These comparisons only make sense when comparing the same games yet ppl use their apple vs banana opinions as ownage! Next one, Limbo VS Uncharted 2
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[QUOTE="waltefmoney"]Wasn't it lens of lies? ;)Lens of Truth is credible again?
it was LEMS of Truth actually :roll: besides one site doesnt mean much(to me at least) when 30 other ones give the crown to Crysis 2...especially when one is Digital Foundry.
Actually Uncharted 2 is a completely different game compare to Crysis 2,and while Crysis2 look good i still think Uncharted 2 still look better is a more cinematic experience,but that is my opinion which is no more valid than yours,or Lens Of Truth i don't like Lens of Truth but i also dislike today;s reviewers which focus more on popularity of game or how hot is it or not,than actual innovation. Reviewers today are mostly fanboys cheering for their own preference,which explain why games that are the same thing over and over like COD and are completely broken online get high 9 and high 8,some times i just ask my self damn did reviewers actually played this game online.? And then it hit me they did 1 month before the game was out,on a close environment with 2000 more reviewers,a far cry from half a million players most popular games get,reason why many never see the real problems the game have. In fact i think that any game that is made with the whole "" one man army"" crap in mind should not get a score higher than 8 for that alone,it is just so play out now i don't know how they keep abusing it. But again that is just my opinion.why dont the cows see how pathetic they are swapping "lens of lies" for "lems of truth" whenever a 360 game is praised on that site, but claiming it as ownage when it goes in their favour.really sad yet funny.
lens of truths methods are not great and tthey base it on "personal opinion" as are all the reviews saying crysis 2 is the best looking game. digital foundry do a real anaylsis, there is never going to be a definitive answer as opinions differ on the subject. however crysis 2 is the best looking game on 360 IMO, i cant speak for the PS3 as i dont have one to compare it to. the thing that matters in here though is that there is a large number of reviews saying its the best looking game on consoles and at least some debate about it in here, which to my mind proves all those cows who said "360 will never come close to UC2 / KZ2" totally wrong, thats all.
Crysis 2 and Killzone 3 are both first person shooters,Limbo and Uncharted 2 are not in the same genre or close.These comparisons only make sense when comparing the same games yet ppl use their apple vs banana opinions as ownage! Next one, Limbo VS Uncharted 2
[QUOTE="PAL360"]Crysis 2 and Killzone 3 are both first person shooters,Limbo and Uncharted 2 are not in the same genre or close.These comparisons only make sense when comparing the same games yet ppl use their apple vs banana opinions as ownage! Next one, Limbo VS Uncharted 2
Different games use resources in different ways. Are they counting polygons for example?
"Furthermore, both Crysis 2 and Killzone 3 have a slew of next generation rendering techniques that only high end PC'swith decked outSLI graphics cards are able to achieve."
I have only a single GPU in my machine and it runs Crysis2 very nicely at resolutions higher than "720P", it's hardly a high end machine either...
"Furthermore, both Crysis 2 and Killzone 3 have a slew of next generation rendering techniques that only high end PC'swith decked outSLI graphics cards are able to achieve."
I have only a single GPU in my machine and it runs Crysis2 very nicely at resolutions higher than "720P", it's hardly a high end machine either...
Yeah that's not exactly accurate.
Crysis 2 and Killzone 3 are both first person shooters,Limbo and Uncharted 2 are not in the same genre or close.[QUOTE="tormentos"][QUOTE="PAL360"]
These comparisons only make sense when comparing the same games yet ppl use their apple vs banana opinions as ownage! Next one, Limbo VS Uncharted 2
Different games use resources in different ways. Are they counting polygons for example?
Yeah but you have see comparison like Crysis vs Fear,Crysis vs Far Cry,COD vs Halo,see but i don't see that much Halo vs Rock Band,or Crysis vs Civilization,FPS engines have been compare for as long as i can remember them.There never was a chance for multiplat Crysis2 to compete with PS3 exclusives. PS3 is more powerful then 360 that's an obvious and well known fact. Ugh look at the disgusting resolution for the cutscenes in Crysis 2. That Archaic DVD format has got to go. Hope they come out with the X-Box 720 soon so we can get some multiplats that are actually impressive.
And according to Lense of Truth Killzone 3 wins
"Conclusion:Although Crysis 2 looks fantastic on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, the graphics crown still belongs toGuerrilla's Killzone 3. Not only does Killzone 3 look graphicallybetter, the performance its more stable throughout. That being said, with serious graphical contenders on the horizon such as Battlefield 3 and RAGE, how long can Killzone 3 hold on to the title? We'll just haveto wait and see!"
Looks like PS3 exclusives still reign supreme. Sorry lems.
This was old, but still hilarious nontheless, Crysis 2 goes up there with Alan Wake and Metro 2033 it seems.
[QUOTE="Kan0nF0dder"]This is old, and yeah we know - the only one's clinging on still to Crysis 2 are lems and closet lems....PAL360
....and non biased gamers, and reviewers, etc...
...well I've seen a lot of cherry picking of quotes to try and prove that. Seems pretty desperate to me having played them both, I'd honestly give the edge to killzone, though it's close.edit - should probabaly say I've only seen Crysis 2 on PS3 and PC. It's not king on PC either.
Sorry PS3 only owners - Crysis 2 wins - It wasn't even really that difficult to decide.Seeing as how I own Killzone 3 & Crysis 2 on the 360, my opinion is the only one that matters. Out!
[QUOTE="Kan0nF0dder"]This is old, and yeah we know - the only one's clinging on still to Crysis 2 are lems and closet lems....Kan0nF0dder
....and non biased gamers, and reviewers, etc...
...well I've seen a lot of cherry picking of quotes to try and prove that. Seems pretty desperate to me having played them both, I'd honestly give the edge to killzone, though it's close.edit - should probabaly say I've only seen Crysis 2 on PS3 and PC. It's not king on PC either.
Like you said, it´s close! Dont you think that fact allows ppl to have diferent opinions? When it comes to tech, i honestly cant tell the diference between many console games like Uncharted 2, Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 3, Crysis 2 and a few others and im pretty sure no one here can.
This is old, and yeah we know - the only one's clinging on still to Crysis 2 are lems and closet lems.Kan0nF0dder
Seems like the cows are clinging onto this only piece of "evidence". Over 30 - 40 reviewers have said Crysis 2 is the best looking FPS / game on consoles. Digital Foundry said Crysis 2s visuals are cutting edge, and does things never seen before on consoles. Anyone with unimpaired eyesight can see Crysis 2 looks better than Killzone 3. :lol:
...well I've seen a lot of cherry picking of quotes to try and prove that. Seems pretty desperate to me having played them both, I'd honestly give the edge to killzone, though it's close.[QUOTE="Kan0nF0dder"]
....and non biased gamers, and reviewers, etc...
edit - should probabaly say I've only seen Crysis 2 on PS3 and PC. It's not king on PC either.
Like you said, it´s close! Dont you think that fact allows ppl to have diferent opinions? When it comes to tech, i honestly cant tell the diference between many console games like Uncharted 2, Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 3, Crysis 2 and a few others and im pretty sure no one here can.
Eh why not. It's close enough that I can accept the opinion, even if I disagree.[QUOTE="Kan0nF0dder"]This is old, and yeah we know - the only one's clinging on still to Crysis 2 are lems and closet lems.DreamCryotank
Seems like the cows are clinging onto this only piece of "evidence". Over 30 - 40 reviewers have said Crysis 2 is the best looking FPS / game on consoles. Digital Foundry said Crysis 2s visuals are cutting edge, and does things never seen before on consoles. Anyone with unimpaired eyesight can see Crysis 2 looks better than Killzone 3. :lol:
Oh, whatever, you've never played KIllzone 3. 30-40 reviews have only stated this loosely if you cherry pick little quotes and spin the context of the quote in most cases. A few like IGN have stated clearly (with no need for the fanboy spin) they think it's better - Gamespot I believe have said otherwise and prefer Killzone.[QUOTE="DreamCryotank"][QUOTE="Kan0nF0dder"]This is old, and yeah we know - the only one's clinging on still to Crysis 2 are lems and closet lems.Kan0nF0dder
Seems like the cows are clinging onto this only piece of "evidence". Over 30 - 40 reviewers have said Crysis 2 is the best looking FPS / game on consoles. Digital Foundry said Crysis 2s visuals are cutting edge, and does things never seen before on consoles. Anyone with unimpaired eyesight can see Crysis 2 looks better than Killzone 3. :lol:
Oh, whatever, you've never played KIllzone 3. 30-40 reviews have only stated this loosely if you cherry pick little quotes and spin the context of the quote in most cases. A few like IGN have stated clearly (with no need for the fanboy spin) they think it's better - Gamespot I believe have said otherwise and prefer Killzone.Ok, 2 publications agree with you, while over 30 disagree.
30 > 2
why dont the cows see how pathetic they are swapping "lens of lies" for "lems of truth" whenever a 360 game is praised on that site, but claiming it as ownage when it goes in their favour.really sad yet funny.
lens of truths methods are not great and tthey base it on "personal opinion" as are all the reviews saying crysis 2 is the best looking game. digital foundry do a real anaylsis, there is never going to be a definitive answer as opinions differ on the subject. however crysis 2 is the best looking game on 360 IMO, i cant speak for the PS3 as i dont have one to compare it to. the thing that matters in here though is that there is a large number of reviews saying its the best looking game on consoles and at least some debate about it in here, which to my mind proves all those cows who said "360 will never come close to UC2 / KZ2" totally wrong, thats all.
I never called them lense of lies and I own both consoels. Hell check my gamertag , TheSterls. And my Crysis 2 acheivments on 360. I just thought it funny lems were gloating about how the 360 version looked so much better then the ps3 version( They look pretty much identical) and then claimed it looked better then any game on any console.( Deffinetly top 5 but not better then KZ3.)
But hell lems post these comparisons all dayand one bigone doesnt go there way and theyand now they suck. Also there anaylsis are some of the best next to digital foundry , bar better then IGN's which are pretty muchworthless.
it wasn't aimed at you, i think this is the first time i have seen you post! sorry. the 360 version looks better in the opinion of some. your entitled to your opinion, there are plenty who think crysis 2 looks better. like i said my only interest in this is that those cows were proved wrong, the 360 has proved it can match PS3 exclusives, the cows dont like it, but the fact there is a debate, proves em wrong. thats all i have to say on this matter.I don't think it's a very good idea to attempt to call out the hypocrisy of one faction and not the other in a case like this, as both sides flip flop constantly over such things.
As for whether the 360 can match current ps3 exclusives. I think they can, but I think the ps3 has the higher potential. The thing of it is though, is that having hardware capable of doing something that nobody is making it do is worse than having hardware not capable of it.
What I mean is, a complete lack of effort on MS's part is not a positive argument in favor of the 360, but that does seem to be the go-to argument.
This is old, and yeah we know - the only one's clinging on still to Crysis 2 are lems and closet lems.Kan0nF0dderYeah, it's also sad to see people throwing out fake numbers about how many reviews say C2 is the best on consoles.
Interstellar Marines looks better than both Crysis 2 and Killzone 3, and the funny thing is, IM is an indie game powered by Unity3D.
And so history repeats itself once again! Lemms has failed with Alan wake, SP conviction, Halo Reach and now Crysis 2 joins the list of their failed attempt of so called graphics messiah. Guess what's in common with all these games? They're all Sub HD games literally. You guys really need to get a proper 1280 x 720 HD game hint, Gears3 for the contest next time. Just my personal suggestion.gpukingAnd you cows need to get a "graphics king" that isn't a corridor shooter or a linear TPS, or one that literally forces you to face one direction. Oh and give me real time graphics instead of a prebaked mess please.
And so history repeats itself once again! Lemms has failed with Alan wake, SP conviction, Halo Reach and now Crysis 2 joins the list of their failed attempt of so called graphics messiah. Guess what's in common with all these games? They're all Sub HD games literally. You guys really need to get a proper 1280 x 720 HD game hint, Gears3 for the contest next time. Just my personal suggestion.gpuking
The analysis is very flawed. It's like theyhad a meeting to discuss how they would pull of this analysis to benefit one group or another.One person probably thought of a way to mess up the pictures in both of thegames and make them low res and make up a fake explanation that sounds legit to anyone that doesn't look at the messed up pictures before they look at the explanations. I would rather what for a better analysis that doesn't use low res pics in some of the pics. In my opinion neither game won from this analysis because they weren't represented fairly.
[QUOTE="gpuking"]And so history repeats itself once again! Lemms has failed with Alan wake, SP conviction, Halo Reach and now Crysis 2 joins the list of their failed attempt of so called graphics messiah. Guess what's in common with all these games? They're all Sub HD games literally. You guys really need to get a proper 1280 x 720 HD game hint, Gears3 for the contest next time. Just my personal suggestion.super600
The analysis is very flawed. It's like theyhad a meeting to discuss how they would pull of this analysis to benefit one group or another.One person probably thought of a way to mess up the pictures in both of thegames and make them low res and make up a fake explanation that sounds legit to anyone that doesn't look at the messed up pictures before they look at the explanations. I would rather what for a better analysis that doesn't use low res pics. In my opinion neither game won from this analysis because they weren't represented fairly.
Meh I own both id have to go to KZ3 but everyone will have there opionions they both look great.
[QUOTE="gpuking"]And so history repeats itself once again! Lemms has failed with Alan wake, SP conviction, Halo Reach and now Crysis 2 joins the list of their failed attempt of so called graphics messiah. Guess what's in common with all these games? They're all Sub HD games literally. You guys really need to get a proper 1280 x 720 HD game hint, Gears3 for the contest next time. Just my personal suggestion.TheSterls
The analysis is very flawed. It's like theyhad a meeting to discuss how they would pull of this analysis to benefit one group or another.One person probably thought of a way to mess up the pictures in both of thegames and make them low res and make up a fake explanation that sounds legit to anyone that doesn't look at the messed up pictures before they look at the explanations. I would rather what for a better analysis that doesn't use low res pics. In my opinion neither game won from this analysis because they weren't represented fairly.
Meh I own both id have to go to KZ3 but everyone will have there opionions they both look great.
LofT still did butcher some of the pics for both games.
OK, seriously...Lens of Truth is credible again?
Could someone explain how this whole "Lens of Truth is not credible" thing began???
I have never seen one person give any solid reason as to why they are "not credible"
Just curious:|
and btw, I have noticed that when PS3 strikes up a couple wins on their site is when their credibility really comes under fire. hmmmmm........
I could care less if Killzone 3 looks better than Crysis 2, in the end of the day Crysis 2 had a much better single player campaign, and better gameplay for campaign. Sure, Killzone might have a better MP, but beating Crysis in multiplayer isn't a huge feat to accomplish, especially when Killzone 3's multiplayer isn't all that good itself.
OK, seriously...[QUOTE="waltefmoney"]
Lens of Truth is credible again?
Could someone explain how this whole "Lens of Truth is not credible" thing began???
I have never seen one person give any solid reason as to why they are "not credible"
Just curious:|
and btw, I have noticed that when PS3 strikes up a couple wins on their site is when their credibility really comes under fire. hmmmmm........
They don't do technical analysis's, butcher screenshots, and use half assed technical mumbo jumbo that isn't even correct. So basically they just compare framerate and then just say, hmmm this one looks better. To me.How many Lense of Truth of Crysis 2 have I seen already...?
Uh no, what you saw before was a LoT performance analysis between the two, and then a fanboy called KevinButler misleading saying KZ3 p0wns Crysis 2 and pretending LoT was backing him up.Hasn't this been posted before numerous times? correct me if i'm wrong.
OK, seriously...[QUOTE="waltefmoney"]
Lens of Truth is credible again?
Could someone explain how this whole "Lens of Truth is not credible" thing began???
I have never seen one person give any solid reason as to why they are "not credible"
Just curious:|
and btw, I have noticed that when PS3 strikes up a couple wins on their site is when their credibility really comes under fire. hmmmmm........
Pick any random comparison they do, and chances are a few things are going stick out that make you ask "why did they do that?"
The most common repeated thing I've noticed is they'll take a screencap while textures are obviously still loading and proclaim blurry textures.
And so history repeats itself once again! Lemms has failed with Alan wake, SP conviction, Halo Reach and now Crysis 2 joins the list of their failed attempt of so called graphics messiah. Guess what's in common with all these games? They're all Sub HD games literally. You guys really need to get a proper 1280 x 720 HD game hint, Gears3 for the contest next time. Just my personal suggestion.gpukingAnd so history repeats itself once again! PS3 users have failed with Lair, Uncharted, GT5, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, GoW3, Heavy Rain and now Killzone 3 joins the list of their failed attempt of sol called graphics messiah. Guess what's common with all these games? They don't support a resolution of 2560x1600, literally. You guys need a a proper 2560x1600 game, hint, don't talk about graphics kings for the contest next time. Just my personal suggestion.
Lens of truth what? I'd rather trust my eyes and the majority of gaming sites saying the contrary.And according to Lense of Truth Killzone 3 wins
"Conclusion:Although Crysis 2 looks fantastic on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, the graphics crown still belongs toGuerrilla's Killzone 3. Not only does Killzone 3 look graphicallybetter, the performance its more stable throughout. That being said, with serious graphical contenders on the horizon such as Battlefield 3 and RAGE, how long can Killzone 3 hold on to the title? We'll just haveto wait and see!"
Looks like PS3 exclusives still reign supreme. Sorry lems.
*my take on things*
crysis 2 is a fantastic looking game both graphically and overall visually. the *core graphics* are even better than uncharted 2 and god of war 3. lighting is spectacular and is the best I've seen in ANY game, it has a nice sense of scale, and textures are pretty good for a console game - up there with killzone 3 but not quite at gow 3's or uncharted 2's level. and considering the scale with all of these things going on as well as added effects like bokeh, make for a fantastic visual experience.
however, the game does lack polish. it has some graphical glitches, like things phazing in and out, objects floating in mid air, inconsistent a.i. , enimies getting stuck on objects ect. as well as some framerate dips, and frequent object pop up. (but the game usually does run pretty smoothly, about a 27 - 28 fps avg.) it also runs at a sub Hd resolution on both consoles, (lower on the ps3 but the ps3 version has higher AF to compensate) and it also uses an AA method which works well on jaggies, but causes ghosting on objects.
even with all its issues, the game is just so dam impressive that it's easily up there with both killzone games, but it does fall a bit short compared to uncharted 2 and gow because of noticeable lack of polish.
and omg the lighting is just amazing :) just another great example of when a nice art design and technical achievement come together.
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