It's mostly to do with those that own Ps4's actually playing them, that and SW is largely not worth posting in anymore.
Meaningful discussion doesn't take place, it's the same 4 trolls with alt accounts spamming garbage.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
It's mostly to do with those that own Ps4's actually playing them, that and SW is largely not worth posting in anymore.
Meaningful discussion doesn't take place, it's the same 4 trolls with alt accounts spamming garbage.
I guess cows playing Ps4 now while games to play?^^
I'm pretty sure lems have access to Ghosts, BF4 & ACIV too? Pretty sure everyone with a PC/360/PS3 can play those.
PC/Wii U must be the only platforms with something other than multiplats.
I think its just a few of them with multiple accounts... I wouldn't be surprised if they reply to themselves in the forums. But yeah this place is dead, I think many of the members were not fan of the new forums. So they have probably moved on.
All factions are here it's just cows are a little busy at the moment which makes things seem lop sided.
They are either on the phone to Sony hardware support with a bricked PS4 or down the shops trading in Killzone and Knack.
Normal service shall resume shortly.
All factions are here it's just cows are a little busy at the moment which makes things seem lop sided.
They are either on the phone to Sony hardware support with a bricked PS4 or down the shops trading in Killzone and Knack.
Normal service shall resume shortly.
Cows are busy right now? Yeah spamming in here because either their systems are down and they won'y admit it or they are totally bored with their systems...
Sony fanboys have been pretty quiet now because of all the launch issues, like the poor reviews on their hyped-up launch exclusives, and issues with the console itself. Unfortunately, it is pretty hard to deny what's been going on, thus Sony fanboys can't really argue much.
The excuse that people are just playing their consoles is pathetic because not everybody owns the PS4 right now.
Notice that in other threads that praise Sony, they've been coming out, now bashing the Xbox One, all they need is a reason to bash the Xbox One, and they will be coming back. I assure you that they will be here in droves come 11/22/2013. But I thought Sony fanboys were busy playing? Yeah right.
Seriously, why is is just the same 4 lens posting the same topic and the same handful replying over and over on this board?
where the herm's, sheeps and cows be at? Its getting boring here.
Have you notice how several lemming accounts in the last few months have been open,but strangely old lemmings,like Stsmats,Delta,William ,Tessellation and several other have magically banish.?
Yeah make your own conclusions..haha
What's an "Amazon Verified Purchase" review?
When a product review is marked "Amazon Verified Purchase," it means that the customer who wrote the review purchased the item at Customers can add this label to their review only if we can verify the item being reviewed was purchased at Customers reading an Amazon Verified Purchase review can use this information to help them decide which reviews are most helpful in their purchasing decisions.
Thanks for the screenshot man, just going to repost it and also provide proof that "Amazon Verified Purchases" do exist in case this guy might not see it.
Undeniable proof here
Source of image:
OK then lets do math what % is 469 out of 1 million units....hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
For the PS4 to have a 5% fail rate it most have 50,000 units fail,and that is 5% which is highest in the acceptable line of fail rate over that is higher than normal..
So while you break your back trying to downplay the PS4 with such a crappy ass low number of fail units as 469 the reality is that it is such a small number is not even worth mentioning,fact is most people have a working one.
1 million units sold day 1 even 5,000 units bad still is way under the 3% to 5% fail rate.
Well all factions except for the lemmings actually have games to play.
Yes, just like after the 360 was launched, cows had no games to play for a full year! At least in this case, the X1 launches in a week which is really almost no time at all. And when it does launch, MORe games then the cows!
Dem Cows is crying hard today! I bet all those purchased PS4s are people jsut buying 2 or 3 because of RLOD. (see that? old cow saying coming back to haunt them)
Believe whatever you want to believe, all I'm saying is that there are issues, which a lot of fanboys have been denying.
But if you take the data of the reviews. You get a 30% failure rate. 489/1599
There are some fake 5 star reviews and some fake 1 star reviews. But you can differentiate them if they are verified purchases.
Believe whatever you want to believe, all I'm saying is that there are issues, which a lot of fanboys have been denying.
There issues and next week they will be issues with the xbox one,there always are with all launch units always.
All product have a fail rate,now this one is well under the % for a normal product,1 million units dude 1 million on day 1,and there was far less complains than on 2005 when the 360 came out,oh and internet is more popular now than it was on 2005 to.
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