@onesiphorus: Did you play Return to Dreamland on Wii?
No. Some reason, Return to Dreamland did not compel me to play it unlike Epic Yarn even though both were released on the Wii.
@onesiphorus: Did you play Return to Dreamland on Wii?
No. Some reason, Return to Dreamland did not compel me to play it unlike Epic Yarn even though both were released on the Wii.
Wasn’t impressed at all with the demo but not too surprised if the subsequent levels are better. However based on the demo gamespot’s first two “the good” are not truthful and I don’t see how they would be better in a full game. The mouthful mode is a gimmick that they design short sections of level around just to justify their existence (much like Mario Oddysey’s hats), and the copy abilities are much pared down and have less impact thanks to HP sponge (mini)bosses.
Seeing gamespot claim otherwise immediately makes me skeptical of this review.
Even in the demo the mouthful mode got regular use with clear set pieces being designed around it. And Copy abilities may seem paired down, but don't forget that we upgrade our abilities in this game. So it is very possible they become what hte reviewer noted in their review.
@SecretPolice: it's +4 and it's a 6 so it ends up being a 9.
I remember when trolls were capable of adding 4 to 6 correctly.
Thank you !!! the lack of Lem's math skills was driving me insane.
Sometimes you just need to play a laid back game. I've been killing zombies, taken and fallen, Banished, etc.., for long enough that a more relaxing title will provide for a nice change.
@theam0g: Gen Alpha and Zoomers are growing up with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Breath of the Wild, Animal Crossing New Horizons, Pokémon Sword/Shield Kirby and the Forgotten Land, etc.
I’m a teacher who teaches both middle and high school students, and I can tell you that Nintendo games are seemingly more popular among young people than when I, a millennial, was in school. And it’s true across demographics and socioeconomic status. Looks like that Nintendo bias will be around for a long time. And hey, Nintendo deserves the positive bias. They’re the best. I’m not being sarcastic by the way.
@theam0g: Gen Alpha and Zoomers are growing up with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Breath of the Wild, Animal Crossing New Horizons, Pokémon Sword/Shield Kirby and the Forgotten Land, etc.
I’m a teacher who teaches both middle and high school students, and I can tell you that Nintendo games are seemingly more popular among young people than when I, a millennial, was in school. And it’s true across demographics and socioeconomic status. Looks like that Nintendo bias will be around for a long time. And hey, Nintendo deserves the positive bias. They’re the best. I’m not being sarcastic by the way.
Animal Crossing on the GC was nowhere near as popular as it is right now. Its definitely more popular to Zoomers.
Add any other characters and themes in replace of Kirby's and it's a 7 or lower. This goes for any Nintendo game. Once millinials die out and newer generations grow up to become game journalists and reviewers whom haven't grown up with the original NES and SNES, only then will Nintendo games start to fall off. Until then, nostalgia glasses will remain on.
Need some foil?
Add any other characters and themes in replace of Kirby's and it's a 7 or lower. This goes for any Nintendo game. Once millinials die out and newer generations grow up to become game journalists and reviewers whom haven't grown up with the original NES and SNES, only then will Nintendo games start to fall off. Until then, nostalgia glasses will remain on.
Need some foil?
He is 1000% right, and that bothers you. Best part of it all is that this applies to almost every Nintendo franchise, but especially Zelda and Mario.
Add any other characters and themes in replace of Kirby's and it's a 7 or lower. This goes for any Nintendo game. Once millinials die out and newer generations grow up to become game journalists and reviewers whom haven't grown up with the original NES and SNES, only then will Nintendo games start to fall off. Until then, nostalgia glasses will remain on.
Need some foil?
He is 1000% right, and that bothers you. Best part of it all is that this applies to almost every Nintendo franchise, but especially Zelda and Mario.
Bro, there are a screw ton of games with Nintendo consoles with bad review scores (just not Sonic bad...). In fact, one certain 3DS has fans happy that certain niche franchises are dead (Chibi Robo: Zip Lash).
Add any other characters and themes in replace of Kirby's and it's a 7 or lower. This goes for any Nintendo game. Once millinials die out and newer generations grow up to become game journalists and reviewers whom haven't grown up with the original NES and SNES, only then will Nintendo games start to fall off. Until then, nostalgia glasses will remain on.
Need some foil?
He is 1000% right, and that bothers you. Best part of it all is that this applies to almost every Nintendo franchise, but especially Zelda and Mario.
Bro, there are a screw ton of games with Nintendo consoles with bad review scores (just not Sonic bad...). In fact, one certain 3DS has fans happy that certain niche franchises are dead (Chibi Robo: Zip Lash).
Its not a matter of a bad review, but the fact that Nintendo gets a free pass on bad games, gets praised on average games (this is one of them) and gets praised to oblivion aka 'best game ever' for just a "good" game. This is only happening with Nintendo made titles. The nostalgia glasses are insanely thick.
@hardwenzen: But majority of critics are very young. Try harder 🤡
And Switch has the lowest age groups. It’s played by a bunch of kids who have no clue about the old games. It’s you old farts getting jealous of these young people loving Nintendo games 🤡
@hardwenzen: But majority of critics are very young. Try harder 🤡
The game looks like it was made for the 4-13yo. No wonder the critics are "very" young.🤭
@hardwenzen: Clearly it is about the reviews, given the title of the damned thread. But besides that. "Get a pass?" Yeah, they get SUCH a pass, they end up killing their IP's in response to financial failure, to the point where they have threatened to kill them if the games bombed.
@hardwenzen: Clearly it is about the reviews, given the title of the damned thread. But besides that. "Get a pass?" Yeah, they get SUCH a pass, they end up killing their IP's in response to financial failure, to the point where they have threatened to kill them if the games bombed.
That applies to their smaller, less important franchises. You don't see this with the likes of Zelda or Mario. No matter how bad a certain mario title is, its still selling and being praised. Its like Nintendo fans are are incapable of being critical of their own games.
@hardwenzen: Clearly it is about the reviews, given the title of the damned thread. But besides that. "Get a pass?" Yeah, they get SUCH a pass, they end up killing their IP's in response to financial failure, to the point where they have threatened to kill them if the games bombed.
That applies to their smaller, less important franchises. You don't see this with the likes of Zelda or Mario. No matter how bad a certain mario title is, its still selling and being praised. Its like Nintendo fans are are incapable of being critical of their own games.
Because we all know Mario Tennis Ultra Smash and Zelda: Skyward Sword (original) were SUCH hits at the time... not like the latter game tanking didn't motivate that series to reboot with Breath of the Wild or anything...
@hardwenzen: Clearly it is about the reviews, given the title of the damned thread. But besides that. "Get a pass?" Yeah, they get SUCH a pass, they end up killing their IP's in response to financial failure, to the point where they have threatened to kill them if the games bombed.
That applies to their smaller, less important franchises. You don't see this with the likes of Zelda or Mario. No matter how bad a certain mario title is, its still selling and being praised. Its like Nintendo fans are are incapable of being critical of their own games.
Because we all know Mario Tennis Ultra Smash and Zelda: Skyward Sword (original) were SUCH hits at the time... not like the latter game tanking didn't motivate that series to reboot with Breath of the Wild or anything...
They were still praised a ton, and they've even released a lazy port on Zelda SS knowing that it will sell some more. And that game was pathetic. If you think that they "rebooted" Zelda because Zelda SS, you're high.
@hardwenzen: Try again!
This score is nothing new for the Mario series. There are many that are not the mainline 3D ones that score poorly, but still sell. Its like the Pokemon titles. All the ones released in the last 15 plus years are complete crap, but they still sell a ton because it says Pokemon on the box and its a Nintendo title.
Been trying to get this game since Friday but my local Best Buy and Walmart don’t have any in yet. Shipment got delayed. Hopefully they’ll get them in tomorrow. Really looking forward to playing this.
Was trying to get through Elden Ring this weekend, but apparently I still have more to go lol. Time to switch up with some Kirby!
Been trying to get this game since Friday but my local Best Buy and Walmart don’t have any in yet. Shipment got delayed. Hopefully they’ll get them in tomorrow. Really looking forward to playing this.
Is there a Gamestop in your area? That's how I got mine. The Best Buy and Walmart in my city also didn't have any at Friday so I was lucky to get the game at Gamestop.
@AcidTango: Yeah but it’s a bit out of the way for me. I can get to my Walmart and Best Buy in like 10 minutes.
@mesome713: Sadly my son isn't old enough yet, but the wife and I enjoy good coop games. We're currently really enjoying It Takes Two.
So far I am really liking it. But I think I might have an especially strong bias for it, so my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt. Due to having played nothing but mediocre to bad games starting with the release of Lost Ark.
That said, so far it is my favorite game of this year.
In any case, I am glad to play a good game again.
Wtf, how is it that the one Nintendo game I wasn't impressed with gets a 9/10 yet the one I do like gets a 4/10.
You were supposed to give this game a 8/10 like all Switch games. Wtf
Which one got 4/10 that you liked?
I havent gotten to the finish yet, but with every upgrade I keep getting more and more abilites to my movepool. I know some previous kirby games basically had immense level of depth to their copy ability movepools, is it the same with this one?
I would love to see a really difficult kirby game just to utilize the options the game gives you.
I want this game, but it won't be a day 1. I'll wait for one of the rare Switch game sales and pick it up. I am way too busy with Elden Ring, Ghost of Tsushima, and Persona 5 Royal to start any other games.
LOL very rare switch game sale. not going to happen lol. it's nin after all. zelda 64 is still 60 bucks if they still sold it lol.
@hardwenzen: 'Its not a matter of a bad review, but the fact that Nintendo gets a free pass on bad games, gets praised on average games (this is one of them) and gets praised to oblivion aka 'best game ever' for just a "good" game'
BOTW was a good game, but a 10 out of 10 'masterpiece' good? Every reviewer and gamer went into this game with their 8 year old self giddy with joy, with their OOT nostalgia glasses on, finally able to experience an open world Zelda as it was intended to be played, and praised it to the heavens.
Change up the characters and environments and it's a solid 8 in my opinion. Nothing more, nothing less.
I had the same feeling while playing Odyssey. A great platformer if was released a few years after Sunshine. A new gimmick to move the character in various ways and to traverse environments with his possessed hat in replace of the water backpack, but in 2020, it felt short, simple and lacking. Another solid 8.
@theam0g: I'd say you're wrong on both counts.
BOTW was almost...anti-nostalgia. It completely avoided using the established formula, it avoided almost all of the established music and costumes, and it offered an entirely different suite of equipment and mechanics.
What we got was a game that didn't use nostalgia for Zelda as a crutch in any way - it was simply a revolutionary open-world game that scored a 10/10 on its own merits. I think it would have received that score regardless of the IP involved.
As for Mario Odyssey, that game was simply best in class for modern 3D platformers. It featured a staggeringly large amount of content, great set pieces, and no real flaws or weaknesses. It easily deserved a 10, or a 9 if you're being really harsh about the earlier sections.
If you think the game was somehow short or easy, then you must have missed quite a lot of content. The game had over 800 moons to collect, ranging from the relatively easy (i.e. most of the stuff on the main path towards the 'final' boss) to the challenging (lots of stuff off the main path, and the huge post-game content) to the extremely difficult.
@Planeforger: The sheer amount of unnecessary moons take it down to an 8/10 imo. Makes it a chore to replay, which is a first for a Mario game for me.
I'd love it if Nintendo made the next Mario game have 120 stars/moons/whatever. It was a good number. No need for unnecessary fluff. Finding a moon by groundpounding a small hill for the 100th time gets fucking old.
This game looks very happy.
That's one of the things I like about Nintendo games.
Sony games are a nightmare.
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