[QUOTE="WalterPaladines"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"] [QUOTE="WalterPaladines"]A follow up to my post: I know what Geow 2 looks like and I can tell you right now, it's better looking than Geow 1 and not by much. Those Lemmings Hyping it the Graphics King wil see a rude awakening when the game is released. You can't touch up real game screens like you can PICS.BioShockOwnz
If you don't like what they're talking about, then don't troll. Simple as that, really. It's painfully obvious you don't own an Xbox 360, so keep talking about the games for the system you do own. Sounds good, right?
I do not own a 360 and never Claimed I do, but my brother indeed has one. Now if you believe me or not it is not my concern. I do not talk about games I have not played, but like i said before I did wath the game in motion and gave my opinion.I've played it and seen it in motion, too, so I tend to not believe you so much. Most of the gaming media darlings agree that it's a fantastic looking game. Your opinion was ignored by many the second you claimed it looked like "crap".
QFT i have not seen it yet but i know it looks better then r2 but that doesnt mean i like the game more the resistance.
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