Yes it has flaws yes it can run like ass sometimes.
Lets go back to Dues Ex man that is an alltime great and it had the same problems when it came out no matter what super computer you threw at it it was glitchy it's all because of CODING for a game so ambitious it will have some glitches.
Mass Effect has these same issues and it all so has the same thing in common it's a SPECTACULAR MASTERPIECE just like Dues Ex was.
Ok listen here guys if you think you can just go in guns blazing then man you need to dtick with Halo becuase this is not it.
But if you want a truly DEEP and EPIC experience with crazy good combat once you learn how to control your team and use them in force with precise thought out tactics. Then man you will be grinning from ear to ear saying this game ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This game can be AMAZING once you LEARN how to use your BRAIN and THINK out your tactics WISELY? I've gotten into some amazing fire fights that have lasted for over 20mins just going back in forth with methodical tactics and precision and smart thinking to take out the enemy who has me heavily out numbered. Plce you squad wisly use there skills wisely and take cover and man you are in for a TREAT.
I've seen so many people complain about performance isseus and such and most of this is caused by trying to go in guns blazing and getting you ass waxed by doing this and yes it can get a little choppy trying this. if you go at a smart tactical pace and use your head and position yourself and your team. The performance issues are almost non existent by doing it this way. AND HELLO this is the way you are supposed to be doing it anyway.
Need i even mention the graphics they are SICK PERIOD.
And the customization is very well done.
The stroy is AMAZING.
So if you can learn how to play this game and stop thinking it's HALO and going guns blazing and getting waxed and crying ahh i can just go guns blazing and it gets choppy and i die. Well your loss for being so impatient and not using your head.
Mass Effect is AMAZING learn how to play it and you will be BLOWN AWAY.
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