Well, the trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3 looks flippin' amazing, and keeps that cliff hanger of what could possibly happen next in the Kingdom Hearts saga.
Here's the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35yH1e0YdEc
All in all, it's a flashy introduction to the next game, but I wouldn't consider it THE console game of this generation, when we barely even know of it yet - and while the first two Kingdom Hearts were great fun and held a great story, not even they were able to hold up with some of last gen's best titles. Already this generation we've faced countless games that are already holding up to some of the best games of this gen, or even some of the best games ever (Like, Bioshock, Call of Duty 4, Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros. Brawl, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metal Gear Solid 4?, and many many others), so if Kingdom Hearts 3 even had the slightest chance of topping all these games all together, it will have to face some SERIOUS competition, and dramatic changes in gameplay and story since the last installment of the series.
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