In terms of boosting up the competition,there is no company as generous to Nintendo 3DS as Sony. However, there is a certain loudmouth in Sony that wants to sweep adult 3DS gamers under the mat, insisting that they have no respect, that they're too old for Nintendo, yet Sony feels the need to chum the waters of their target audience with images of pretty boy models using the VITA in public.
Is this what real mature gamers are supposed to look like? All cool and hip. Like that guy in your Chemistry tutorials who's always wearing brightly coloured fluorescent clothing?
Or that guy you see around campus who's always wearing a scarf, even when his sleeves are scrunched up?
Or my personal favourite, that guy that walks around with a mint condition skateboard, who looks like he has never skated a day in his life. All while wearing army boots that he could never wear while skateboarding.
There might be some black guys in here...
But I wouldn't consider them to be too ethnic to the point where they clash with the rest of the rest of the white male hipsters hand picked for this photoshoot.
Image source
And yes before you ask, I am severely tired and probably delusional at this point.
Inb4 Sony is doomed
Inb4 Not released in all regions
Inb4 western appeal launch titles
Inb4 TC is alt account.
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