Now I know this topic has been discussed many times, but since the problems with Nintendo's online division seem to only get worse rather than better, there's a few things I feel the need to get off my chest.
Obviously this is not a new problem. Nintendo has been pulling this shit for close to decades now. We live in an online, interconnected, social networking world now. How Nintendo believes that online isn't important in the year 2019 is beyond me. You would think that after so much criticism they would at least make SOME progress. But from my experience, the Switch online is by far the worst service(relative to the era) of all time, unless you count the Gamecube. Nintendo has done nothing to take a step forward, and instead opted to take multiple steps back WHILE somehow thinking it's OK to add a subscription fee in the process.
We all know Nintendo fanboys love to defend Switch online's fee by saying "lol it's only $20/year, if you can't afford that get a job". But the problem simply isn't the price and never will be. The problem is that the service is absolutely horrible.... not just by today's standards, but even by 10-15 years ago. Let's recap what Switch online gets you:
- Awful servers
- A garbage antiquated user interface on par with the 3DS
- Stupid unnecessary friend codes
- No native voice chat(even though Fortnite on the Switch proves it can be done through the headset jack on the top of the Switch without the dumb cell phone app)
- Basically 0 online features(even stuff that has been industry standard for over a decade)
- Barely any apps(which would really increase it's value as a tablet)
- An NES emulator with an extremely underwhelming library(and has noticeable input lag and poor performance/slowdowns... while PS4/XB1 give free AAA games almost monthly)
- Almost all of Nintendo's first party games that offer online gameplay do it very poorly.(Not to mention some games that SHOULD include online don't, such as Mario Party)
Even Nintendo's newest game coming Mario Maker has an online mode, but yet you can only play it with random people and not your friends. What kind of ass backwards BS is that? Why would you make an online mode but not allow friends to play together? lmao. The Switch online would be overpriced if it was even $0.01. This service is somehow WORSE than the Wii and Wii U service which were free, and yet now they expect us to pay? It's a joke.
So why does Nintendo continue to deliver the same pathetic excuse for online time and time again? Who at Nintendo is truly to blame for this? Why do they seem to not care at all? Is it that difficult to simply clean house replace their online division staff with some people who actually know about online gaming in 2019? I honestly don't get it. Part of me thinks they're simply too cheap to invest money into improving. They seem content with the fact that they have their Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Smash, etc games that will sell good no matter how awful their online services are. They don't even seem to acknowledge the fact that their online is bad. Nothing's going to change unless people find a way to let them know they expect more.
Anyways what do you guys think? Who really is to blame here and why?
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