Honestly I don't and I can't imagine that anyone really does either, I was in a thread a while back and there were some people posting stupid comparison pictures that barely had any diiference in them. I don't remember the game that was being discussed but people were making a big deal about things that I honestly couldn't see, like an extra shadow in the corner of the room or an invisble leaf on a tree or something like that.
I tired REALLY hard and the only thing I noticed was that the time of day was different in the game and the guy had a VERY small piece of lighting on one version that the other did not, and I ONLY noticed that after staring at the picures REALLY hard for about 5 minutes, otherwise I wouldn't have seen ANYTHING.
What I'm trying to say is that I seriously doubt that people care about these insignificant differences as much as SOME people claim they do, and I also doubt that they even notice them in the first place without going to those stupidfanboy comparison sites. Does having a small piecee of grass missing from your version REALLY bother you? Does having an invisble frame rate difference even matter? Will these things even be noticed when your playing the game? I doubt it.
They're the SAME game and I don't think ANYONE who is thinking about buying a 360 or PS3 is going to base their decision on whether or not there isa 2% grass difference in the game. Bottom line: I don't think anyone outside SW cares about these insignificant differences and pointing them out is just a waste of time because no one even cares or noitces them in the first place.
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