lets face it, everyone uses a lame excuse to bash another console just to make themselves feel happy about their purchase.
here are some of the lame excuse people use, feel free to add. I will start of with the PS3 because its the most bashed console even though it rocks !
#1 it has no games
seriously when I hear this excuse I just pity the guy that says it, I mean what does he think MotorStorm, RFOM, VF5, Ridge Racer, Oblivion etc etc are, Lemons !
#2 PS3 has lost the console war
I don't know why people say this, I mean its perplexing ! the console war has just begun and you are already counting PS3 out !
#3 Xbox live is better then PSN
Well duh, its been out for longer and has more content, PSN will get more content as time progresses and it would prove to be a formiddable oponent.
#4 PS3 is selling poorly
Last time I checked a console priced at $600/£425 selling 3 and a half million in five months is astonishing and once more big hitters (games) come out it will sell better.
#1 Wii is for Kids
sure the core market for the Wii is youngsters but assuming that all Wii games are kiddy is just plain foolish
#2 Wii is not innovative
Yeah you play the game exactly how you would with the PS3 & 360, right ?. Face it guys the Wii is innnovative, thats why its selling like crazy. also the price.
#3 Wii wont have games that will trump PS3 & 360
I assume people say this because they are graphics crazy, the last time I checked the main selling point of a game is game-play. Wii will most definitely have games in the near future which will be just as good as the later on PS3 & 360 games regardless of graphics.
#1 360 only has shooters
shooters maybe the most enjoyed genre for the 360 but its silly to presume that 360 hasn't got games in other genre's. games like oblivion, N3, Dead rising.
feel free to add :D
p.s. This does not mean I have gone nuetral towards all consoles, I will still bash the 360 and sometimes the Wii :wink: you know considering this is system wars.
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