here is good link learn what is the best gaming machine ever
Do you even watch your links before posting them? From the first link (3:40):"i buy 5-6 games a year and the rest i download. if the producers think that i dont support them enough by buying 6 games a year, they can **** themselves cause that is all i am going to spend!"
Wow, so the #1 reason why the PC is the greatest game machine ever is piracy? You've got to be kidding me. Oh, and check out where he doesn't even understand Moore's Law (5:48, and again at 6:29). Six months? Someone tell that moron it's 18 months.
So, with such high hopes :roll: coming out of the first video, I went on to watch the second. This one was actually quite a bit more professional and reasonable, and basically comes down to "everyone has a preference". Which is funny, because he then goes on to express his preference - a console! He says that a keyboard and mouse are "just not my thing".
So, I ask: did you actually watch those two videos, or did you just do a youtube search for "PC vs. Console" and throw up the first couple results you found?
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