@Bread_or_Decide said:
@cainetao11 said:
I find uncharted 4 and horizon coming next year pretty damn exciting. I agree with a few of the panel members from xbox one 2015 review video that the Xbox one is comforting and fun when you get home. Just a simple command and I am off into what I wish be it Netflix, hbo, gaming whatever. It's the central point where as my PS4 is a games console only. Having fun with both but xbox one is on the huge screen in living room.
I'd bet my avatar horizon zero dawn will not be coming out next year.
Don't rain on my hopes dude!
@LJS9502_basic said:
@cainetao11 said:
I find uncharted 4 and horizon coming next year pretty damn exciting. I agree with a few of the panel members from xbox one 2015 review video that the Xbox one is comforting and fun when you get home. Just a simple command and I am off into what I wish be it Netflix, hbo, gaming whatever. It's the central point where as my PS4 is a games console only. Having fun with both but xbox one is on the huge screen in living room.
For you perhaps but in reality you can get Netflix etc on PS4 as well so it's a little disingenuous the way your worded your post. As for voice commands....they suck. They don't always work.
How is it disingenuous? I stated "I AGREE WITH ........" clearly defining it is a personal preference that I share with the people I referred to. Is there really anyone on this forum that doesn't know the 360, Wii, PS3, X1, PS4, WiiU can get Netflix on them? Its replies like this that those guys are referring to when they claim you are a sony guy. Looking through your post history, finding you reply to cows on absolute bullshit terms like this is few and far between. Talk about disingenuous.......
As for your opinion of voice commands LMAO. Mine work more 95% of the time and that's the point. As I am coming in the door with the mail in my hand, my book bag on my back, the dog jumping all over me, "Xbox on" said clearly has me all set by the time I get the shoes, jacket off, relieved myself and gotten a drink and sat down. And two people on Gamespots panel reviewing the X1 even agreed. You don't like it? Tough turds closet boy.
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