@Jakandsigz said:
@Gue1 said:
the comment section is becoming incredibly hilarious with the XIII fanboys using the excuse that FFX was linear too. XD
FFX which had item shops, side-quests for weapons and summons, you could backtrack, the characters actually had personality and motivations,you could use every single character on every fight, the sphere grid gave you options unlike the pointless linear crystarium, etc. FFX and FFXIII are worlds apart, and this is coming from someone that didn't even like neither game. To me after XIII, FFX is like the worst FF game to date but the gap between these is pretty wide.
1.13 had items shops for weapons, and had weapon crafting. I do not remember FFX having shops for summons.
2. 13 has sidequests
3.You can backtrack in 13.
4.The personalities in both games were scripted and stereotypical. Xiii at least had one character that actually had a story someone could almost connect with.
5.You can do that in Xiii. I have no idea what point you are trying to make here.
6.The Sphere grid IS the Crystarium, just removed the pointless wait times. The are related to eachother, even the creators said that. Both are stupid.
Both games are bad but to say they are really different outside of setting is insanity.
1- I think he meant actual physical shops (and he should have probably just said "it had towns", not just clicking on a save computer to buy things from there.
2- Yes and they were literally just Go to X place and kill Y monster.
3- No, you can only backtrack in Pulse and even then its simply to go to X place to kill Y monster, in FFX you could backtrack to literally every place you had visited in the game (with the obvious exceptions of ships and the prologue section) and every single section had rewards that were unlocked only by backtracking, there are no rewards for backtracking in Pulse other than, like I already said, reaching 1 place to kill a special monster.
4- Even then, I find the cast from FFX much more relatable and enjoyable than the bland characters from XIII, not only that, but the fact that the characters from FFX always knew what they had to do, and they had clarifications and corrections from "oracle characters", characters in FFXIII are simply throwing rocks and the dark, in the end, not even they knew what the hell had happened.
5-You cant, you can only use 1 character in a fight (so why the hell did they kept a turn based combat? Isn't the whole point of turn based combat to grant you the ability to control a party simultaneously in a battle?) and you can't choose which until 20 hours in, in FFX, asides from controlling every member of your party, you could swap them mid combat with the press of a button, this was a major feature for me in FFX and one of the reasons why I loved it so much.
6- Don't you dare to compare the crystarium and the sphere grid! The sphere grid allowed you to customize your character the way you wanted it when you wanted it (given you had the necessary sphere), I could build Lulu the black mage as a badass bruiser if I had wanted to. While in FFXIII every character has a unique (and limited) crystarium, where even if you manage to reach other trees asides from the main ones (i.e making Hope a Sentinel), they would still be limited by design choices (only 3 characters could use revive as medics), so really, don't you dare comparing those 2.
And no, FFX was an amazing game, that is generally agreed upon by the majority of users and reviewers.
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