Its a sinking ship.
Notice anything odd? US and UK PSP owners have gotten almost nothing but trashy multiplats for the past couple of weeks, and its been increasingly worse since 2006.
I keep hearing about people saying PSP's lineup is getting better. As a PSP gamer, im trying to figure what in the world people are talking about. Ive seen only two notable games: GOW CoO, an essentially irrevelant game in the series that can easily be completed in LESS THAN 5 HOURS (not worth the $40 to me), and CC:FF7 is hardly appealing to me considering I havent even played the original.
I don't live in Japan, nor do I think the majority of gamers here do either. So I am not understanding why the PSP fanboys continue to flaunt PSP Hardware sales exclusively in that country, yet it is preforming horribly in your own country and will never end up outselling DS worldwide when this Handheld Gen is over. Yet people for some reason ignore its horrible software sales outside of Japan. If you aren't aware, software sales are what drive a system. To be quite frank, PSP has lost that drive.
You see that? PSP didn't have s single top-selling game in 2007
And with less profits for gaming companies, means they will move on:
Lets not forget that PSP is an even worse state than PC gaming as far as piracy goes, and SCEA/SCEE for the PSP users really care:|
PSP's plummeting software sales don't have anything to do with piracy, right?:roll: I go to retail stores and keep seeing PSP exposure shrinking while every other booming system (including the PS3/DS) gets more exposure and shelf space. Don't even deny it, everyone else is seeing this too. Its missing games that every other system is getting for none other than the fact that its software sales are bombing.
More and moreso, PSP games have been produced, and are staying Japan exclusive. It continues to be a popular item in Japan, and it will stay that time for a while. Yet, overall it is a universal failure.....aren't these all traits of the Dreamcast?
"Its the games stupid" - A real gamer
PS3 is about to get past this problem, but for the PSP, its just beginning. Sony is too busy marketing mediocre features like Skype and the USB Camera to really understand how bad its lineup is gone to the wasteland. Since I know you are tired of me linking, heres a journey for yourself. Go to and check out the amount of games coming out for PSP.
The truth hurts, doesn't it? The vast majority of its upcoming lineup consisting of the trashy Movie Cash-Ins, rehash sports games, and watered-down multiplats....I only saw two notable upcoming games: Hot Shots Open Tee II; pretty much what is truthfully going to be a watered-down version of HSG: Out of Bounds (online, yet no lobbies?:|)
Theres also Secret Agent Clank, which got a pre-release price drop to $30 and SCEA has gone all-out with the promotions, (probably because its going to be PSP's swan song outside of Sony's Homeland). Nonetheless it will sell horribly, and get ported to PS2 just like R&C Size Matters.
So, how can a potential PSP owner look at its upcoming lineup and say theyre going to get their moneys worth with a straight face? Why do people really think it has a bright future? This is even worse than the GC's slim pickings back in 2004.
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