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Bioshock ($89)
The Orange Box ($89)
NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer ($45)
Halo 3 ($89)
Phantom Hourglass ($69)
Next will be Mass Effect(89$) and SMG($98!), possibly Assassins Creed($107!) too.
(NZ prices)
Haven't bought a game since school started :(
-Mario Strikers Charged ($60)
And that's in Canadian, which would be $65 American, for a Wii game :(
wow thats alot
MoH Airborne (PC version) WTF was I thinking . . .
World in Conflict
Orange Box (PC)
Havn't gone crazy. Going to pick up CoD 4 and Bioshock next. Also, ill be getting a 360 for assassain's creed
more games then I have ever bought in this short of a time period before except maybe when I bought a bunch of used games for my PS2 when I first got it.
orange box(60)
Zack and Wiki(40)
MGS twin snakes(25)
Tales of Symphonia(20)
Eternal Darkness (20)(I finally found a copy!)
Pokemon Pearl (35)
and I will probably buy AC and Mass effect in the next few weeks.
nearly $400 before tax and not including AC or ME
Halo 3
Orange Box
Cod 4
World In Conflict
Need for Speed Pro Street
Mass Effect
Assassin's Creed
Dance Dance Revolution Universe
Naruto Rise of the Ninja
Guitar Hero 2
Guitar Hero 3
Eternal Sonata
Forza 2 w/ wireless wheel
The Orange Box (PC)
Quake Wars
Pokemon Diamond
Rome Total War - Alexander. There is this amazing mod out for it that I just had to play.
Overall not much. That's mainly because the orange box is 5 games in one and yes I just had to replay Half Life 2 using the portal gun. Also my older titles still keep me well entertained.
omg to many
used games-
GTA SA $20
C&C $25
Dead Rising $25
Bioshock $45
Gears of War $40
new games-
Mass Effect
Orange Box
Ratchet and Clank
NHL 08
and Warhawk (40)
and a new HD TV $790
total of abot $1500
NCAA 08(60)
Everyday Shooter(5)
Twisted Metal(6)
Rainbow Six(40)
BioshockLE--Orange box--assassins creed--Metroid prime 3--Super mario galaxy--Zelda Phantom hourglass--Disgaea afternoon of darkness--Castlevania dracula X--Halo 3--Eternal sonata--Animal crossing wide world--Beautiful katamari--Project gotham 4--Nintey nine nights--Nba 2k8--Tiger woods 08, um i think thats it:P
Oh i forgot Zack and wiki and eternal darkness
So thats 19 games at a total of $850 plus tax.
erm... phantom hourglass, metroid prime 3, endless ocean, mario galaxy & guitar hero 3
i think thats everything.
Time for me to destroy all on this thread (although I know it began long before today).
Bioshock LE ($70)
Blue Dragon ($60)
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption ($50)
Eternal Sonata ($60)
Halo 3 Legendary Edition ($130)
Chibi Robo Park Patrol ($30)
Persona 3 ($50)
Rogue Galaxy ($40)
Odin Sphere ($40)
GrimGrimoire ($40)
Valkyrie Profile 2 ($30)
Dewy's Adventure ($50)
Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland ($50, PAL import of eBay)
Zelda Phantom Hourglass ($35)
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney ($15 eBay)
Perfect Dark Zero CE ($10 @ Toys R Us)
The Orange Box ($60)
Battalion Wars 2 ($50)
Zack & Wiki ($40)
Guitar Hero 3 w/Guitar ($100)
Call of Duty 4 CE ($70)
Assassin's Creed LE ($70)
Super Mario Galaxy ($50)
Mass Effect CE ($70)
Rock Band Special Edition ($170)
Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3 (NES originals, all complete in box)($65 eBay)
Crystalis (NES, Complete)($10 eBay)
Guerilla War (NES, Complete)($10 eBay)
Parasite Eve 1&2 (PS1, Complete)($60 eBay)
Xenogears (PS1, Complete)($40 eBay)
Valkyrie Profile (PS1, Complete)($85 eBay)
Grandia (PS1, Complete)($40)
Starfox 64 (N64, Complete, Big Box/Rumble Pak)($12 eBay)
Mystical Ninja (N64, Complete)($25 eBay)
Super Star Wars - Super Empire Strikes Back - Super Return of the Jedi (SNES, All Complete)($30 eBay)
Starfox (SNES, Complete)($10 eBay)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES, Complete)($20 eBay)
Super Mario World (SNES, Complete)($10 eBay)
Super Street Fighter 2 (SNES, Complete)($10 eBay)
I believe that is all of them........let the flaming begin.
halo3 (360)
orange box (360)
guitar hero 3 (ps2)
Call of duty 4 (ps3)
Unreal tournament 3 (ps3)
Mass Effect (360)
AC (ps3)
Crysis (pc)
Medieval 2 Total War : Kingdoms($30)
Orange Box($45)
Call of Duty 4($60)
Assassins Creed($60)
Uncharted: Drake Fortune($60)
Full Throttle (PC)
Fear effect 2 retro helix (PS 1)
Alone in the dark Jack´s revenge (Saturn)
Sam and Max : Hit the road (PC)
Sam and Max : Season 1 (PC)
Broken Sword (PC) (AKA circle of blood in USA)
Broken sword 2 (PC)
Broken Sword 4 (PC)
Bioshock (PC)
Jade Empire (PC)
Neverwinter nights 2 mask of the betrayer (PC)
Dreamfall: The longest journey (PC)
Tomb Raider 1 (PC)
Tomb Raider 2 (PC)
Tomb Raider 3 (PC)
Tomb Raider The last revelation(PC)
Tomb Raider Anniversary (PC)
Command and conquer the first decade (PC)
Final Fantasy tactics (PSP)
Freedom Force vs Third Reich (PC)
Praetorians (PC)
Farhneiht (PC) (Aka Indigo prophecy in USA)
Soccom 2 (PSP)
Time for me to destroy all on this thread (although I know it began long before today).
Bioshock LE ($70)
Blue Dragon ($60)
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption ($50)
Eternal Sonata ($60)
Halo 3 Legendary Edition ($130)
Chibi Robo Park Patrol ($30)
Persona 3 ($50)
Rogue Galaxy ($40)
Odin Sphere ($40)
GrimGrimoire ($40)
Valkyrie Profile 2 ($30)
Dewy's Adventure ($50)
Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland ($50, PAL import of eBay)
Zelda Phantom Hourglass ($35)
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney ($15 eBay)
Perfect Dark Zero CE ($10 @ Toys R Us)
The Orange Box ($60)
Battalion Wars 2 ($50)
Zack & Wiki ($40)
Guitar Hero 3 w/Guitar ($100)
Call of Duty 4 CE ($70)
Assassin's Creed LE ($70)
Super Mario Galaxy ($50)
Mass Effect CE ($70)
Rock Band Special Edition ($170)
Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3 (NES originals, all complete in box)($65 eBay)
Crystalis (NES, Complete)($10 eBay)
Guerilla War (NES, Complete)($10 eBay)
Parasite Eve 1&2 (PS1, Complete)($60 eBay)
Xenogears (PS1, Complete)($40 eBay)
Valkyrie Profile (PS1, Complete)($85 eBay)
Grandia (PS1, Complete)($40)
Starfox 64 (N64, Complete, Big Box/Rumble Pak)($12 eBay)
Mystical Ninja (N64, Complete)($25 eBay)
Super Star Wars - Super Empire Strikes Back - Super Return of the Jedi (SNES, All Complete)($30 eBay)
Starfox (SNES, Complete)($10 eBay)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES, Complete)($20 eBay)
Super Mario World (SNES, Complete)($10 eBay)
Super Street Fighter 2 (SNES, Complete)($10 eBay)
I believe that is all of them........let the flaming begin.
*jaw drops* That is a crap load of games. How do you have time to play all of them!?!
Halo 3
Super Mario Galaxy
Call of Duty 4
The only one I really enjoy is SMG, while the other two are my brother's favorites
Full Throttle (PC)
Fear effect 2 retro helix (PS 1)
Alone in the dark Jack´s revenge (Saturn)
Sam and Max : Hit the road (PC)
Sam and Max : Season 1 (PC)
Broken Sword (PC) (AKA circle of blood in USA)
Broken sword 2 (PC)
Broken Sword 4 (PC)
Bioshock (PC)
Jade Empire (PC)
Neverwinter nights 2 mask of the betrayer (PC)
Dreamfall: The longest journey (PC)
Tomb Raider 1 (PC)
Tomb Raider 2 (PC)
Tomb Raider 3 (PC)
Tomb Raider The last revelation(PC)
Tomb Raider Anniversary (PC)
Command and conquer the first decade (PC)
Final Fantasy tactics (PSP)
Freedom Force vs Third Reich (PC)
Praetorians (PC)
Farhneiht (PC) (Aka Indigo prophecy in USA)
Soccom 2 (PSP)
ok i´m done... for now
Blue Dragon
Eternal Sonata
The Orange Box
Halo 3
Assassin's Creed
The Simpsons Game
Mass Effect
Naruto: Rise of a Ninja
Oblivion GOTY Edition
Thats about $830 USD worth, as you can tell games are quite expensive here!
[QUOTE="jhockey9"]Time for me to destroy all on this thread (although I know it began long before today).
Bioshock LE ($70)
Blue Dragon ($60)
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption ($50)
Eternal Sonata ($60)
Halo 3 Legendary Edition ($130)
Chibi Robo Park Patrol ($30)
Persona 3 ($50)
Rogue Galaxy ($40)
Odin Sphere ($40)
GrimGrimoire ($40)
Valkyrie Profile 2 ($30)
Dewy's Adventure ($50)
Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland ($50, PAL import of eBay)
Zelda Phantom Hourglass ($35)
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney ($15 eBay)
Perfect Dark Zero CE ($10 @ Toys R Us)
The Orange Box ($60)
Battalion Wars 2 ($50)
Zack & Wiki ($40)
Guitar Hero 3 w/Guitar ($100)
Call of Duty 4 CE ($70)
Assassin's Creed LE ($70)
Super Mario Galaxy ($50)
Mass Effect CE ($70)
Rock Band Special Edition ($170)
Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, and 3 (NES originals, all complete in box)($65 eBay)
Crystalis (NES, Complete)($10 eBay)
Guerilla War (NES, Complete)($10 eBay)
Parasite Eve 1&2 (PS1, Complete)($60 eBay)
Xenogears (PS1, Complete)($40 eBay)
Valkyrie Profile (PS1, Complete)($85 eBay)
Grandia (PS1, Complete)($40)
Starfox 64 (N64, Complete, Big Box/Rumble Pak)($12 eBay)
Mystical Ninja (N64, Complete)($25 eBay)
Super Star Wars - Super Empire Strikes Back - Super Return of the Jedi (SNES, All Complete)($30 eBay)
Starfox (SNES, Complete)($10 eBay)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors (SNES, Complete)($20 eBay)
Super Mario World (SNES, Complete)($10 eBay)
Super Street Fighter 2 (SNES, Complete)($10 eBay)
I believe that is all of them........let the flaming begin.
*jaw drops* That is a crap load of games. How do you have time to play all of them!?!
I don't.....I have work and I'm finishing up my undergrad and getting ready for grad school....but I figure I'll get some out of the way over the holiday break. Iwa only able to get all these games because I made a killing off of eBay sales.
Smg- Wii (Ungodly awesome)
BioShock-360 (deserves 9.5 on GS)
Halo 3-360 (dissapointing)
World In Conflict-PC (best RTS in a LONG time)
MP3-Wii (good, but way too easy)
Crysis- PC (the game that sold a million graphics cards)
This is going to be a huge list for me. The following are the ones im sure that i bought after August
There are a few more but i can't remember whether i bought them before August.
This is going to be a huge list for me. The following are the ones im sure that i bought after August
- Super Paper Mario
- Metroid Prime 3
- Super Mario Galaxy
- Resident Evil 4
- PS3 Console
- Heavenly Sword
- F1 GP Championship Edition
- Uncharted
- Resistance
- Blue Dragon
- Rainbow 6 Vegas
- 2006 FIFA World Cup
- Splinter Cell Double Agent
- FIFA 08
- Pro Evolution 2008
- Halo 3
- Mass Effect
- Assassins Creed
- Virtual Fighter 5
- COD4
- Prey
- Saints Row
- DOA 4
- PGR 3
- Test Drive Unlimited
- Oblivion
- Ace Combat 6
- Scene It LCA
- Bioshock
- Dead Rising
- R-Type Final
- Okami
- God of War 2
- Legend of Dragoon (complete non platinum copy)
- FFVII (complete non platinum copy)
- FFVIII (complete non platinum copy)
- FFIX (complete non platinum copy0
- Crash Bandicoot 2 (complete non platinum copy)
- Chrono Cross (complete non players choice copy)
- Xenogears (complete non players choice copy)
- Castlevania SOTN (complete non players choice copy)
- Mario Kart 64 (complete)
- Paper Mario (complete)
- Lylat Wars aka Star Fox (complete)
- Super Metroid
- Gradius 3
- Donkey Kong Country 2 (complete)
- Tekken Dark Resurrection
- Wipe Out Pure
- GTA Vice City Stories
- Gradius Collection
- SF Alpha 3
- Zelda Phantom Hour glass
- Pokemon Diamon
There are a few more but i can't remember whether i bought them before August.
wow how do u find the time to play all of that and wat kind of job do u have???
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