Nothing is better than Mario when it comes to platforming. NOTHING. This isn't opinion, either, it is fact. Super Mario Bros. X proves that. It is the simplest system, yet has the greatest difficulty curve (can be extremely easy, or shamefully hard) and has amazing accessibility (with 2D games, you just need two buttons and a d-pad).
I also have to say it, 3D Mario is the best 3D platforming available as well. I may not love it like I do 2D Mario, but it is unquestionably the best 3D platforming available, whether you like it or not. Mario 64 created 3D platforming, Sunshine mixed it up and Galaxy perfected it. Like the GS review of SMG2 said, it set the standard for 3D platforming for years to come (though, I've only played a little Galaxy and no Galaxy 2, so even though I don't have first-hand experience, given the heritage of the series, I don't doubt they're right).
LittleBigPlanet should be commended for its level editing... not its platforming. What I played of LBP (a couple hours, about the same as Galaxy) it wasn't really enjoyable at all. It was bland and over-complicated (the level design was too messy and detailed) and the floaty mechanics we frustrating. I think everyone who appreciates platformers should check out Super Mario Bros. X... because it comes with a SUPER-simple level editor, that makes my childhood dreams of building my own Mario world a reality (immediately upon starting up the editor, I remembered when I was 7 or 8 and I drew SMW levels).
I agree with this post 100%. No game has been able to top Super Mario Word for 2D platforming.
As far as 3D platforming goes, I haven't played either of the Super Mario Galaxies (really wish that SMG would have a damn price drop), but Sunshine and 64 have not been topped by anything else I've played.
LBP took three hours to beat? jesus, i must really suck at platformers because the SP definitely took me longer than that.
and you don't download any of the user created levels in LBP, you just play them.
Well, I played it with 3 other people, so maybe that sped it up a bit. It took up most of an evening, so 3-4 hours. It had some really good level design and a cool aesthetic, but I didn't feel it had any replay value. The user created content offered a lot I'm sure, but I'm not interested.
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