With next-gen consoles right around the corner, Microsoft is going to have to do some major changes if they want to stay on top next-gen.
Xbox 360's exclusives this gen were, well, terrible. The only one I could actually enjoy was Halo, the rest of the games on there were multiplats. Sony could easily gain the edge in multi-plats with the PS4, and since they already have a large supply of exclusives.....
The pay-to-play online service is a severe ripoff. Sure, I pay for it, because I have the money. But lots of people don't have the cash/aren't willing to pay $60 to pay online. Once again, Sony already has the edge with free online. If they just fix the mistakes they made with the PS3, then I will have no problem switching to PSN.
I've already gone to PC because of a lack of exclusives on Xbox, but I could also switch to PS4 next-gen instead of Xbox. If Microsoft doesn't change their many flaws, I could see Xbox getting 2nd or even a distant 3rd place next-gen.
What about you, SW? Do you think Xbox is dying? Does Sony have the edge?
Fable 2-3 - My top fairy tale RPGs
Dark Souls - Top dark fairy take RPG
Lost Odyssey - my top 3D JRPG by a billion miles this generation (that alone makes 360 unbeatable)
Blue Dragon
Alan Wake
Mass Effect 1 - still my top sci-fi RPG of all time
Halo - my top shooter, more fun than anything
Gears - top 3rd person shooter
LOL at xbox only having Halo
So desprate
MS is 20 million systems ahead in US too
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