Is it possible to actually have a discussion in system wars and not have a couple of fanboys screaming "ur console is teh suxxors!!"
Im curious as to why many owners of the 360 and/or ps3's seem to hate the wii so much. I for one agree with the approach nintendo is taking with the wii in that it provides us with new gameplay opportunities. I also dont really have a problem with the fact that the wii is very underpowered compared to its "rivals" the ps3 and 360. the one thing that concerns me about the approach with the wii is the fact that nintendo seem to be aiming for the casual crowd and so far they seem to be gaining ground in that area. What im saying is that i think if nintendos plan of getting casuals into gaming is a huge success it might lead developers into they same mindset. Now while that may not be a bad thing introducing new people to gaming it makes me think that soon most developers will concentrate on getting games to draw in casuals and forget about us hardcore gamers who wait months sometimes years for the epic games that we love so much. I would like the opinions of the rest of you guys on whether you think its possible that soon developers may cater to the casuals and that blockbuster games like GOW, HAlO, ZELDA may be put on the back of the line?
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