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I hope so too if my paycheck comes in im gonna fix my xbox then get LO but how long is it? anyone beat it yet?[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"][QUOTE="Medic_B"]Iam getting it tommrowMeu2k7
Can you get new warranty by paying for repairs? or a new console?
You do get a full one year warranty on the replacement 360 meaning anything that goes wrong within that year is covered along with the 3 year rrod warranty.I know because my 360 had a non rrod problem 3 weeks before Halo 3 was about to launch and I did get my new one just in time - Sept. 25 th no kidding though I know you are not a Halo fan for me, it was a close call. :)
[QUOTE="Meu2k7"]I hope so too if my paycheck comes in im gonna fix my xbox then get LO but how long is it? anyone beat it yet?[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"][QUOTE="Medic_B"]Iam getting it tommrowSecretPolice
Can you get new warranty by paying for repairs? or a new console?
You do get a full one year warranty on the replacement 360 meaning anything that goes wrong within that year is covered along with the 3 year rrod warranty.I know because my 360 had a non rrod problem 3 weeks before Halo 3 was about to launch and I did get my new one just in time - Sept. 25 th no kidding though I know you are not a Halo fan for me, it was a close call. :)
Nice, I dont havea reciept for mine, kinda worried about it RROD ... which is why I'm considering Ebaying it so much? X_X
How much is it to fix problems? ( UK ) or US will do so I can make a rough estimate?
[QUOTE="blitzkid1"]They just announced on X-Play that LO is the number 1 selling game on 360! WOOHOO! This is great especially considering all those bad reviews. LO deserves this praise its a great game and I'm glad its getting the credit it deserves! hamidiousIt's a shame when people buy bad games(LO) and ignore other good ones.LO is not a bad game by any stretch. Stop hating.
[QUOTE="SecretPolice"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"]I hope so too if my paycheck comes in im gonna fix my xbox then get LO but how long is it? anyone beat it yet?[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"][QUOTE="Medic_B"]Iam getting it tommrowMeu2k7
Can you get new warranty by paying for repairs? or a new console?
You do get a full one year warranty on the replacement 360 meaning anything that goes wrong within that year is covered along with the 3 year rrod warranty.I know because my 360 had a non rrod problem 3 weeks before Halo 3 was about to launch and I did get my new one just in time - Sept. 25 th no kidding though I know you are not a Halo fan for me, it was a close call. :)
Nice, I dont havea reciept for mine, kinda worried about it RROD ... which is why I'm considering Ebaying it so much? X_X
How much is it to fix problems? ( UK ) or US will do so I can make a rough estimate?
90.00 US but I pitched a **** and got them to waive the fee or so I thought only to have the charge show up a month later on my card. :?[QUOTE="majadamus"][QUOTE="JiveT"]One of the many great things about the 360 experience is people get to check out what people on their friend's list are playing and they send them messages "Is this any good" you get back a few "Yeah it's awesome" and the next thing you know the game is a big hit. I see LO popping up on more and more friend's gamertags.Shift05
I can also do that on PSN.
PSN doesn't have a unified friends list, so I'm pretty sure you can't on PSN.
yes you can actually
I wouldn't be jumping up and down just yet. It only did slightly better than blue dragon's first week in NA, and alot worse than Blue Dragon in japan so far (less than 100k since early 07 release)
Still, it has a small chance at passing 1 million.
Er..;What? Are you referring to LO release date? Because as i recall it launched december 6th 2007 here in japan...not an "early 07 release" And clearly your not talking about blue dragons december 06 Really, im convinced you dont know what your talking about.
Seems the lemmings will buy any trash these days...oh wait...they are, 'lemmings' :lol:Rhys555
What? I thought "lemmings" didn't like jrpgs? If anything , this shows theres a lot of 360 owners who are willing to pay up for a solid rpg. It's ok, being jealous that such a great rpg won't be coming to your system is understandable, since you guys are still waiting for anything from that genre.
[QUOTE="Rhys555"]Seems the lemmings will buy any trash these days...oh wait...they are, 'lemmings' :lol:TheCrazed420
What? I thought "lemmings" didn't like jrpgs? If anything , this shows theres a lot of 360 owners who are willing to pay up for a solid rpg. It's ok, being jealous that such a great rpg won't be coming to your system is understandable, since you guys are still waiting for anything from that genre.
Imagine what fanboys will be like, when far before FF13 and White Knight, 360 gets Tales of Vesperia, Infinite Undosovery, Cry On and Cauldept Saga !!!!
[QUOTE="Rhys555"]Seems the lemmings will buy any trash these days...oh wait...they are, 'lemmings' :lol:wiwahib
Yep, I bought five copies just to boost the attach rate and do my part for a Lost Odyssey 2 or some other amazing game from Mistwalker.
LO isn't from mistwalker, it's develope by feel plus. Even i know i that and i'm only 13.This just shows lemmings don't have anything else to play on their xbox 360 other than a crappy RPG.../typical cow-sheep
Actually to me LO and Vesperia are the only games I would want on the 360, but I'm 70% sure Vesperia will come out on Ps3 too and LO's reviews just don't make the cut...
This just shows lemmings don't have anything else to play on their xbox 360 other than a crappy RPG...nintendog66
Devil May Cry 4..?
[QUOTE="wiwahib"][QUOTE="Rhys555"]Seems the lemmings will buy any trash these days...oh wait...they are, 'lemmings' :lol:Sony-ismy-Homey
Yep, I bought five copies just to boost the attach rate and do my part for a Lost Odyssey 2 or some other amazing game from Mistwalker.
LO isn't from mistwalker, it's develope by feel plus. Even i know i that and i'm only 13.;developer
Wow you better tell them that!
LO is an excellent game, im on disc 3 at 25 hours.
Wayy better than Blue Dragon, and im liking it better than Eternal Sonata.
Way better than Eternal Sonata, I still dont understand where any love for that game comes from. Eternal Sonata has nice graphics and music, but it does everything else wrong.
Seems the lemmings will buy any trash these days...oh wait...they are, 'lemmings' :lol:Rhys555
Says the guy with the Killzone sig, lol
[QUOTE="Sony-ismy-Homey"][QUOTE="wiwahib"][QUOTE="Rhys555"]Seems the lemmings will buy any trash these days...oh wait...they are, 'lemmings' :lol:Steakdinner
Yep, I bought five copies just to boost the attach rate and do my part for a Lost Odyssey 2 or some other amazing game from Mistwalker.
LO isn't from mistwalker, it's develope by feel plus. Even i know i that and i'm only 13.;developer
Wow you better tell them that!
Its developed by feel plus, but Mistwalker is involved as well. Blue Dragon was developed by Artoon under similar circumstances. All this just shows how dumb reviewers are, they are talking as if those games were developed by Mistwalker alone. Heck, I was surprised that Mistwalker guided Artoon into making a game as playable as Blue Dragon, check out other Artoon developed games...
Their numbers are based off of either Ebgames or Amazon (can't remember). But they're not indicative of the entire country I don't believe.MikeE21286So you don't know? Please troll somewhere else.
[QUOTE="Mkavanaugh77"]LO is an excellent game, im on disc 3 at 25 hours.
Wayy better than Blue Dragon, and im liking it better than Eternal Sonata.
Way better than Eternal Sonata, I still dont understand where any love for that game comes from. Eternal Sonata has nice graphics and music, but it does everything else wrong.
What does it do wrong?
[QUOTE="BobHipJames"]Rightly doubted.
COD4, Halo 3, Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed...
I don't expect LO to break the top 5, frankly.
when did those games come out , their in the past now noody cARES FOR THEM ANYMORE.
Why didn't you just mention it?
[QUOTE="TerroRizing"][QUOTE="Mkavanaugh77"]LO is an excellent game, im on disc 3 at 25 hours.
Wayy better than Blue Dragon, and im liking it better than Eternal Sonata.
Way better than Eternal Sonata, I still dont understand where any love for that game comes from. Eternal Sonata has nice graphics and music, but it does everything else wrong.
What does it do wrong?
Combat, too easy to make money, bad characters, since the characters are bad the story is uninteresting, no exploration, basically nothing interesting at all. Well, except nice environments and music I guess.
[QUOTE="Steakdinner"][QUOTE="Sony-ismy-Homey"][QUOTE="wiwahib"][QUOTE="Rhys555"]Seems the lemmings will buy any trash these days...oh wait...they are, 'lemmings' :lol:TerroRizing
Yep, I bought five copies just to boost the attach rate and do my part for a Lost Odyssey 2 or some other amazing game from Mistwalker.
LO isn't from mistwalker, it's develope by feel plus. Even i know i that and i'm only 13.;developer
Wow you better tell them that!
Its developed by feel plus, but Mistwalker is involved as well. Blue Dragon was developed by Artoon under similar circumstances. All this just shows how dumb reviewers are, they are talking as if those games were developed by Mistwalker alone. Heck, I was surprised that Mistwalker guided Artoon into making a game as playable as Blue Dragon, check out other Artoon developed games...
Thanks for the explination, like i said someone should tell GS that, I found another article from here and I quote:
"As for games, perhaps the most anticipated title on the docket is Microsoft's Lost Odyssey. Developed by Final Fantasy producer Hironobu Sakaguchi and his Mistwalker Studios,"
Seems mistwalker stole all the credit lol.
[QUOTE="sammyjenkis898"][QUOTE="TerroRizing"][QUOTE="Mkavanaugh77"]LO is an excellent game, im on disc 3 at 25 hours.
Wayy better than Blue Dragon, and im liking it better than Eternal Sonata.
Way better than Eternal Sonata, I still dont understand where any love for that game comes from. Eternal Sonata has nice graphics and music, but it does everything else wrong.
What does it do wrong?
Combat, too easy to make money, bad characters, since the characters are bad the story is uninteresting, no exploration, basically nothing interesting at all. Well, except nice environments and music I guess.
I enjoyed the combat. I absolutely loved the characters in Eternal Sonata, became really attached to them.
No, mistwalker didn't stole the credit. It's those dumbass media that don't know anything. Ign said tetsuya nomura is the characters designer for FFXII and FFIX. :lol:Thanks for the explination, like i said someone should tell GS that, I found another article from here and I quote:
"As for games, perhaps the most anticipated title on the docket is Microsoft's Lost Odyssey. Developed by Final Fantasy producer Hironobu Sakaguchi and his Mistwalker Studios,"
Seems mistwalker stole all the credit lol.
[QUOTE="TerroRizing"][QUOTE="Steakdinner"][QUOTE="Sony-ismy-Homey"][QUOTE="wiwahib"][QUOTE="Rhys555"]Seems the lemmings will buy any trash these days...oh wait...they are, 'lemmings' :lol:Steakdinner
Yep, I bought five copies just to boost the attach rate and do my part for a Lost Odyssey 2 or some other amazing game from Mistwalker.
LO isn't from mistwalker, it's develope by feel plus. Even i know i that and i'm only 13.;developer
Wow you better tell them that!
Its developed by feel plus, but Mistwalker is involved as well. Blue Dragon was developed by Artoon under similar circumstances. All this just shows how dumb reviewers are, they are talking as if those games were developed by Mistwalker alone. Heck, I was surprised that Mistwalker guided Artoon into making a game as playable as Blue Dragon, check out other Artoon developed games...
Thanks for the explination, like i said someone should tell GS that, I found another article from here and I quote:
"As for games, perhaps the most anticipated title on the docket is Microsoft's Lost Odyssey. Developed by Final Fantasy producer Hironobu Sakaguchi and his Mistwalker Studios,"∂=rss&subj=6185857
Seems mistwalker stole all the credit lol.
So wait? What games have mistwalker actually made if they didn't make BD or LO? Thats there only 2 games and on basically every site it says LO & BD was developed by Mistwalker.
[QUOTE="Steakdinner"]No, mistwalker didn't stole the credit. It's those dumbass media that don't know anything. Ign said tetsuya nomura is the characters designer for FFXII and FFIX. :lol:Thanks for the explination, like i said someone should tell GS that, I found another article from here and I quote:
"As for games, perhaps the most anticipated title on the docket is Microsoft's Lost Odyssey. Developed by Final Fantasy producer Hironobu Sakaguchi and his Mistwalker Studios,"∂=rss&subj=6185857
Seems mistwalker stole all the credit lol.
Was that Hilary Goldstein?
I have no idea, that article was from last month. But all i know is that it was an unprofessional article.Was that Hilary Goldstein?
its an awesome game that doesn't deserve better review scores its just like final fantasy 10 or 12 yet because its not a final fantasy it got the scores it got, final fantasy literally hasn't changed much since the first game oh a few changes here and there but otherwise the changes are cosmetic only and that game continues to get 9's.
and technical problems? i have had lil to none since i started playing since the game was released.
They just announced on X-Play that LO is the number 1 selling game on 360! WOOHOO! This is great especially considering all those bad reviews. LO deserves this praise its a great game and I'm glad its getting the credit it deserves! blitzkid1
Dont get it twisted, that was a list of games selling on the 360 only.
[QUOTE="blitzkid1"]They just announced on X-Play that LO is the number 1 selling game on 360! WOOHOO! This is great especially considering all those bad reviews. LO deserves this praise its a great game and I'm glad its getting the credit it deserves! CubanBlunt
Dont get it twisted, that was a list of games selling on the 360 only.
That's what he said..
[QUOTE="blitzkid1"]They just announced on X-Play that LO is the number 1 selling game on 360! WOOHOO! This is great especially considering all those bad reviews. LO deserves this praise its a great game and I'm glad its getting the credit it deserves! CubanBlunt
Dont get it twisted, that was a list of games selling on the 360 only.
What was the point of your comment[QUOTE="CubanBlunt"][QUOTE="blitzkid1"]They just announced on X-Play that LO is the number 1 selling game on 360! WOOHOO! This is great especially considering all those bad reviews. LO deserves this praise its a great game and I'm glad its getting the credit it deserves! too_much_eslim
Dont get it twisted, that was a list of games selling on the 360 only.
What was the point of your commentI'm thinking he read the topic title, quickly hit the quick quote button and posted without reading the OP. Call it a hunch. :P
Mistwalker produced the game, that means they watched over all development aspect. Feel Plus didn't sololy develop Lost Odyssey, they were just a small outsource that Mistwalker used to help with part of the development process. You should do some more research before trying to say who did what and make yourself look like a fool.
So it is:
Mistwalker - Producer
Feel Plus - Co developer
Microsoft Game Studio - Publisher
[QUOTE="TerroRizing"]Anyone else think that Jansen is the best character in a JRPG since the ps1 days?myke2010
Absolutely. I can't even remember a character in a JRPG last gen that was actually entertaining.
Jansen is awesome. When he first meets the Queen I started laughing. He a pimp lol.[QUOTE="xsubtownerx"][QUOTE="majadamus"]I'm surprised...well, not really...have there been any big X Box 360 games released recently?
DMC4? Your hatred blinds you.. so sad.
Hatred? Actually I'm not hating right now, I'm just trying to figure out how a JRPG is doing so well on the 360.
I will admit, I dont like JRPGs for the most part. But this one doesnt look to have those annoying little "odd-sidekick characters" that seem to define alot of JRPGs that I see, and I will admit I am intrigued. I am probably going to get it through Gamefly, though, and if its good enough, I will buy it.
Jansen kind of annoys me, but thats his character, so in that sense, he succeeds. I've laughed a few times so far on his jokes, but some of his scenes are irritating. I'm still on disc 1, so I might warm up to him a little later. Could be all that makeup hes wearing... TheCrazed420Oh he gets better. I at first thought he was annoying on disc 1 too.
Jansen kind of annoys me, but thats his character, so in that sense, he succeeds. I've laughed a few times so far on his jokes, but some of his scenes are irritating. I'm still on disc 1, so I might warm up to him a little later. Could be all that makeup hes wearing... TheCrazed420
The only annoying characters for me were Mack and Cooke. I wish they were sent off in a rocket to the sun.
its an awesome game that doesn't deserve better review scores its just like final fantasy 10 or 12 yet because its not a final fantasy it got the scores it got, final fantasy literally hasn't changed much since the first game oh a few changes here and there but otherwise the changes are cosmetic only and that game continues to get 9's.
and technical problems? i have had lil to none since i started playing since the game was released.
Well I'm on the 4th disc and my major complain has to be how the story took a major nosedive in my eyes meeting cooke and mack. It then started picking up finally after a while around the end of the 3rd disc.
[QUOTE="TheCrazed420"]Jansen kind of annoys me, but thats his character, so in that sense, he succeeds. I've laughed a few times so far on his jokes, but some of his scenes are irritating. I'm still on disc 1, so I might warm up to him a little later. Could be all that makeup hes wearing... soulsofblayck
The only annoying characters for me were Mack and Cooke. I wish they were sent off in a rocket to the sun.
their kids. I think they are only annoying because they are quite believable. Kids are naturally annoying.[QUOTE="soulsofblayck"][QUOTE="TheCrazed420"]Jansen kind of annoys me, but thats his character, so in that sense, he succeeds. I've laughed a few times so far on his jokes, but some of his scenes are irritating. I'm still on disc 1, so I might warm up to him a little later. Could be all that makeup hes wearing... too_much_eslim
The only annoying characters for me were Mack and Cooke. I wish they were sent off in a rocket to the sun.
their kids. I think they are only annoying because they are quite believable. Kids are naturally annoying.So true.
[QUOTE="TheCrazed420"]Jansen kind of annoys me, but thats his character, so in that sense, he succeeds. I've laughed a few times so far on his jokes, but some of his scenes are irritating. I'm still on disc 1, so I might warm up to him a little later. Could be all that makeup hes wearing... soulsofblayck
The only annoying characters for me were Mack and Cooke. I wish they were sent off in a rocket to the sun.
I just met them yesterday. I really liked their voice acting and their facial animations. That whole drawn out scene was clearly one of those "tugging at the heartstrings" moments, and it damn near worked on me, heh.
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