With the rushed console you got:
Positives (+)
Lots more early exclusivesthan ps3.
A good headstart out of the gate.
More sales than Wii/ps3
Negatives (-)
Crap Hardware/ MASSIVE FAILURES / LONG shipment times/
bogus 3 year warranty to cover up the problem
X07 nowhere to be found?
No Wifi
Core system? tHey should've thought this out.
ANd some points to mention.
Wii is going to pass 360 any minute now
Ps3 will INEVETABLEY pass 360 in sales. (quote me on this, take a picture, write a report). But its true. Dont live in deniial.
so was the headstart really worth it?
So would you rather microsoft just waited until 2006 to launch 360 to saccrafice sales and more games, to have better hardware??
or are you happy now?
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