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He should make some MGS inspired levels for Left 4 Dead. The game is asking for a Map Editor mode. CleanPlayerAwww, does the conswole pwayer want custom content? That's soooo cute. You guys always act like it doesn't bother you but, it's fun to see your true colors.
TaDa...maybe the Japanese are finally "getting it". Videodoggmaybe. We ill have to see. First we just need to change how JRPG's are made and I will be happy:)
[QUOTE="dark-warmachine"][QUOTE="SpinoRaptor24"]Who doesn't? It's an awesome game.JangoWuzHereMe? It's a bit too arcady for me. It does a good job on the survival aspect but not much on the horror part. Its not a survival horror game at all. so you toatally missed what the game was really about.Do you mind elaborating a little? So it not a survival horror game at all? and the main aspect isn't about surviving? I don't get what you are trying to say here.
Valve is an amazing developer... Kojima is also god, maybe he's using the 360 to see what he can do on it for MGS4 360Toriko42
Or maybe he's just enjoying the game?
I like both L4D and MGS but for different reasons, I wouldn't like to see the MGS series turn into a Gears or L4D at all and I don't see the huge link between him playing a game and his work.
[QUOTE="CleanPlayer"]He should make some MGS inspired levels for Left 4 Dead. The game is asking for a Map Editor mode. BobHipJamesAwww, does the conswole pwayer want custom content? That's soooo cute. You guys always act like it doesn't bother you but, it's fun to see your true colors. You know, for someone who claims he's rational, that's a very irrational statement to make. If you even claim you're an objectivist, I will laugh.
[QUOTE="Toriko42"] Valve is an amazing developer... Kojima is also god, maybe he's using the 360 to see what he can do on it for MGS4 360Dystopian-X
Or maybe he's just enjoying the game?
I like both L4D and MGS but for different reasons, I wouldn't like to see the MGS series turn into a Gears or L4D at all and I don't see the huge link between him playing a game and his work.
I'll never believe it, MGS4 Substance to 360 please Kojima :cry: I'm buying a MGS4 PS3 anyways, just for the damn game. Curses...[QUOTE="BobHipJames"][QUOTE="CleanPlayer"]He should make some MGS inspired levels for Left 4 Dead. The game is asking for a Map Editor mode. DonPerianAwww, does the conswole pwayer want custom content? That's soooo cute. You guys always act like it doesn't bother you but, it's fun to see your true colors. You know, for someone who claims he's rational, that's a very irrational statement to make. If you even claim you're an objectivist, I will laugh. Care to explain what you just typed into the text box? I honestly don't understand it. Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming considering what I'm responding to....I just want a careful explanation of what you're talking about.
[QUOTE="DonPerian"][QUOTE="BobHipJames"] Awww, does the conswole pwayer want custom content? That's soooo cute. You guys always act like it doesn't bother you but, it's fun to see your true colors.BobHipJamesYou know, for someone who claims he's rational, that's a very irrational statement to make. If you even claim you're an objectivist, I will laugh. Care to explain what you just typed into the text box? I honestly don't understand it. Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming considering what I'm responding to....I just want a careful explanation of what you're talking about.
You jumped the conclusion (quite irrationally, with little to no evidence that you provided, or that is apparent to the reader) about how the "conswole pwayer" wanted custom content, which is a false statement from the get go. CleanPlayer did not ask for custom content, he merely stated that Kojima should make some DLC and that the game Left4Dead is "asking" for a Map Editor mode. He failed to state which platform he was talking about, and you assuming it was the 360 was irrational.
Furthermore, just because someone says they are not bothered from not having custom content, doesn't make them shun the idea of it ever coming. One extreme does not result in another. Just because you don't get what you want, doesn't mean you had something taken away from you (although there are cases where it may happen).
You drew way too many conclusions from a statement that was not only about another subject, that of DLC not custom content, it was not directed to a specified platform. Therefore, we can conclude that your original statement in response to CleanPlayer was irrational, which runs in stark contrast and contradiction to your sig, which claims you are rational.
Furthermore, if you really didn't believe in God, for whatever reason, you have no need to capitalize the 'G'. That is done out of respect, and since, according to you there is no God, you need not burden yourself. Unless of course you do believe in one, in which case you would further contradict your own claims.
Care to explain what you just typed into the text box? I honestly don't understand it. Hopefully this doesn't count as flaming considering what I'm responding to....I just want a careful explanation of what you're talking about.[QUOTE="BobHipJames"][QUOTE="DonPerian"] You know, for someone who claims he's rational, that's a very irrational statement to make. If you even claim you're an objectivist, I will laugh.DonPerian
You jumped the conclusion (quite irrationally, with little to no evidence that you provided, or that is apparent to the reader) about how the "conswole pwayer" wanted custom content, which is a false statement from the get go. CleanPlayer did not ask for custom content, he merely stated that Kojima should make some DLC and that the game Left4Dead is "asking" for a Map Editor mode. He failed to state which platform he was talking about, and you assuming it was the 360 was irrational.
Not irrational. Rational. It is deductive in nature. Watch:
Premise 1 - there are only two platforms for which Left 4 Dead has seen a full retail release, PC and 360
Premise 2 - one of those platforms doesn't have any form of editing software, 360
Premise 3 - Editing software is used to make custom content
Conclusion - The Xbox 360 is the only platform that does not have custom content on Left 4 Dead
The rest of it really should require nothing. I shouldn't have to spell out basic logical steps like this.
Furthermore, just because someone says they are not bothered from not having custom content, doesn't make them shun the idea of it ever coming. One extreme does not result in another. Just because you don't get what you want, doesn't mean you had something taken away from you (although there are cases where it may happen).
Sure, that wouldn't follow. But just as I acknowledge that fallacy in logic, you must also acknowledge that I can still find it hysterical when he doesn't shun the idea of it ever coming, yet embraces it as he writes it off as unnecessary when other platforms flaunt it all over the place. Of course, I'm hacking at strawmen, but those strawmen know who they are. Collateral's funny, as long as some guy doesn't much it up *glares at you*.
You drew way too many conclusions from a statement that was not only about another subject, that of DLC not custom content, it was not directed to a specified platform. Therefore, we can conclude that your original statement in response to CleanPlayer was irrational, which runs in stark contrast and contradiction to your sig, which claims you are rational.
Furthermore, if you really didn't believe in God, for whatever reason, you have no need to capitalize the 'G'. That is done out of respect, and since, according to you there is no God, you need not burden yourself. Unless of course you do believe in one, in which case you would further contradict your own claims.
No comment on account of the fact that Gamespot will probably murder me if I type a single letter in response.
You made too many assumptions. My sig is a parody of another sig. Try not to take it so seriously.
You also assumed that Objectivism (wrongly) had anything to do with objectivity. Google "Ayn Rand." For the record, no, I'm not.
It's really great if somebody loves and embraces custom content to be perfectly honest. I just want them to acknowledge the frickin' superior platform. For the record, the Source SDK trumps any map editor. Left 4 Dead on PC already has a bonafide frickin' map editor. It has mod tools for gosh darn doodle tootlin' sakes.
You made too many assumptions. My sig is a parody of another sig. Try not to take it so seriously.
You also assumed that Objectivism (wrongly) had anything to do with objectivity. Google "Ayn Rand." For the record, no, I'm not.
It's really great if somebody loves and embraces custom content to be perfectly honest. I just want them to acknowledge the frickin' superior platform. For the record, the Source SDK trumps any map editor. Left 4 Dead on PC already has a bonafide frickin' map editor. It has mod tools for gosh darn doodle tootlin' sakes.
No need to google Ayn Rand, I'm a regular visitor of ARI and have read The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, and For the New Intellectual. I did not confuse objectivity with objectivism. I was refering to your sig. That is the belief of Ayn Rand, and the preachings of her followers. I'm not even going to get into the original argument, as you present too many logical fallacies that warrent my time in correcting.
[QUOTE="BobHipJames"]You made too many assumptions. My sig is a parody of another sig. Try not to take it so seriously.
You also assumed that Objectivism (wrongly) had anything to do with objectivity. Google "Ayn Rand." For the record, no, I'm not.
It's really great if somebody loves and embraces custom content to be perfectly honest. I just want them to acknowledge the frickin' superior platform. For the record, the Source SDK trumps any map editor. Left 4 Dead on PC already has a bonafide frickin' map editor. It has mod tools for gosh darn doodle tootlin' sakes.
No need to google Ayn Rand, I'm a regular visitor of ARI and have read The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, and For the New Intellectual. I did not confuse objectivity with objectivism. I was refering to your sig. That is the belief of Ayn Rand, and the preachings of her followers. I'm not even going to get into the original argument, as you present too many logical fallacies that warrent my time in correcting.
*cocks an eyebrow* Huh? Wait, so you're into Ayn Rand, you own a Mac...I'm not sure we can talk any more. Objectivist - practitioner, believer, follower, supporter, of Objectivism That's as I understand the word, and you said it, you can check the original text if you don't believe me. I'm not the one who is unjustifiably confused here. And you're still throwing sand in my eyes. I can't believe I committed any logical fallacies in the teal text. Would you care to relate? Does an SDK really NOT entail custom content? Does a map editor really NOT entail custom content? Where did I go wrong, exactly? If you want my opinion, you've clearly got a hell of a lot of time to blow on a response or you wouldn't have offered what you've given thus far, but if you want to keep all this lovely information in your head, fine, but on paper, I'm winning so far.Kojima is actually a respectful developer... unlike Valve and Cliffy B... He enjoyed Gears, as well. GodofBigMacs
*cocks an eyebrow* Huh? Wait, so you're into Ayn Rand, you own a Mac...I'm not sure we can talk any more. Objectivist - practitioner, believer, follower, supporter, of Objectivism That's as I understand the word, and you said it, you can check the original text if you don't believe me. I'm not the one who is unjustifiably confused here. And you're still throwing sand in my eyes. I can't believe I committed any logical fallacies in the teal text. Would you care to relate? Does an SDK really NOT entail custom content? Does a map editor really NOT entail custom content? Where did I go wrong, exactly? If you want my opinion, you've clearly got a hell of a lot of time to blow on a response or you wouldn't have offered what you've given thus far, but if you want to keep all this lovely information in your head, fine, but on paper, I'm winning so far.BobHipJames
Sure hope this "win" of yours gets you somewhere in life, because I'm through with this. I have better things to occupy myself with than to prove to another individual his own faults.
[QUOTE="BobHipJames"] *cocks an eyebrow* Huh? Wait, so you're into Ayn Rand, you own a Mac...I'm not sure we can talk any more. Objectivist - practitioner, believer, follower, supporter, of Objectivism That's as I understand the word, and you said it, you can check the original text if you don't believe me. I'm not the one who is unjustifiably confused here. And you're still throwing sand in my eyes. I can't believe I committed any logical fallacies in the teal text. Would you care to relate? Does an SDK really NOT entail custom content? Does a map editor really NOT entail custom content? Where did I go wrong, exactly? If you want my opinion, you've clearly got a hell of a lot of time to blow on a response or you wouldn't have offered what you've given thus far, but if you want to keep all this lovely information in your head, fine, but on paper, I'm winning so far.DonPerian
Sure hope this "win" of yours gets you somewhere in life, because I'm through with this. I have better things to occupy myself with than to prove to another individual his own faults.
Like type a taunting reply with zero content, zero argument?I seriously need to buy this game, but I'm broke, and Street Fighter IV and Resistance 2 are coming out next month. :(TimstuffResistanc 2 or killzone 2? If u mean r2 what country do u live in :O Good to see him enjoying it.. his probably playing it on pc :P
[QUOTE="GodofBigMacs"]Kojima is actually a respectful developer... unlike Valve and Cliffy B... He enjoyed Gears, as well. delta3074you are joking right? valve not a respected developer! the half life series has gained more awards than any other gaming franchise (both half life and half life 2 got GOTY) not to mention half life was a hit long before metalgear solid was even realised, you should read up on who valve actually are before making stupid claims, cos i fail to see how an unrespected developer produced the most respected franchise in gaming history (half life)
Metal Gear Solid released in North America on October 21, 1998.
Half Life released in North America on November 19, 1998.
Maybe you should do the reading up?
you are joking right? valve not a respected developer! the half life series has gained more awards than any other gaming franchise (both half life and half life 2 got GOTY) not to mention half life was a hit long before metalgear solid was even realised, you should read up on who valve actually are before making stupid claims, cos i fail to see how an unrespected developer produced the most respected franchise in gaming history (half life)[QUOTE="delta3074"][QUOTE="GodofBigMacs"]Kojima is actually a respectful developer... unlike Valve and Cliffy B... He enjoyed Gears, as well. Lewisite
Metal Gear Solid released in North America on October 21, 1998.
Half Life released in North America on November 19, 1998.
Maybe you should do the reading up? are joking right? valve not a respected developer! the half life series has gained more awards than any other gaming franchise (both half life and half life 2 got GOTY) not to mention half life was a hit long before metalgear solid was even realised, you should read up on who valve actually are before making stupid claims, cos i fail to see how an unrespected developer produced the most respected franchise in gaming history (half life)[QUOTE="delta3074"][QUOTE="GodofBigMacs"]Kojima is actually a respectful developer... unlike Valve and Cliffy B... He enjoyed Gears, as well. Lewisite
Metal Gear Solid released in North America on October 21, 1998.
Half Life released in North America on November 19, 1998.
Maybe you should do the reading up?
you are joking right? valve not a respected developer! the half life series has gained more awards than any other gaming franchise (both half life and half life 2 got GOTY) not to mention half life was a hit long before metalgear solid was even realised, you should read up on who valve actually are before making stupid claims, cos i fail to see how an unrespected developer produced the most respected franchise in gaming history (half life)[QUOTE="delta3074"][QUOTE="GodofBigMacs"]Kojima is actually a respectful developer... unlike Valve and Cliffy B... He enjoyed Gears, as well. Lewisite
Metal Gear Solid released in North America on October 21, 1998.
Half Life released in North America on November 19, 1998.
Maybe you should do the reading up?
metal gear didn't arrive here in blighty till 1999 mate, so in this country half life was released first, and it doesn't change the fact that valve are one of the most respected devs in the world and to say otherwise is lame.[QUOTE="Lewisite"][QUOTE="delta3074"]you are joking right? valve not a respected developer! the half life series has gained more awards than any other gaming franchise (both half life and half life 2 got GOTY) not to mention half life was a hit long before metalgear solid was even realised, you should read up on who valve actually are before making stupid claims, cos i fail to see how an unrespected developer produced the most respected franchise in gaming history (half life)RawDeal_basic
Metal Gear Solid released in North America on October 21, 1998.
Half Life released in North America on November 19, 1998.
Maybe you should do the reading up?
Good for him then. Just why is everyone on this forum so fixated on what Kojima likes or not? Pretty soon we're going to be seeing threads about whether Kojima likes Honey Nut or plain Cheerios more. :roll:Renegade_Fury
I'm pretty sure Kojima is a Captain Crunch fan also.
[QUOTE="Renegade_Fury"]Good for him then. Just why is everyone on this forum so fixated on what Kojima likes or not? Pretty soon we're going to be seeing threads about whether Kojima likes Honey Nut or plain Cheerios more. :roll:VirtuaCast
I'm pretty sure Kojima is a Captain Crunch fan also.
Come to think of it, he seems more like an Apple Jacks kind of guy IMO... Great now I'm doing it! :P[QUOTE="Lewisite"][QUOTE="delta3074"]you are joking right? valve not a respected developer! the half life series has gained more awards than any other gaming franchise (both half life and half life 2 got GOTY) not to mention half life was a hit long before metalgear solid was even realised, you should read up on who valve actually are before making stupid claims, cos i fail to see how an unrespected developer produced the most respected franchise in gaming history (half life)delta3074
Metal Gear Solid released in North America on October 21, 1998.
Half Life released in North America on November 19, 1998.
Maybe you should do the reading up?
metal gear didn't arrive here in blighty till 1999 mate, so in this country half life was released first, and it doesn't change the fact that valve are one of the most respected devs in the world and to say otherwise is lame.You said before Metal Gear Solid was "even realised". If we want to get technical you could go even earlier and use the Japanese release date for MGS which was Sept 3, 1998.
I think its safe to say the game had been "realised" if it has been released in Japan two months before and North America a month before Half-Life.
You said before Metal Gear Solid was "even realised". If we want to get technical you could go even earlier and use the Japanese release date for MGS which was Sept 3, 1998.I think its safe to say the game had been "realised" if it has been released in Japan two months before and North America a month before Half-Life. Lewisitefair enough, i concede that point to you sir, it doe not change the fact that valve are respected developers and to say otherwise is wrong (i know it wasn't you that said that, and it wasn't aimed at you)
[QUOTE="skrat_01"][QUOTE="GodofBigMacs"]Kojima is actually a respectful developer... unlike Valve and Cliffy B... He enjoyed Gears, as well. FrozenLiquidJust, lol. Putting Cliffy B and Valve in the same category. Ignorance shines.For sure he is a good designer. But Cliffy B next to Valve?..... Nah, no way in hell. Anways from what I have read from (I think it was a New Yorker or NY Times interview) he actually has a major geek streak I personally think Cliff Bleszinski is great. He's done nice work in the Unreal franchise, and of course did well on Gears of War. He's got a decent taste in movies, and actually likes the same books I like. He's not arrogant (I think people mistake his confidence for arrogance), because he humbles himself against giants like Miyamoto. I honestly think he's a great guy. Maybe the gaming community just cannot comprehend a guy with a rock star charisma and take-no-crap attitude making video games. Maybe they think if you wanna get mouthy, you'll turn into Denis Dyack. I dunno. I'd rather hang with CliffyB than anyone else, to be honest. He may be the only one that I could discuss video games with, have drinks with, and have a blast doing whatever all at the same time. Bungie seems a bit too geeky for my tastes, Valve... maybe Doug Lombardi but Gabe Newell, nuh uh. Actually scratch Lombardi. Dyack might get too serious about games all the time, and as for the Japanese developers.... eh, Miyamoto and Kojima, nice guys, but they would be more fitting hanging out with my dad than me. I dunno, I guess I just identify more with Dude Huge than anyone else. Even Jade Raymond's a bit too geeky.For sure he is a good designer. But Cliffy B next to Valve?..... Nah, no way in hell.
Anways from what I have read from (I think it was a New Yorker or NY Times interview) he actually has a major geek streak.
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