[QUOTE="roadkill88"] [QUOTE="darkmagician06"]and the 360 or wii will stay the same price forever right?darkmagician06
The 360 is already cheaper than the PS3, WITH more games. How is that working out for it? Not very well, it would seem since its lead is only 5,000,000 ahead of the PS3. Apparently, price isn't the issue for the 360 not selling like crazy.
has nothing to do with anything dont see my mom buying a PS3 just to watch movies... darkmagician06
1) A large part of PS2's success is commonly attributed to the emergence of DVD. It sold 120,000,000 and is STILL selling.
2) Just because your mom doesn't buy HD, it doesn't mean everyone else won't.
3) Mothers aren't the target audience for Blu-Ray. My mother didn't buy DVD by herself, she has zero to no interest in Blu-ray.
4) All of a sudden 360 fanboys are saying it 'doesn't matter'. Can't make up their minds, one minute its 'PS3 is selling only because of Blu-Ray". Now it doesn't matter. Heh.
devs want cash plain and simple so 360 will always get gamesdarkmagician06
And Devs get cash by making games people want. Duh. People constantly want games to improve, improve, improve. Lingering around DVD9 won't achieve this. Sorry - but the games industry won't stay with DVD9 just because the 360 uses it. The games industry moves on, it takes no prisoners. Square abandoned the N64 to develop Final Fantasy 7 on the PS1 because of carts/CD's.
see abovedarkmagician06
No. "See above" is not a rebuttal. I made two entirely different points.
lol keep believing that. its been proven one game doesnt significally affect sales to the degree you are talking about. there might be a slight increase but thats it. halo 3 for example sales didnt "explode" and if halo cant do it nothing candarkmagician06
1) I'm not talking about '1 game'. I'm talking MGS4 as a culminative factor in 'sales exploding'. For example, the casual fan may desperately want MGS4 - needing to buy a PS3. As bad as he wants MGS4, he won't buy a PS3 for it alone. Then he see's Blu-Ray, Killzone, Resistance, Home - and he can't resist.
2) Sales didn't explode on the 360 for Halo 3 because:
a) 33% death rate. The internet may have buried this, but the casual gamer is painfully aware of it.
b) Halo 3 is overated in the first place.
See abovedarkmagician06
See abovedarkmagician06
See abovedarkmagician06
See abovedarkmagician06
Wait wait wait, you're saying 'see above' to a point which says '1 game with high sales isn't enough', yet you've quoted it four times for FOUR MORE GAMES. That clearly makes up 5 games. Can you tell the difference between 5 and 1? How can the argument that '1 game isn't enough' be a rebuttal when I've presented five?
Self. Own.
Not when they see the 360 logo on all the commercials...and you are giving casuals too much credit.darkmagician06
Like Assasins Creed? Where the only logo was the Playstation 3 logo? Where is your proof that the 360 logo will be the only logo to appear on GTA IV's TV spot?
What? good games will continue to come out unlike the PS3darkmagician06
Oh really? So it didn't peak at Halo 3, the biggest game it will ever see? Ok, name ten huge exlusive games coming out for the 360. Gears of War 2 and...?
Fads dont last years and yearsdarkmagician06
LOL thats my point. Thanks for bolstering it, it has to END sometime.
Most of those users already have either a Wii or 360 and im one of thosedarkmagician06
Most PS2 users already have a Wii or 360? Ok, lets try some basic maths. Majority = more than 50%.
50% of 120,000,000 = 60,000,000.
Wii sales TOTAL: 20,000,000
360 sales TOTAL: 17,000,000
Thats 37,000,000 combined. Nowhere near 'most'.
Fail. Again.
lol nodarkmagician06
Umm, lol no? Lol no Final Fantasy won't make PS3 sales explode? LOL NO? LOL DENIAL!
yeah...not gonna try to stick quotes in your quotes so... ill number my reply's
1. Blu-ray never mattered...blu-ray =/= DVD
2. The lead is actually closer to 8 million and that is no small number my good friend.
3. once again blu-ray will not cause devs to not make games for the 360 plain and simple. they will put it on 2 disks just to get it on the platform to make some cash
4. see above does apply because you used the exact same argument over and over. (x game will make sales explode, y games will make sales explode, z game will make sales explode)
5. LOL wow. 33% death rate? try 16% and even then the general public doesnt know about that. also saying halo 3 is overrated is exactly my point NO game had as much hype as halo 3. it had so many pre-orders alone. so if halo couldnt do it those 5 games combine dont equal the total hype for halo 3.
6. also gears is all the xbox needs because it will sell more than the top 10 PS3 games coming out combined. even then there are other games besides gears
7. final fantasy hasnt sold systems since FF7 get over it. FF isnt as good as it used to be. lost odyssey > FF13
hahaha @ point 7!!! u've been sigged, Enjoy ur 7.5 flop. what did ff12 get here? 9.0? owned. that 16% is from only a thousand 360s. There are 17 million 360s so until we have a bigger group i say that number is more in the mid twenties. U have some flawed thinking if u think that R2, MGS4, GT5, and FF13 arent going to spur hardware and software sales...
the latter 3 some of the biggest franchises critically, commercially, and with are some of the biggest selling franchises in video game history.
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