I haven't been happy with it. But oh well.
The PC I have at home cost me a grand, I bought it for the missus and even she doesn't even use it for ANYTHING.
I don't hate hermits they just hate themselves and gaming as they are happy to spend hundreds/thousands supporting tech companies and either buy their games extremely cheap or just steal them.
Don't worry, I don't support pirates and I do want to support the developers who put efforts into making a good game gets my hard earn money. As far as supporting tech companies. How are we different then supporting Sony/MS/Nintendo console's hardware tech? We the gamers buy tech stuff. But hey, you do what you wanna do.
Because MS/Nintendo/Sony make games to play on their hardware whereas tech companies do not, so by buying consoles you are supporting gaming. Did you really needed me to point that out to you, oh wait you're a sometimes hermit sometimes cow so yeah I did lol.
Supporting Nvidia/AMD/Intel is supporting gaming. Bruh, they make the stuff that goes in your console boxes...
Yes they do but are being paid by companies that make video games, selling them on PC however is a different story.
Gotta love how hermits complain about a paid subscription to play online, but pay hundreds for a single piece of hardware that goes to that jigsaw puzzle they call a PC lol.
Watch out OP that rabid sheep char has been around here lately shutting down all negative Nintendo threads, and i'm sure yours will be next.
You really dislike PC gamers huh? Not our fault you can't spend $500 just for a nice gaming PC build.
The PC I have at home cost me a grand, I bought it for the missus and even she doesn't even use it for ANYTHING.
I don't hate hermits they just hate themselves and gaming as they are happy to spend hundreds/thousands supporting tech companies and either buy their games extremely cheap or just steal them.
You know what!? Dude you are right. This is off topic, but PC guys seem hella depressed. Its like they want everyone to BE on a PC WITH THEM and love to bother people who buy and play consoles. What are they so upset about? Its seems many of them wish consoles would go away so all gamers can play WITH THEM. They also seem to be the main ones pushing for Cross Play to PlayStation. Are they lonely?
I dig it. I really like that the social media stuff takes a backseat on the console.
Its like buying a windows laptop with bloatware vs buying a mac.
In what universe is your logic or that comparison viable? lmfao. It doesn't "take a backseat", it simply doesn't exist at all. You can't even MESSAGE YOUR FRIENDS. How are you trying to spin lazy garbage like that as a good thing? And the servers are garbage. You like that aspect too? You like being charged a subscription fee for subpar service and features?
And wtf does WIndows vs Mac have anything to do with it. That's a huge stretch. On a Mac you at least have the option to install more programs, social apps, online features etc that you want. On the Switch you can't do anything to increase your features or online social abilities. Unless you count the cell phone app but that's the biggest joke I've ever seen. The first time I played Switch Online I downloaded the app and promptly deleted it the next day. Beyond horrible app and nobody even uses it.
Its perfectly logical. Sony dashboard looks like a billboard, while Switchs does not. However, occasionally when you wake the Switch up it will remind you of sales or upcoming events. Once you enter the dashboard though, thats the end of it.
I dont mind the lack of messaging. The means to do so is convoluted but it is simply in retaliation against an abundance of a-holes. You mean to tell me you enjoyed listening to all the negative people on psn and xbox live over the years? Wow. Tough guy behind a wall but a btch in real life? You LIKE hearing that in your multiplayer game? What if kids are around? Catch my drift?
The answer is very simple. Nintendo core fanbase has allowed it. There is no consequence for their online service and their wouldn't be. The system is selling well despite these problems and its not going to change well because its Nintendo. Nintendo only makes changes when its ABSOLUTELY necessary and improving its online is currently not in that category.
This is pretty much how it happened. They wouldn't have charged for PS+ or Xbox Live(and probably Switch online) if everyone refused to pay for it, but players immediately grabbed their wallets and gave them money, so now this is industry standard on consoles.
People control the industry with their wallets, it's just that there are too many sheep. It's how all crappy products keep getting made. If people buy it, companies will just keep putting out the same garbage.
I dig it. I really like that the social media stuff takes a backseat on the console.
Its like buying a windows laptop with bloatware vs buying a mac.
In what universe is your logic or that comparison viable? lmfao. It doesn't "take a backseat", it simply doesn't exist at all. You can't even MESSAGE YOUR FRIENDS. How are you trying to spin lazy garbage like that as a good thing? And the servers are garbage. You like that aspect too? You like being charged a subscription fee for subpar service and features?
And wtf does WIndows vs Mac have anything to do with it. That's a huge stretch. On a Mac you at least have the option to install more programs, social apps, online features etc that you want. On the Switch you can't do anything to increase your features or online social abilities. Unless you count the cell phone app but that's the biggest joke I've ever seen. The first time I played Switch Online I downloaded the app and promptly deleted it the next day. Beyond horrible app and nobody even uses it.
I think he was actually just dissing MACS for being so crappy in his backward kinda way.
It wasnt a mac vs pc comparison. It was a comparison of how the large majority of windows machines ship with unwanted bloatware and trial software. Im aware some companies like Razer do not do this, but the bulk of them do. Macs do not.
Its perfectly logical. Sony dashboard looks like a billboard, while Switchs does not. However, occasionally when you wake the Switch up it will remind you of sales or upcoming events. Once you enter the dashboard though, thats the end of it.
I dont mind the lack of messaging. The means to do so is convoluted but it is simply in retaliation against an abundance of a-holes. You mean to tell me you enjoyed listening to all the negative people on psn and xbox live over the years? Wow. Tough guy behind a wall but a btch in real life? You LIKE hearing that in your multiplayer game? What if kids are around? Catch my drift?
If you don't like hearing people in voice chat you simply mute them. It's called optional. Catch my drift? You have the OPTION to actually talk to people? On Switch you don't even get that option, except in Fortnite. Cause for whatever reason Nintendo actually allowed Fortnite to work like every game on the Switch should. You plug in your headset directly into the Switch and it just works, you can talk to people in your party or on your team. So the system is clearly capable of doing it. Nintendo just doesn't want to give you the option to do it.
Apparently they caved in for Epic Games cause they knew all the masses of people and kids with only Switches who love Fortnite would eventually get mad they can't talk to each other and eventually go buy another system so they can. Just goes to show you where Nintendo's priorities are. If it's a huge game by a big name developer that millions upon millions of people play, they'll let companies break the rules and do stuff not normally allowed. Don't wanna miss out on those new customers! But f*ck the fans of their own franchises. They still have to use the garbage app if they want to voice chat with randoms in their game lobbies(and I say that, but lets be real if you go into one of those lobby chats on the phone app all you're going to hear is crickets... I tried it in Mario Kart for a whole multi-hour session and didn't find a single soul to talk to).
Im sorry, what? I suppose you still arent following. Lol@ calling me a media hog. Couldnt be further from the truth.
What am I supposed to do though? I tried protesting it- held out for months after Switch online launched and only played single player and local co-op, hoping the rest of the world would do the same.
But then when they announced a free year of membership if you have Twitch Prime. Which just means you just need Amazon Prime- which I do. So I jumped in.
And honestly I need it- I want to play Tetris 99, Rocket League, Mario Kart, Smash, and most importantly the upcoming Mario Maker 2, online.
So what could we do?
It wasnt a mac vs pc comparison. It was a comparison of how the large majority of windows machines ship with unwanted bloatware and trial software. Im aware some companies like Razer do not do this, but the bulk of them do. Macs do not.
Just do a refresh of Windows when you buy a laptop. Problem solved. it takes all of 20 minutes.
I'd rather be able to do that and actually play some games than not play most of the games made simply because they aren't supported on Mac OS.
There are two things at fault here;
1) Japanese corporate culture is notoriously toxic and stifles innovation like an Ocean extinguishing the flame on a single lit match. The place is filled with nothing but yes men and ball washers.
2)Their fanbase are paradoxically subservient to Nintendo's whims and wishes to the point where one has to wonder if these are consumers or donors. Strangely enough they seem to hold other developers to higher standards and even hold unrelated developers accountable for Nintendo's actions.
What do the japanese think of the service?
I wouldn't know, I don't keep up with what Japanese gamers like considering the odd ball shit they tend to buy in droves(rapeplay, dating sims where grown men date high school girls lmfao, etc.).
My point is there are cultural differences, which leads to different wants and expectations from a home.
I dont want to know how you know that other stuff but not about their games, on a game site. A little inappropriate, no?
I avoid the internet i guess for reasons like that.
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