[QUOTE="osan0"]sports games like fifa or madden. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. then again i also have little interest in sport in general so that doesent help. i do like rugby but rugby games are rubbish accross the board.
i also dont like racing sims. games like PGR, Forza and GT bore me to tears. still first game to get a bugatti veyron into it will get my interest (i love that car). the only exception to that is colin mcrae rally games. for some strange reason, i really enjoy these. i also play it with the directional keys on a keyboard and prefer it that way (tried dirt on a 360....want the PC version) :P. im weird like that though.
beat em ups: not my thing at all. i used to like them when i was younger but ive lost interest. last beat em up i played was SC2 on GC and it didnt really get my interest.
action/slasher: boring, repatative, boring, boring, repatative, meh. only exception is God of war. its just so responsive and accurate to user input. still repatative but it somehow remains fun and a pleasure to play. but i tried the DMC4 demo and lost interest in 30 seconds. sloppy, unresponsive and a bit crap imho. must try ninja gaiden sometime mind.
so yeah, those are the typs of games i generally stay away from.
Project Gotham Racing isn't a racing sim. It's an arcade type of a racer. You don't like racing games.
certainly feels like a racing sim......a bit forgiving perhaps but a sim none the less. if they were going for arcade then.....woops :S.
anywho i do like quite a few racing games. like fzero, wipeout, colin MCrae, trackmania and burnout (especially 3). great racing games right there.
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