IT was already published in a CNN article that one company that is NOT in the running to buy T2 is Microsoft. Microsoft simply stated that Take 2 is a company that generates its profits for making games on MULTIPLE platforms, MS spokesperson said these exact words "Microsoft would not bid for a thrid party development company" I mean sure they could buy out take 2 only for the GTA franchise but that would be plain stupid, why pay billions on one franchise. Dont get me wrong, Im a 360 fan and I love my 360 but I actually do think logically. and it makes more sense that ubi soft, activision or other game devs would buy T2 NOT microsoft.Â
I find it funny how lemms fail to use simpl business logic. They seem to think that Microsoft has a money machine and unlimited money to do whatever they want lol, you have to realize that more money also means more debt and more expenses. Sure MS is loaded but come on, it takes a lot more than deep pockets to just go out and spend billions on companies everyday on a whim. hell if that was the case MS would have bought out sony computer entertainment LOOOONG ago. Â
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