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Look. Sony is working on PS5 as a cloud based service. When it comes up server security and defending against DDOS attacks will be their first priority. When PS5 launches and we're all playing Uncharted 8: Drake's Sequelization in glorious 8k and 120 fps with no DDoS attacks we'll look back on this era and laugh. Trust in Sony. They have a solution, just not for this generation.
yea cows, he's right...just wait. PS5...just wait.
"This best sums up Xbox and the Xbox Live service during the DDOS attack over the last few days." Mediocre and overrated, which then go on to flop?
Stunning thread backfire from Insipid8. PSN's been working for hours but you will always be a waste of space lemming. Keep your head down in future, lad.
he's an idiot. easier to take down is one thing. but taking MS down and keeping them down is where Lizard Squad had issues. two totally different things, and effects.
its the equivalent of a boxer getting knocked on his/her ass in the first round who then gets back up and wins the fight. see, Lizard Squad knocked Sony on their ass and kept them there, for days. but with MS they took the hit, went down, but got back up quickly and stabilized themselves.
Sony has good initial defense, but a glass jaw if you find a way to hit it basically. you can hit them and have them down for a while. but you can't with MS, they'll recover quickly. that's the difference here in this situation.
PSN seems to have a glass jaw...
Actually it's the equivalent of two boxers getting knocked down at the same time then stumbles around for a few hours whereas the other takes a bit longer to get up and stumbles around for a bit. Nothing to goat over, lem.
Those 300,000 servers tho.
It happened two days ago ass. If you do the math, one has been down since the start. One is back up and fine. So yeah those 300,000 servers came out on top.
Dat bulletproof XBL tho. 24 hours down time and continuing issues on top of the flakiness of the rest of the year. All those ten year olds who first console was a 360 will have been heartbroken.
Poor Justin, ruined as hard as Insipid8.
'Yep, just Insipid8 the Dudbox fanboy trying to cover up a bad year for his moribund system.'-keep sticking your fingers in your ears and going 'la,la,la i am not listening to you you bad man'
PSN got hit harder than XBL, PSN servers where crippled whilst XBL only suffered reduced functionality.
XBL recovered faster and the hackers didn't secure Personal information like sly stallones social security number.
Down for 24 hours, log in issues and slowdown since equals "reduced functionality" apparently.
Nice job managing to get the SPE hack in as well for no reason, you bungler.
Looks like XBL isn't as hot as you want it to be.
You're risking yourself in getting banned since you keep insulting this person. His thread is valid
If what lizard squad is true. Then Sony IS A DISGRACEFUL company
Yep, and to think that Sony fans just bent over for Sony when they announced they were going to charge for this shit.
It's amazing. Not a single peep from Sony fans. I think they secretly wanted to pay.
You're so full of shit many sony fans don't want to pay and many have said so on this forum. Here's a history lesson for you it was microsoft who started the whole pay to play online don't see you bashing them.
If Sony fans didn't want to pay then they wouldn't.
Too busy bending over.
Like MS fans last gen.
Yep, and to think that Sony fans just bent over for Sony when they announced they were going to charge for this shit.
It's amazing. Not a single peep from Sony fans. I think they secretly wanted to pay.
You're so full of shit many sony fans don't want to pay and many have said so on this forum. Here's a history lesson for you it was microsoft who started the whole pay to play online don't see you bashing them.
If Sony fans didn't want to pay then they wouldn't.
Too busy bending over.
Like MS fans last gen.
Bur to be honest. What Microsoft was charging was a fair price. They had services and a good server. Unlike Sony. *cough* 1 month shut down
Insipid8 couldn't handle keeping it to another already-existing thread so he has to make a new one to prop up his lemmingism. Pretty sad, yo.
Why did you ignore the part where they said XBL was easier to take down, Insipid8?
And easier to get back on it's feet, apparently. I really don't give a crap how easy it is to take down, the real issue here is how badly Sony is recovering from this attack.
It's easy to blame Sony's IT dept, but I think that the issue goes way beyond them to the executive level. They clearly have infrastructure issues, and in my experience that usually involves budgetary decisions not to upgrade critical components because of expenses. As usual the IT dept takes the brunt of the blame when they really have no choice but to work with what they have.
Also, what the hell is the deal with their PSN status page being out of date and no one getting out in front of this to explain wtf is going on? At least XBL has a very descriptive status page letting you know exactly is up with the service. Sony needs to step it up A LOT.
You should care how easy something is to take down but fan boy bias I guess.
Are some people really gloating that live managed to go back online a few hours before the PSN?
I mean, i know this is system wars, and i know the average IQ is pretty low on here...but wow.
Yep. I think it sucks that someone can get interviewed and not arrested. Anyway MS has more experience at this than Sony so it stands to reason their response would be quicker. Though it doesn't explain why they can still get taken down. The whole thing just sucks and I wish they would catch these guys and send a message to other would be hackers.
Lol, @GrenadeLauncher keep up that damage control. Everything you said debunked, and no thread backfired.
Lol, @GrenadeLauncher keep up that damage control. Everything you said debunked, and no thread backfired.
All I've seen are lemming excuses and a thread from an OP who makes worse threads than Kuu2 does.
Are some people really gloating that live managed to go back online a few hours before the PSN?
I mean, i know this is system wars, and i know the average IQ is pretty low on here...but wow.
They have nothing else.
Why did you ignore the part where they said XBL was easier to take down, Insipid8?
And easier to get back on it's feet, apparently. I really don't give a crap how easy it is to take down, the real issue here is how badly Sony is recovering from this attack.
It's easy to blame Sony's IT dept, but I think that the issue goes way beyond them to the executive level. They clearly have infrastructure issues, and in my experience that usually involves budgetary decisions not to upgrade critical components because of expenses. As usual the IT dept takes the brunt of the blame when they really have no choice but to work with what they have.
Also, what the hell is the deal with their PSN status page being out of date and no one getting out in front of this to explain wtf is going on? At least XBL has a very descriptive status page letting you know exactly is up with the service. Sony needs to step it up A LOT.
You should care how easy something is to take down but fan boy bias I guess.
I guess. That why I bought a PS4 and not an X1, because I'm an Xbox fanboy. That makes total sense.
Lol, @GrenadeLauncher keep up that damage control. Everything you said debunked, and no thread backfired.
Yeah, I wouldn't say it backfired, but I would say that it's pretty funny that PSN was up just a few hours after this thread was made.
Are some people really gloating that live managed to go back online a few hours before the PSN?
I mean, i know this is system wars, and i know the average IQ is pretty low on here...but wow.
a few hours? More than a day faster, and sure some people gloat around here, but the TC was trying to put his finger on the bigger issue at hand here. Sony sucking at network related stuff while this is one if their core future businesses...
Are some people really gloating that live managed to go back online a few hours before the PSN?
I mean, i know this is system wars, and i know the average IQ is pretty low on here...but wow.
a few hours? More than a day faster, and sure some people gloat around here, but the TC was trying to put his finger on the bigger issue at hand here. Sony sucking at network related stuff while this is one if their core future businesses...
Here's the thing a lot of people seem to be missing. This is a business and any amount of time you are not selling and your competitor is, that is a huge problem. Also, I can't think of any scenario where taking longer to recover from any setback is a good thing. On top of that, this all happened during the busiest time of the year. There is no more important time in a year for a commerce related enterprise to be operating at full capacity than Christmas season. I dropped 400 bucks on a PS4 for Xmas and on my time off instead of enjoying my new console, I was using other devices because it wasn't working properly for the rest of the week (Thurs-Saturday evening).
there it is.
Lol, @GrenadeLauncher keep up that damage control. Everything you said debunked, and no thread backfired.
All I've seen are lemming excuses and a thread from an OP who makes worse threads than Kuu2 does.
Are some people really gloating that live managed to go back online a few hours before the PSN?
I mean, i know this is system wars, and i know the average IQ is pretty low on here...but wow.
They have nothing else.
'They have nothing else'
Because Cows do right? did you guys forget that most of the Ps4's exclusive titles flopped?
Neithjer the lemmings or the cows have anything substantial over each other, neither the Ps4 or Xbone have a decent library worth talking about beyond Remakes of last gen games, the highest exclusives on both being remakes of old games.
at the moment you guys are arguing over which is the most polished turd.
Ironically the Wii-U is winning in games at the moment with a AAAAE and GOTY under it's belt and tro think you guys did nothing but slag it off for being under powered
More proof that Power mean NOTHING when it comes to gaming,lol
Listen, i'm a fully formed functional adult so i don't give a crap about console wars anymore(as hopefully most of you over 20 feel), but trying to use this as a one up over the other is just embarrassing.
Console war is more pointless than ever this gen seeing as both consoles are virtually the same.
Guys, the fallout from DDOS attacks doesn't last for days. The fact that this is still going on, and all the BS claims made by Lizard Squad and company (I.E that one guy who claims he stopped the attacks by offering them free access to their upload service) pretty much proves that this was the service getting hit hard by a bunch of people unwraping consoles, doing day one updates, redeeming codes for 20+gig downloadable games, and then claiming a spot on the server for 24+ hours while trying to download Gigs at <4mbps.
I mean seriously what is more plausible. The Midwest sucks at downloading huge files, and they are clogging the works, or a couple million people didn't notice that their phones were pinging MS/Sony five times a second for three days?
He does have a point.
Insipid8 couldn't handle keeping it to another already-existing thread so he has to make a new one to prop up his lemmingism. Pretty sad, yo.
Do you work for Sony lol? As hard as you keep fighting for them I would think you have some stocks in their company or something. This is blind Idolatry at it's finest. Both were hacked, but it's clear that Sony was just in the dark on how to fix the problem and Grenade Launcher completely overlooks that. You come back with Halo Master Chief not working when Drive Club's launch was far worse. How about you stop trying to damage control and just come to the realization that PSN isn't as reliable as XLive. Sony needs to upgrade their online, especially now since we are all paying for it. It came from the horses mouth that Sony is being greedy with the money they are getting and not putting money into the security on PSN and not having the tools and man power to fix problems when they do occur in a timely matter but you just want to keep attacking MS when they was up and running Christmas night. It's a problem on both sides but clearly Sony has more work to do than Sony with this issue. Hell, Sony Pictures has a problem, e-mails getting leaked, wasn't it two years ago or a year ago PSN got shut down and peoples credit card info was compromised? Wake up dude, Sony needs to do more and spend money to stop a lot of these problems.
The damage control from cows is amazing. The ps4 has so many faults and they will never admit any of them, even if it means personal information being compromised due to Sony's garbage online service.
I couldn't play on my new ps4 properly for days, i had my trusty xbone to play gta online on Christmas night.
I couldn't add my sons gamer id or my mates, I couldn't access playstation store, play online games oh and the site was also fubar
The 27th i could finally access the playstation store, and i have got to say im a bit disappointed. I could add a friend by then but still not my sons, so wasn't completely fix even then.
So why did Insipid8 ignore the fact that XBL was easier to take down then?
Easier = 24 hours, apparently. Nothing to boast about that, matey.
Considering how much of the crap Xbone is dependent on as a selling point (pizza apps - pathetic) it's no surprise it needs to separate it all.
Who cares? Certainly not the people who still can't log into PSN.
Who cares.? Those who still pay for XBL and can suffer the same fate again,just because MS is able to get up faster because it has a bigger network which ins't only for xbox live but that they can certainly use for it,doesn't mean they are on a better spot than sony,Live has go down already 3 times by attacks so certainly is prone to it just like PSN.
I didn't see this king of fight from you when your 360 RROD and you had to be a month without anything to play online or offline,PSN is down big deal so did live 2 days ago.
If you knew anything you would know that many security experts are saying it wasn't north Korea that hacked SONY
Dude all those 2 article do is speculate and the FBI basically never speaks about their investigations or findings in detail they just release crap statements that basically go in circles and lead you no were but most of the times they are spot on when an investigation is on.
Big results? Like not being down for 2 days? The only thing I can say is thank you Microsoft.
MCC is fine since you are deflecting the topic. How is your free copy of 5Club? 1 year late still????
It wasn't fine a few days ago,and the times before were it was attacks fact is this gen both platforms go down from attacks,proving once again that Live is not hack free.
I thought we determined that a ddos overload is not a hack.
It's El Tormented...everything is a hack when it comes to XBL. He even called social engineering PWs a hack
Guys, the fallout from DDOS attacks doesn't last for days. The fact that this is still going on, and all the BS claims made by Lizard Squad and company (I.E that one guy who claims he stopped the attacks by offering them free access to their upload service) pretty much proves that this was the service getting hit hard by a bunch of people unwraping consoles, doing day one updates, redeeming codes for 20+gig downloadable games, and then claiming a spot on the server for 24+ hours while trying to download Gigs at <4mbps.
I mean seriously what is more plausible. The Midwest sucks at downloading huge files, and they are clogging the works, or a couple million people didn't notice that their phones were pinging MS/Sony five times a second for three days?
He does have a point.
Maybe, maybe not. This isn't either console manufacturer's first Christmas and the odds of both networks going down completely at the same time is pretty low. They were attacked, Sony pretty much confirmed that. Also, I doubt that these Lizard guys are clairvoyant, they said this would happen a while ago. This wasn't a coincidence.
Yep, and to think that Sony fans just bent over for Sony when they announced they were going to charge for this shit.
It's amazing. Not a single peep from Sony fans. I think they secretly wanted to pay.
You're so full of shit many sony fans don't want to pay and many have said so on this forum. Here's a history lesson for you it was microsoft who started the whole pay to play online don't see you bashing them.
If Sony fans didn't want to pay then they wouldn't.
Too busy bending over.
Like MS fans last gen.
Bur to be honest. What Microsoft was charging was a fair price. They had services and a good server. Unlike Sony. *cough* 1 month shut down
Not a fair price at all xbox live was simply paying to play online nothing else while ps plus started to offer free games discounts and other incentives not to mention it was cheaper. If MS offered what they do now then the price would be fair. That 1 month shut down was caused by hackers it could have easily been MS in that position. Pro tip don't piss off hackers.
Maybe, maybe not. This isn't either console manufacturer's first Christmas and the odds of both networks going down completely at the same time is pretty low. They were attacked, Sony pretty much confirmed that. Also, I doubt that these Lizard guys are clairvoyant, they said this would happen a while ago. This wasn't a coincidence.
Two points. First, a DDOS against against a major online company is by definition short term thing. It must be sustained from thousands if not hundreds of thousands of sources. You need them to either be willing, or you need them to not notice. Either way, it isn't going to go on for days, you are doing well if you can manage hours. Volunteers get bored, and bots start getting ticked of and calling their cell provider.
Second: Clairvoyance doesn't enter into it. They claimed they would hit MS, not Sony, so they don't even have that going for them. On top of that, Sony and MS, and just about everyone else in gaming, has fairly predictable outages. Give me a hyped internet service, and a day when there will be a spike in connections, and I can tell you when their network is going to struggle.
It isn't a magical power. Destiny 2? Gonna have network issues at launch. Halo 5? Yep. Next time Sony or MS overhauls their dash? Oh man major network issues. Next Xmas? Yeah, both will report at least limited service for a few hours next year bare minimum. I would be astonished if any of these 'psychic predictions' fail to come true, and most would consider them a bit like predicting a town in Alaska was going to have a white x-mas. If you want to impress me don't tell me when the services will go down, tell me when they come back up.
Fun fact: Lizard squad claims the attacks stopped days before Sony started to recover.
Looks like Insipid8 abandoned his own thread. No surprises considering how monumentally blown out he got. Poor little lem. :3
Do you work for Sony lol? As hard as you keep fighting for them I would think you have some stocks in their company or something. This is blind Idolatry at it's finest. Both were hacked, but it's clear that Sony was just in the dark on how to fix the problem and Grenade Launcher completely overlooks that. You come back with Halo Master Chief not working when Drive Club's launch was far worse. How about you stop trying to damage control and just come to the realization that PSN isn't as reliable as XLive. Sony needs to upgrade their online, especially now since we are all paying for it. It came from the horses mouth that Sony is being greedy with the money they are getting and not putting money into the security on PSN and not having the tools and man power to fix problems when they do occur in a timely matter but you just want to keep attacking MS when they was up and running Christmas night. It's a problem on both sides but clearly Sony has more work to do than Sony with this issue. Hell, Sony Pictures has a problem, e-mails getting leaked, wasn't it two years ago or a year ago PSN got shut down and peoples credit card info was compromised? Wake up dude, Sony needs to do more and spend money to stop a lot of these problems.
No, I just enjoy rinsing Insipid8 the stupid little lemming. :)
FYI Disaster Chief Collection was and still is far worse than Drive Club. Blunder of the year, pretty much.
BTW, did you read how XBL is now easier to take down? Something Insipid8 conveniently ignored. :)
Cow damage control is off the charts in here
Your tears have measured far higher on the Richter scale, RR360OD. :)
Looks like Insipid8 abandoned his own thread. No surprises considering how monumentally blown out he got. Poor little lem. :3
Not blown up, but keep trying. It's a bit like connecting to PSN, just keep trying, eventually you'll get a connection
Looks like Insipid8 abandoned his own thread. No surprises considering how monumentally blown out he got. Poor little lem. :3
Not blown up, but keep trying. It's a bit like connecting to PSN, just keep trying, eventually you'll get a connection
I haven't overlooked anything. Xbox live may have been easier to hack but it was back up that night, did you read how PSN is greedy with the subscription money they are getting and refuse to upgrade their online service, thus cause them to get hacked and stay hacked for days and days? And halo is worse launch than Drive Club? Drive Club was suppose to be a launch title for the PS4 and got postponed for a whole year and when it was released, it still wasn't right. They couldn't even get the free version going and even the head of Playstation called the game a mess, once again Halo had a bad launch but it's running fine now cause people are playing online. The single player of Halo was fine it was the multiplayer was the problem, with Drive Club the whole damn game was gimped even after a year delay. I agree both Sony and MS need to do better to prevent hacks but Sony needs to spend the money we are paying to upgrade their troubleshooting like MS does. Stop damage controlling GrenadeLauncher!!!!
I thought we determined that a ddos overload is not a hack.
It's El Tormented...everything is a hack when it comes to XBL. He even called social engineering PWs a hack
NO when sony was first DDO the first thing you fanboys did was tag it as a hack,now that because XBL also goes down for the same reason all of the sudden is not a hack..hahhaa I know DDOS attack is not a hack which i state when you people were claiming sony was hack again by DDOS attack.
Social engineer my ass,One of live attacks was blame on bungie,on xbox live accounts have been stolen since 2007 when the xbox 360 was hack and exploits to play backups was found,people with strong passwords complained of their account been stolen.
How the fu** can you fu**ing socially steal Major Nelson own account.? Yeah like that will happen.
XBL accounts have been stolen and ms has blame the consumer when in reality people were out there grabbing what ever account they wanted,there was even a black market where cool tags were sold and those with high gamer points did you know that.?
This is MS they deny RROD for almost 2 years before admitting something was really wrong,i am sure that will leave even more they will deny anything.
5 days after the attack started and 2 days after the Sony servers are supposedly online, I'm still hearing that people are having issues on PSN. I mean what the heck Sony? really? There are some MTU settings workaround but doesn't work for everyone. Such shambles of a service, may the lord have mercy when Sony goes full PS Now which is the direction the PS5 is heading (if there was to be such a console)
So why did Insipid8 ignore the fact that XBL was easier to take down then?
Easier = 24 hours, apparently. Nothing to boast about that, matey.
Considering how much of the crap Xbone is dependent on as a selling point (pizza apps - pathetic) it's no surprise it needs to separate it all.
Who cares? Certainly not the people who still can't log into PSN.
The losers who go "muh servers" to justify the Xbone should.
Poor @GrenadeLauncher
Yeah, I can see how the Xbone's big game of 2014 being a total disaster could upset you, RR360OD.
'So why did Insipid8 ignore the fact that XBL was easier to take down then?'
Because this is not relevent when talking about how long it takes a company to Recover from such an attack you moron, don't get upset becuase it's obvious, yet again , that XBL has better security and recovery from attacks than PSN.
i am sorry dude but it's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain and an ounce of common sense that XBL has better security So9ftware, more Servers to offload to when under attack and better online security staff.
You understand that with Azure MS has a TON more servers than SONY to absorb any Damage from a DDOS attack right.
You guys are idiots if you think SONY will EVER be able to recover farm an attack as fast as MS, Microsoft invented the First useable browser for the internet and where doing online gaming before SONY even realized that online gaming existed.
It's called experience mate and MS have mmore experience of online gaming in there little finger than SONY has in there entire company.
I also find it funny that you cows will call MS out over the tiniest little thing yet you defend SONY for using out of date servers and security.
Hypocrites to the last man you cows.
So you are slamming the dude for pointing out that XBL was easier to take down, claiming it was irrelevent
Then you specifically state (on multiple occasions) that MS can "absorb more damage" and has "better security software" and just better "security" in general
Well firstly, all those point are to do with XBL's ability to withstand an attack, which it didn't and went down like a sack of shit WAYYYY before PSN went down. Yes Sony's response was slow and this should be pointed out becasue its wrong, but don't go walking around spewing trollop like MS has better security software to withstand an attack... this is a DDOS attack,
Show me software that can be used on a network (where the network MUST respond to every users that attempted to connect to it, as this is the nature of a network, in case you were unaware) which can prevent a DDOS? both Sony and MS networks were gonna go down, this is why little shits like LS have us and the platform holders by the balls.
MS are the first to go down because of their shoddy network infastructure, Sony are the slowest to come back up yes becasue of shoddy servers, but lets not forget... PSN is WAYYYYYYYY larger in terms of users than XBL... meaning WAYYYY more people will be trying to log into the servers when they come back up.... of course its gonna take longer. you wouldn't expect a truck to win a GT race would you....
Not blown up, but keep trying. It's a bit like connecting to PSN, just keep trying, eventually you'll get a connection
You're right, that's why I put "blown out."
PSN's been up for days, Slow Robby, try to keep up. :)
I haven't overlooked anything. Xbox live may have been easier to hack but it was back up that night, did you read how PSN is greedy with the subscription money they are getting and refuse to upgrade their online service, thus cause them to get hacked and stay hacked for days and days? And halo is worse launch than Drive Club? Drive Club was suppose to be a launch title for the PS4 and got postponed for a whole year and when it was released, it still wasn't right. They couldn't even get the free version going and even the head of Playstation called the game a mess, once again Halo had a bad launch but it's running fine now cause people are playing online. The single player of Halo was fine it was the multiplayer was the problem, with Drive Club the whole damn game was gimped even after a year delay. I agree both Sony and MS need to do better to prevent hacks but Sony needs to spend the money we are paying to upgrade their troubleshooting like MS does. Stop damage controlling GrenadeLauncher!!!!
24 hours for Dudbox Dead, lemming. 24 hours. In terms of totals this year it's been five days of downtime for PSN versus three days for XBL. This is that totally awesome service? It's the marginally more reliable than the other now. Deal with it.
And yes, Disaster Chief Collection is worse. The MP still doesn't work (DC's was pretty much fixed at this point in its life) and the SP was and still is buggy too (unlike DC's). "The single player of Halo was fine," hahahhaha! No need to damage control for 404 Industries' continual incompetence, son.
Why the hell are some of you defending utter incompetence? You are paying for a fucking service that a group of kids can learn in minutes how to take down.
You are PAYING to be allowed to connect the game you bought to the internet you already pay for, and THAT already bullshit toll charge not only doesn't guarantee any kind of stability, it cripples your fucking console and robs you of content when it goes down.
wtf folks
NO when sony was first DDO the first thing you fanboys did was tag it as a hack,now that because XBL also goes down for the same reason all of the sudden is not a hack..hahhaa I know DDOS attack is not a hack which i state when you people were claiming sony was hack again by DDOS attack.
DDOS might not be a hack. But the way they spread the attack without leaving a trace right back to them is.
Not blown up, but keep trying. It's a bit like connecting to PSN, just keep trying, eventually you'll get a connection
You're right, that's why I put "blown out."
PSN's been up for days, Slow Robby, try to keep up. :)
I haven't overlooked anything. Xbox live may have been easier to hack but it was back up that night, did you read how PSN is greedy with the subscription money they are getting and refuse to upgrade their online service, thus cause them to get hacked and stay hacked for days and days? And halo is worse launch than Drive Club? Drive Club was suppose to be a launch title for the PS4 and got postponed for a whole year and when it was released, it still wasn't right. They couldn't even get the free version going and even the head of Playstation called the game a mess, once again Halo had a bad launch but it's running fine now cause people are playing online. The single player of Halo was fine it was the multiplayer was the problem, with Drive Club the whole damn game was gimped even after a year delay. I agree both Sony and MS need to do better to prevent hacks but Sony needs to spend the money we are paying to upgrade their troubleshooting like MS does. Stop damage controlling GrenadeLauncher!!!!
24 hours for Dudbox Dead, lemming. 24 hours. In terms of totals this year it's been five days of downtime for PSN versus three days for XBL. This is that totally awesome service? It's the marginally more reliable than the other now. Deal with it.
And yes, Disaster Chief Collection is worse. The MP still doesn't work (DC's was pretty much fixed at this point in its life) and the SP was and still is buggy too (unlike DC's). "The single player of Halo was fine," hahahhaha! No need to damage control for 404 Industries' continual incompetence, son.
Christmas morning to christmas night does not make 24 hours, learn to add up time. Xbox live was up Christmas night but you wouldn't know that cause you don't have an X1. PSN was down from Christmas eve to Dec 26, you do the math on that time table and I know it was out that long cause I couldn't log on until the 26th and then it went down again later that down for whatever reason. Don't see how I'm damage controlling anything when I'm stating facts with Halo and Drive Club, you on the other hand is just spitting blind idolatry about the two games, one of which you haven't played cause you don't have an X1 to play it son.
'So why did Insipid8 ignore the fact that XBL was easier to take down then?'
Because this is not relevent when talking about how long it takes a company to Recover from such an attack you moron, don't get upset becuase it's obvious, yet again , that XBL has better security and recovery from attacks than PSN.
i am sorry dude but it's pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain and an ounce of common sense that XBL has better security So9ftware, more Servers to offload to when under attack and better online security staff.
You understand that with Azure MS has a TON more servers than SONY to absorb any Damage from a DDOS attack right.
You guys are idiots if you think SONY will EVER be able to recover farm an attack as fast as MS, Microsoft invented the First useable browser for the internet and where doing online gaming before SONY even realized that online gaming existed.
It's called experience mate and MS have mmore experience of online gaming in there little finger than SONY has in there entire company.
I also find it funny that you cows will call MS out over the tiniest little thing yet you defend SONY for using out of date servers and security.
Hypocrites to the last man you cows.
So you are slamming the dude for pointing out that XBL was easier to take down, claiming it was irrelevent
Then you specifically state (on multiple occasions) that MS can "absorb more damage" and has "better security software" and just better "security" in general
Well firstly, all those point are to do with XBL's ability to withstand an attack, which it didn't and went down like a sack of shit WAYYYY before PSN went down. Yes Sony's response was slow and this should be pointed out becasue its wrong, but don't go walking around spewing trollop like MS has better security software to withstand an attack... this is a DDOS attack,
Show me software that can be used on a network (where the network MUST respond to every users that attempted to connect to it, as this is the nature of a network, in case you were unaware) which can prevent a DDOS? both Sony and MS networks were gonna go down, this is why little shits like LS have us and the platform holders by the balls.
MS are the first to go down because of their shoddy network infastructure, Sony are the slowest to come back up yes becasue of shoddy servers, but lets not forget... PSN is WAYYYYYYYY larger in terms of users than XBL... meaning WAYYYY more people will be trying to log into the servers when they come back up.... of course its gonna take longer. you wouldn't expect a truck to win a GT race would you....
'Because this is not relevent when talking about how long it takes a company to Recover from such an attack you moron'
I guessed you missed that part, we where talking about how long it took for them to recover, not how long it took them to take it down in the first place.
i was staying in the context of the thread.
Not that it matters, it's obvious MS has a better infrastructure in place to deal with these attacks, you keep trying to kid yourself that SONY's online securtiy is better than Microsofts, especially when Microsoft has what is considered the best Cloud infrastructure on the planet and more than 300k servers to Reroute the traffic too
When it comes to a DDOs attack it's all about how many extra servers you have to reroute the traffic and i am sorry but whichever way you slice it MS has WAY more servers to divert traffic to which is why they recovered quicker.
the fact that they got up and running much faster is actually evidence it has the ability to absorb more damage than PSN but don't let simple common sense get in the way eh dude.
and it's obvious PSN has way more users because PSN accounts cover PSP and PS vita, not to mention the accounts where free last gen so there where a ton of people with multiple accounts.
Bottom line, the more servers you have to reroute traffic to the better, thats a basic fact dude and if you knew anything about denial of service attacks you would acknowledge that.
Stop making excuses for SONY, Microsoft has better servers, more servers and better online security and they where doing online gaming long before SONY even entered the games market, they have a TON more experience in this area.
Besides, the last time this happened it was PSN taken down first and Lizard squad gave credit to MS for putting up a better fight than SONY.
'Microsoft props to you for giving us a challenge, good work. Sony, smh.'
People just need to leave their fanboy feelings at the door and just realize that this is a problem on both sides. Pretty much both Sony and MS need to do better to stop things like this from happening, especially when we are paying for the service. Plus, to have this happen on the busiest day of the year when everybody wanted to play is just unacceptable.
@delta3074: my point being you didn't stay within the thread topic, you are tlaking about security software .... what software could help either company in this situation?
Also if we are talking about better infastructure to deal with a DDOS, then why did MS go down like a sack of shit? it took sony a good few hours before they started to show signs of going down. Yes it took Sony longer to recover, yes we all agree that is an issue. But i wasnt asking you about the time it takes to recover (we are in agreement with that) I am talking about your inability to accept that MS went down fast, due to poor infastructure to deal with a DDOS. Sony doesn't have the infrastructure either, hence it also went down.
Both companies need to learn a lesson. but don't go around claiming MS are the gods of DDOS prevention, they just ain't
I'm just pointed out where you are wrong in your point. Please do feel free to quote my statements one by one and answer then, rather than skipping most of my post :)
and yes last time sony did go down first, guess they learnt a lesson there... MS however, it appears they got a little overconfidant in that case, considering they went down quicker
Christmas morning to christmas night does not make 24 hours, learn to add up time. Xbox live was up Christmas night but you wouldn't know that cause you don't have an X1. PSN was down from Christmas eve to Dec 26, you do the math on that time table and I know it was out that long cause I couldn't log on until the 26th and then it went down again later that down for whatever reason. Don't see how I'm damage controlling anything when I'm stating facts with Halo and Drive Club, you on the other hand is just spitting blind idolatry about the two games, one of which you haven't played cause you don't have an X1 to play it son.
No, 24 hours makes it 24 hours, with recurring issues since then.
No one has an Xbone, chuck, but I do know from keeping my ear to the grapevine.
And you're still getting it wrong. Disaster Chief Collection is the one with the fucked single player.
@delta3074: my point being you didn't stay within the thread topic, you are tlaking about security software .... what software could help either company in this situation?
Also if we are talking about better infastructure to deal with a DDOS, then why did MS go down like a sack of shit? it took sony a good few hours before they started to show signs of going down. Yes it took Sony longer to recover, yes we all agree that is an issue. But i wasnt asking you about the time it takes to recover (we are in agreement with that) I am talking about your inability to accept that MS went down fast, due to poor infastructure to deal with a DDOS. Sony doesn't have the infrastructure either, hence it also went down.
Both companies need to learn a lesson. but don't go around claiming MS are the gods of DDOS prevention, they just ain't
I'm just pointed out where you are wrong in your point. Please do feel free to quote my statements one by one and answer then, rather than skipping most of my post :)
and yes last time sony did go down first, guess they learnt a lesson there... MS however, it appears they got a little overconfidant in that case, considering they went down quicker
you clearly know nothing about Denial of service attacks mate, when somebody uses a DDOS attack against you the most important thing is having servers to redirect that traffic else where and when it comes to that MS has SONY beat hands down because they have FAR more servers to redirect that traffic too, thats a FACT bro, not speculation.
Yes MS went down faster but they recovered much faster because they had more servers to redirect the DDOS attack, XBL is working fine now, 5 days on and people on PSN are still having problems.
XBL was back on line with virtually no problems in 24 hours, heck , XBL over here on my 360 didn't go down at all, i know because i had no problem signing in and downloading ass creed rogue dlc.
5 days on and PSN is still experiencing problems.
which is more important? how quickly it went down or how quickly gamers where able to get back online?
i know the correct common sense answer, do you?
If you caught the flu dude, which would be more important, the time it took for you to catch it or the time it took for you to recover from it once you got it.
Moot point anyway, so gamers couldn't get online for a couple of days, whoopety doo, not exactly the end of the world and i would find it quite disturbing if gamers had nothing else to do if they cannot game online, theres always gaming offline for starters.
i do feel bad for people who got new console for christmas as various patches have to be download day one i think but it's not world ending, just the way it is, everything breaks from time to time, some Gamers have become too entitled in my view, they expect everything to work flawlessly all the time and they moan and bitch like little babies when it doesn't, they should get there heads out of the cloud and return to reality.
ll this Fanfare is giving Lizardsquids Credence that they do not deserve and making a big deal about it is Exactly what they want and playing into there hands.
You heard? PS5 is a GO, Lock and mother fucking Loaded...awwww yeahhhhh
yes sir, i have. thats great for cows. my posts were made yesterday though when it was done again.
hey, why are a follower of me on here? we don't really talk or associate much on here but you choose to follow my posting. why is that?
This is why I don't and never will pay a premium for PSN.
I'm not even an Online MP gamer, but I would rather pay for XBL knowing that MS has the capacity & infrastructure to deal with these problems.
Games for Windows disproves your theory.
Just b/c a company has the ability to deal with it....doesn't mean they can.
As for this scenario.....Sony just started with the whole online pay infrastructure they will be playing catch-up. Not "never-will-be".....just catch time they will be better.
You have to start somewhere.
LOL, you've just contradicted the bold part.
MS has the capacity to EXPEDITE a recovery. Sony? Not so much. Will they ever play catch-up? Yeah, sure, if they're willing to invest millions. But at this moment with their current financial status, they don't have the resources nor infrastructure to do so.
In other words....just b/c MS had the funds (ability) to do something right and make Games for Windows LIVE a respectable functional part of PC gaming.....doesn't mean they had the brain capacity to do so (can). you get it now?
You heard? PS5 is a GO, Lock and mother fucking Loaded...awwww yeahhhhh
yes sir, i have. thats great for cows. my posts were made yesterday though when it was done again.
hey, why are a follower of me on here? we don't really talk or associate much on here but you choose to follow my posting. why is that?
Why not? I like to educate the masses much like you. I was on PSN yesterday too, all day, about got my first platinum. A truly epic time is being had.
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