Checked and not available in the US until Feb 2012 !!?? WTF, I may have bought one for myself for Christmas. :oops:
Oh well, that's what I like about MS being a US company, the gadget would no doubt launch here first but TBH, they'd likely do a worldwide launch. Eh, I think the Premium higher priced version of Next Box will launch with a unified handheld :shock: I'm in !! :P
Look at how the 360 and Wii launch went in early december when those were launched mass shortages and silly prices on eBay, its probably a better idea its a staggered launch for logistics and general things such as making sure theres enough to go round.
I can see your point a bit but still, the chances of me and probably many, many others buying one as a impulse buy for the US holidays is much, much greater than me buying one in Feb 2012.But again, I'm sure Sony has it's reasons and some may be what you pointed out. :P
That is a good point, I don't know why Sony keep missing the boat with this. PS3 launched in the UK in March with a massive price tag, a seriously ballsy move. People couldn't even shift them on ebay, because that only works at Christmas when people really want one in time. And the Vita will cost north of £200. Again seriously ballsy.
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