Again, how? BF2 modern combat wasn't even close to BF2, and BC 2 has DX11 features, more players and tweaked gameplay for the PC version. How is that no discenable difference?
BC2 comparison
The vids I pulled those screens of BF3 from are what the game is gonna look like. Consoles should have no problem matching that, but at 720p. So would it appease you if I said that the difference between the versions of *BF3* will roughly be the same difference between the versions of BC2?
What will the console versions lack, then? "The higher resolution, the higher framerate, the anti-aliasing, the motion blur, stuff like that. We can't have it to the same quality on the console," says Bach.
Would have been nice if they said, "Higher precision lighting, 4x the poly-count, and ultra-high-res textures."
At least you'll be able to say there's more players and big maps. Then I'll say MAG has more players. That's how these things work.
"No Deeplinking please" If you are plop a giant picture on the forum, at least make sure it works.
And then whats up with you claiming that BF3 on PC will look like a sub-hd heavily compressed video?
Lastly if you are going to choose some weird BC2 comparison, why choose one that isn't even in the same spot? WHy not choose one that, you know, is in remotely the same place? Because BC2 on PC does not look the same as the console versions, even from your own comparision link, you the console versions don't even look close.
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