LBP is such a crappy/poser game that it has95/100on Metacritic. Riiiiggghhtt... One point more or one less is a huge deal on that site because the average is coming from multiple sources, not just one. The difference between a 94/100 and a 95/100 in Meta is not the same as a 9.0/10 and a 9.5/10 in a GameSpot review. To obtain that 95/100 on Meta you need more than 1 person to score the game with perfect scores because after the 90 mark only perfect scores make the average go up. But what's my point with this? Getting a 95/100 on Metacritic is not an easy task that just any game can achieve.
5 pages of comments from a bunch of fanboys trying to turn the forums into another N4G, nice. I know the TC went overboard with his statement but you people make me sick with your ridiculous dissing of an incredible game. You want innovation and when you get it you don't support it and then you're all whining about why there's no innovation in the gaming industry and why there are so many FPS games. YEAH!Let's all miss the point and ignore the fact that all these imitations in LBP are being created by the players themselves and that is the beauty of it, what makes this game so special.
For a moment stop your whining and think about what is art and compare it to LBP. And knowing that most of you don't use the head to think I'm going to give you a couple of hints;1. art is a form of expression2. I'm not saying that LBP is art.
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