Gold for me
Btw on Live there is always offers for 12 months for $35 and deal of week
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[QUOTE="IronBass"]One lets your play online (and a bunch of additional stuff) The other is only the bunch of additional stuff. They aren't very comparable.Midnightshade29sure they are, but the online should be free to begin with.. why should you pay $60 for only half of a game when you get the whole game on psn.. Xbl is a rip- been saying it for years... some of you are still blind to it though.
SHOULD? why SHOULD it be free?
sure they are, but the online should be free to begin with.. why should you pay $60 for only half of a game when you get the whole game on psn.. Xbl is a rip- been saying it for years... some of you are still blind to it though.[QUOTE="Midnightshade29"][QUOTE="IronBass"]One lets your play online (and a bunch of additional stuff) The other is only the bunch of additional stuff. They aren't very comparable.gamer-adam1
SHOULD? why SHOULD it be free?
Because he thinks so, duh.Im not bashing -_-..
A thread on System Wars titled "Live vs Plus". You're right I must be mistaken to see this as a stealth jab at Live given the amount of features missing from Live's list.
i need to first wait on a price drop.. isnt there a rumor going on how a price drop is coming this june? maybe i will once a price drop is announced ;)
No, no you won't.
Variables that will influence this thread:
remember folks on xbox live gold you get no discounted games EVER.
*just got Pacman CEDX 3 days ago 50% off*
[QUOTE="gamer-adam1"][QUOTE="Midnightshade29"] sure they are, but the online should be free to begin with.. why should you pay $60 for only half of a game when you get the whole game on psn.. Xbl is a rip- been saying it for years... some of you are still blind to it though.charizard1605
SHOULD? why SHOULD it be free?
Because he thinks so, duh.FPS on the PC, IMO would suck if it was free, the servers would rarely get maintenance, and it would probably take days for problems to be solved, no admins, and no one to enforce rules, because vote kicking sucks, and they would have to make the server browser full of ADs.
my fav, servers are always clan payed for
How the hell is XBLA winning this? It's a basic online with cross game chat, and a laggier, more trash talk filled online. PSN+ gives you basic online, discounts, free games, free Qore, free avatars and themes, exclusive access to Betas and things, Cloud storage, free one hour game trials, the same price for a longer period, and automatic game downloading. How is this even a question..?
But PSN has less good games than XBL so it evens out.psn is better because its free and with psnplus you get free games, theres hardly any free games with xbl which you pay for
xbox live is superior to ps3 in low latency, Xbox live can use dedicated servers, client server stuff on ps3 is atrocious and filled with lag far more then xbox live experiences on its client server *p2p for the laymen* 1 hour game trials...on limited amount of games, less demos then xbox live...every thing on xbox live has a demo lol by the way last week I got 50% off pacman mean I didn't actually get that game discount?How the hell is XBLA winning this? It's a basic online with cross game chat, and a laggier, more trash talk filled online. PSN+ gives you basic online, discounts, free games, free Qore, free avatars and themes, exclusive access to Betas and things, Cloud storage, free one hour game trials, the same price for a longer period, and automatic game downloading. How is this even a question..?
Like OP, you listed out a bunch of things that XBL offers (discounts, betas, free offers, not nearly as much as PSN+ does, but still fairly regular). Yet that doesn't change my opinion that one has to pay to play online on the 360 is a rip-off. We need a mix of PSN and XBL (for both consoles) to truly have a better time online on consoles.How the hell is XBLA winning this? It's a basic online with cross game chat, and a laggier, more trash talk filled online. PSN+ gives you basic online, discounts, free games, free Qore, free avatars and themes, exclusive access to Betas and things, Cloud storage, free one hour game trials, the same price for a longer period, and automatic game downloading. How is this even a question..?
Yet that doesn't change my opinion that one has to pay to play online on the 360 is a rip-off. We need a mix of PSN and XBL (for both consoles) to truly have a better time online on consoles. paradigm68
I'm betting anything Sony charges for PSN next gen assuming they don't royally screw up the PS4 launch like the PS3 launch in which they'd have to provide it free again to entice gamers.
It's not cheap to provide those online networks. People are always using the PC as an example of online being "free" when the reality of things is that all those servers people play on are not provided for free. People are out there renting servers, or building their own servers to maintain in their own homes. Money comes out of their own pockets, and they ask for donations all the time.
The 360 and PS3 get no such benefit since all the servers are in-house.
Didn't Sony report losing money on PSN despite PSN bringing in over $800 million in sales last year? Something's completely wrong with that picture, and I'm certain Sony knows it.
They'll keep providing it for free while they sit in last place, but come next gen if they're successful like the PS1/PS2 days don't expect it to be free. That's what I think.
The 360 does all that stuff (not sure about exclusive beta access though) and Cloud storage on the PS3 is no big deal to a 360 owner anyway, Gamertags/game saves have always been kept on XBL servers for quick retrieval purposes.How the hell is XBLA winning this? It's a basic online with cross game chat, and a laggier, more trash talk filled online. PSN+ gives you basic online, discounts, free games, free Qore, free avatars and themes, exclusive access to Betas and things, Cloud storage, free one hour game trials, the same price for a longer period, and automatic game downloading. How is this even a question..?
[QUOTE="finalstar2007"]I cant? how come? both ask you to pay.. its true that one is optional and the other is a must but you know u still gotta payIronBass
"Having to pay" doesn't make anything comparable. It whatare you paying for what makes things comparable.
XBL is paying to play online. PSN+ is paying for discounts, game rents, etc.
They are vastly different things.
psn and xbl are both the online services of the 2 most significant gaming consoles. saying you cant compare them is flat out FALSEpsn and xbl are both the online services of the 2 most significant gaming consoles. saying you cant compare them is flat out FALSEtaterfrickintot
Being an "online service" is way too vague to mean anything. What matters is what do said services provide. And what they provide is very different.
u forgot to mention earlier demo access on xbla :P im going to not side with u this time, still saying both subscriptions definitely have their perks ^_^ if u owned an xbox u might get to realize that...just cause uve played it before doesnt mean you've fully experienced wat it has to offer :P tho yea psplus is gaining respect, tho very slowly and is also causing my HD to be mutilated with all these downloads :lol:
You might add demos for every XBLA title. For me cloud storage beats out the XBL features but it wouldn't mean anything if the PS3 didn't have so many copy protected saves in the first place. Ergo, I'm at an impasse.Floppy_JimYou can back up copy protected files on the cloud.
Cloud Storage, end of discussion.
Its a no brainer. You may give people all the extra marketplace stuff, but that won't save you from a YLOD or a RROD. And Ive suffered both. Cloud Storage is something that paves the way of the future,
Though limited right now to 150Mb and 1000 files, the future is looking brighter for PlayStation users in terms of features.
You might add demos for every XBLA title. For me cloud storage beats out the XBL features but it wouldn't mean anything if the PS3 didn't have so many copy protected saves in the first place. Ergo, I'm at an impasse.Floppy_Jim
No Copy Protection here friend, you can backup any kind of save to the Cloud. Even protected files ;) Think of it as your own personal haven :D
I'd pay for XBL, because it enables me to play online. I wouldn't play for PSN+, because I don't need a bunch of crappy featurettes when the online play is already free.
XBL wins, however, because of it's high-quality Arcade library. One of the main reasons I purchased the 360 as my first console.
[QUOTE="taterfrickintot"]psn and xbl are both the online services of the 2 most significant gaming consoles. saying you cant compare them is flat out FALSEIronBass
Being an "online service" is way too vague to mean anything. What matters is what do said services provide. And what they provide is very different.
they provide online gameing, music ,tv am movies downloads. demos, DLC, and arcade games -full length games. very comparable.they provide online gameing, music ,tv am movies downloads. demos, DLC, and arcade games -full length games. very comparable.taterfrickintot
This is not Live vs PSN, it's Live Gold versus Plus.
Only oneof themprovides online gaming (XBLG), which is what makes them incomparable.
Sure, you can compare all the additional stuff if you want to, but they not being the purpose of XBL makes it pointless.
Plus is more of a subscription that gives you perks, as to where Live is payign to play online which is super lame. PC beats all :P.
almost everything on psn seems done *** backwards, slow and poorly.
extra stuff doesn't fix that.
xbl all the way.
If the only way to play PS3 online was PSN+ I wouldn't pay for people have pointed out before it feels like a coupon book. Free avatars and items for the avatars?xbox has those too...since when is that a deal breaker? Early access for PSN+ users? I don't think it's so much about getting them sooner but more like non paying members having to wait longer to play. Free games? It would be a way better idea if they let you a pick a game of your choice every 12 that would be great.
Your thoguhts, i'd like to know, which service you say offer the best for a price? they go exactly like this:
- $50 for 15 Months
- Free game rental for games during your subscribtion period ( you get to keep your trophies if subscribtion cancelled )( example stacking, LBP,wipeout,sonic,etc)
- Free avatars which you get to keep
- Cloud Storage
- 50% or more discount for games
- Exclusive betas
- Free Playstation online magazine Qore every month
- $60 for 12 Months
- Cross Game Chat
- Online gameplay
- 1 Month exclusive entrance to Call of Duty map packs
Dont know about you guys but from what i see PS+ >>> XBLA..even without Ps+ you get to play your games online without paying..just let us know your thoguhts below :)
What I can't keep them?? What is this?? :(
[QUOTE="Floppy_Jim"]You might add demos for every XBLA title. For me cloud storage beats out the XBL features but it wouldn't mean anything if the PS3 didn't have so many copy protected saves in the first place. Ergo, I'm at an impasse.DragoonKain1687
No Copy Protection here friend, you can backup any kind of save to the Cloud. Even protected files ;) Think of it as your own personal haven :D
I know, I think I made it unclear. What I mean is cloud storage wouldn't be so great if the damned copy protected saves didn't exist in the first place.You simply get more with less money on PSN+ than XBLGOLD. FACT.
Even the regular PSN is better because you can play online for free.
Well this is a skewed list of perks...JAB991Thats not skewed, its just the worst list I've seen in my life. For both
PS3 owner in peace...
XBL is a better service, there's no denying that but with both services you get what you pay for. Personally, i'm happy with not paying at all and just playing online :) If i wanted to pay for either service, it'd deffo be XBL simply because you're getting more for your money; all the extra features such as ESPN, Last.FM, and all the others are nice to have.
My stance is that i don't need/want extra peripherals, plus i can't really afford them. For those that do however, XBL > PS+
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