game. Square wants to keep their characters in the game, so it makes sense with Sony, the previous installments were on the PS2. Sony is a significant shareholder in Square-enix. Six Flags declared the Wii it's official console, so Disney won't go there. Xbox 360 makes no sense at all.KeyWii
As much as i hate to admit it, cuz i really want KH3, but im getting a wii, I think ur right
[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"][QUOTE="ZeldaMaster32"]I really don't think that the art style of KH would benefit from high end graphics...I mean you really want to see Donald's tail feathers realistically rendered? Oh come on, look at the difference in graphics between KH and KH2. Disney characters don't look realistic, but the humans and eviroments do((to a degree)). KH wouldn't be the same with graphics and have you played KH at all? With the amount of action on that game, it'd be difficult to fight.I agree with you when you say it will be a Wii exclusive. Dual-Weilding Keyblades would be awesome on the Wiimote and Nunchuk.
But at the same time, I want awesome graphics that only the 360 and PS3 can produce.
I really do hope that KH doesnt go to the Wii.. I would love to see KH3 with close the graphics of the cutscenes of the first and second game. That would be great.Â
[QUOTE="KeyWii"] No they don't need Sony's permission, but it makes no sense to have Final Fantasy characters on the Wii.ZeldaMaster32
Why not?
Are you going to tell me that it makes no sense to have Revannat Wings on DS because 12 was on PS2?
It's a spin-off game. Why is Crisis Core coming to the PSP? Because it makes sense. Kingdom Hearts has Final Fantasy characters that span all the way back to the original Playstation. Believe me when I say the main branch of Kingdom Hearts games will be on the PS3, just as the main branch of Final Fantasy will be exclusive to the PS3. It is possible for the Wii to get it's own spin-off game, but obviously thats just speculation.[QUOTE="Infinatey"]:lol: Trust me. Disney doesn't care about Sony. In a format war, movie companies have to choose sides. Disney chose Blu-Ray. And Disney is not MS or Nintendo's enemy. They merely teamed up with S-E to make the game. :lol: You actually think Disney and Sony are buddies :lol: They are business partners. And they don't care what S-E does with KH. All they are doing is giving S-E the right to use their characters. Now you can end the thread. let me get this straight...Disney doesnt care about Sony...yet they are exclusive to blu does that make sense? Take Akuma off your sig. he deserves to be on someone elses sig. hopefully someone who has Logic.Let me break it down.....
Disney/sony are both running heaviliy in the blu ray war. Disney supplying exclusive movies to DVD/blu ray and sony having the most commin blu ray player in homes (PS3).
Disney wants more people to buy a have more blu ray players....and thus more possible purchases of disney movies on blu ray.
Disney won't bring over their biggest game over to an enemy console.
And as someone said, which I;m not sure if it's true.....6 flags declared their official console the wii. Disneyland doesn't like them for obvious reasons.......
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