Titanfall is too important to fail at this point.
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Leave the lemmings alone. The have one of the shooter consoles, so all they really have to hype is shooters.
Cows have Killzone, CoD and BF4 until Uncharted arrives in 2015. It's actually the complete opposite
I'm sure Red Faction Armageddon 2 will do just fine... wait this isn't red faction... ok well then....
seriously though: Yeah it looks like crap. lol I'm not saying that because I don't own an X1 yet... I's saying that because it looks like more of the same... I am SO SICK of companies making this space age war space marine crap.
Name one space marine game that has guys running along fucking buildings and getting snatched up into mechs that drop from space..
um... every single one including the one I mentioned?
I like when you said that thing that made you look stupid.
and cows are putting way way way too much stock in infamous. your point? I mean, its basically infamous 2 with a new skin and a more annoying protagonist and we all know how badly infamous 2 flopped.
I really can't say I've seen much hype for Infamous. Can you point me towards some?
I don't think you guys understand the level of disappointment and ridicule you are going to experience here in a few short months when Titanfall, a MP only game that is being made for the X1, PC and 360 will come out and like a lot of games wont live up to the mountain of hype you are all putting on it. This is not some genre bending new concept we are talking about here. Respawn, the dev behind Titanfall is a bunch of ex-Infinity Ward people who are trying to carve a niche in the already over crowded FPS category.
We have all seen the footage of TF and I think we can all agree at its core, TF is a CoD knock off with mech's that are brought in by a similar system to a CoD Killstreak and guys wearing jetpacks that allow for high jumps and wall running. Its not like a Mech game where you can choose to be on foot or run around in a mech. They are brought in because you completed an objective or got a Killstreak of sorts. You have them for a bit and then they are gone again like a CoD Killstreak! There just aren't mech lying around the maps. Its not like BF4 where you have tanks, heli's and whatnot!
So when Titanfall gets released at it gets a 6 or 7 score here at GS and it will as BF4 and CoD Ghosts each got an 8, I don't don't want to hear any excuses because you Xbots are making TF out to be the Next Halo or CoD 4 or BF3 and it simply is not.
So your argument is that the game is similar to the most popular shooter ever and not BF.
Titanfall has no chance. It will come out in Spring 2014. It will still be up against BF4 and Ghosts which will both be on their 1st and maybe 2nd DLC releases and will each have very established fan bases. Couple that with the fact that the PS4 will have Drive Club, Infamous and MLB The Show 14 coming out in the same window will put a damper on Titanfall's spot in the lime light on consoles. Then throw in the fact that 70% of TF's sales will be on PC or 360, this is not going to be some huge win for the Xbone!
and cows are putting way way way too much stock in infamous. your point? I mean, its basically infamous 2 with a new skin and a more annoying protagonist and we all know how badly infamous 2 flopped.
I really can't say I've seen much hype for Infamous. Can you point me towards some?
are you living under a rock? its the most anticipated ps4 game
I don't think you guys understand the level of disappointment and ridicule you are going to experience here in a few short months when Titanfall, a MP only game that is being made for the X1, PC and 360 will come out and like a lot of games wont live up to the mountain of hype you are all putting on it. This is not some genre bending new concept we are talking about here. Respawn, the dev behind Titanfall is a bunch of ex-Infinity Ward people who are trying to carve a niche in the already over crowded FPS category.
We have all seen the footage of TF and I think we can all agree at its core, TF is a CoD knock off with mech's that are brought in by a similar system to a CoD Killstreak and guys wearing jetpacks that allow for high jumps and wall running. Its not like a Mech game where you can choose to be on foot or run around in a mech. They are brought in because you completed an objective or got a Killstreak of sorts. You have them for a bit and then they are gone again like a CoD Killstreak! There just aren't mech lying around the maps. Its not like BF4 where you have tanks, heli's and whatnot!
So when Titanfall gets released at it gets a 6 or 7 score here at GS and it will as BF4 and CoD Ghosts each got an 8, I don't don't want to hear any excuses because you Xbots are making TF out to be the Next Halo or CoD 4 or BF3 and it simply is not.
Would that be the same level of ridicule and disappointment that the Cows experienced after they hyped killzone shadowfall to be the next best thing since sliced bread and then it flopped.
All fanboys overhype there Favorite consoles exclusives as the next best thing and they all end up looking stupid when said game flops.
@ShoTTyMcNaDeS: I might have agreed with you OP, if it weren't for the fact that so many game journalists have been raving about this game, and because of how it cleaned house with its E3 awards. Also, an online-only game should not be a negative, imo, as long as it's very well done. For example, I couldn't give a flying f*** about the single player campain in BF4....I'll enjoy playing it for sure, but Battlefield is for online gaming as far as I'm concerned.....looks like Titan Fall will just become another must-have game like that, we will see.
and cows are putting way way way too much stock in infamous. your point? I mean, its basically infamous 2 with a new skin and a more annoying protagonist and we all know how badly infamous 2 flopped.
I really can't say I've seen much hype for Infamous. Can you point me towards some?
are you living under a rock? its the most anticipated ps4 game
Well that doesn"t say much lol.
Don't be so quick to judge. Yeah sure the graphics look like shit but you gotta admit, it looks pretty fun (and I don't even like multiplayer games). It'll be a hit or miss but I see it receiving an 8 here on Gamespot.
This game will be sold the most on PC and X360. The install base on Xbone is too small. Hardcore lemmings will be disappointed when they're waiting 30 minutes to find a game on Titanfall on Xbone.
That 30 minutes of waiting will be longer than Xbone install.
@mems_1224: I hope you know TitanFall is going to get the vast majority of its sales on 360 right?
And what do sales have to do with anything? Nice reach bruh
Titanfall is an online game that requires a huge online community. 360 version will sell more making it the definite version to play on if you want to play with a bigger community.
Which is exactly where I'll be playing Titanfall when I'm not playing MLB The Show 14 this spring. The game looks sick. Xbox One isn't even getting a Baseball game next year. Maybe they can watch it on TV though.
Lems are stupid fcks who lack taste or standards and enjoy getting robbed and forced to play repetition so...what's the news in this thread again? Maybe I should go make another thread about water being a liquid. people seem to respond well to threads like that here
Which is exactly where I'll be playing Titanfall when I'm not playing MLB The Show 14 this spring. The game looks sick. Xbox One isn't even getting a Baseball game next year. Maybe they can watch it on TV though.
I'm not interested in Titanfall. It doesn't look balance at all. It looks like a Playstation 3 game in really high resolution. I'll stick just with BF4.
and cows are putting way way way too much stock in infamous. your point? I mean, its basically infamous 2 with a new skin and a more annoying protagonist and we all know how badly infamous 2 flopped.
I really can't say I've seen much hype for Infamous. Can you point me towards some?
are you living under a rock? its the most anticipated ps4 game
He wants you to post a link to the people who's hyping it.
Doubt I will buy it day 1 but if the final reviews are good, I'll probably pick it up. No need to buy an Xbox One for it though like the Lems seem to think.
I also wasn't saying Titanfall looks sick. I was saying MLB The Show does.
Doubt I will buy it day 1 but if the final reviews are good, I'll probably pick it up. No need to buy an Xbox One for it though like the Lems seem to think.
Most of my lemmings friend will be getting it for 360. Lemmings on here think that people are stupid enough to fork out 560$ just to play one game.
Lemmings & Microsoft put up too much hope on Titanfall as the savior of Xbone.
Even of the game turns out to be good.
Spring release means low sales regardless and Multiplayer only games never see great sales. Lems expect it to sell like Halo. A big part of Halo was still the campaign regardless of how popular multiplayer was.
Have you guys looked at the gameplay footage? It looks absolutely phenomenal. It's one of the few "next gen" games that actually look next gen.
You do know that Respawn are the COD guys from COD1, COD2, and COD4, ya know, the insanely awesome genre defining CODs, before it was rehashed into the ground?
Then you need to get your eyes checked, because it uses the old static source engine. It is fast because it uses true and tried techniques, and nothing bad about that. But you don't get high end visuals from that, you get last gens visuals with better AA, filtering and texture res.
I can't wait to see the microtransactions. How much you spend will determine how easily you win.
This! This is my concern too after seeing micro-transactions in Ryse, Forza 5, GT6 and KI. One can assume that they will have it in TF too, unless the backlash from it being in other games get them to change their minds. In which case TF will be somewhat delayed to have time to get that system out, but that might be too late and too costly.
Have you guys looked at the gameplay footage? It looks absolutely phenomenal. It's one of the few "next gen" games that actually look next gen.
You do know that Respawn are the COD guys from COD1, COD2, and COD4, ya know, the insanely awesome genre defining CODs, before it was rehashed into the ground?
In terms of development, it is not next-gen. It's built on old source, and don't forget it's also releasing on 360 so... yeah.
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