Sony and its studios have all become obsessed with graphics and resolution, they wanted to prove the superiority of the PS4 over the Xbone in this department, but they are taking it way too far.
Most Sony's games, aside from Infamous, are way more cinematic than they should OR have no game play at all, cough "Beyond" cough OR just fell short in that department like knack and KZ:SF. Even future products like the Order 1886 didn't really show any promising game play elements in its latest trailer, all I have been hearing was CG quality graphics and some other $hit.
The new direction Sony is taking is very alarming on many levels, they may be winning the war right now, but definitely their exclusive line up may not have any role in that any more.
TitanFall on the other hand hasn't been met but with praise recently, a game that runs on an inferior hardware with some compromises in gfx but they boosted the fun factor immensely with that.
May be Sony needs to rethink its approach because, even a devoted cow and a gfx whore like me can convert if they stopped producing fun games.
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