I dunno about any of you but I don't believe it..
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I dunno about any of you but I don't believe it..
I have a 5ft Spyro plushie as a kid....wasn't a huge fan of Spyro but my next door neighbour (we were as close as brothers) adored Spyro and bought me one as well.
Still wish I had it for some reason.
I actually agree. Spyro is the most underrated platforming series of all time. I would love to see what Insomniac can do with a new one after seeing them bring Ratchet & Clank to life on PS4 in a way only rivaled by Pixar animation.
I have a 5ft Spyro plushie as a kid....wasn't a huge fan of Spyro but my next door neighbour (we were as close as brothers) adored Spyro and bought me one as well.
Still wish I had it for some reason.
I just find Spyro did what Crach should have done in the past. Spyro the Dragon brought the open-world during the early days of PS1, it was enjoyable, long hour game, and Crash was fun yes, but it was way too liner for it's own good but Crash get's boring so fast. I only play Crash Bandicoot to Warp on PS1 and that was it for me.
I actually agree. Spyro is the most underrated platforming series of all time. I would love to see what Insomniac can do with a new one after seeing them bring Ratchet & Clank to life on PS4 in a way only rivaled by Pixar animation.
Yeah I just hope Sony considers it and see what it can do for PS4 when it comes to platforms.
There are still people that don't think a new Crash Bandicoot is coming?
I'm also someone that would rather have a new Spyro but that's not happening. Jak and Spyro > Crash and Ratchet
If they make a crash game like 1-2 and 3 then i might have to pick up ps4 after all. Same with spyro. Ps4 is lacking decent titles like these. Both were among my favourite games off all time
As I've said before, I hope this is true. Not because I particularly care for Crash, because I really don't- I just want major 3D platformers to be a thing again. Mario by himself can only hold up the forts for so long, after all.
As I've said before, I hope this is true. Not because I particularly care for Crash, because I really don't- I just want major 3D platformers to be a thing again. Mario by himself can only hold up the forts for so long, after all.
But what about Knack? lol
Yeah, I'm not really wanting any Crash if it's anything like the same old Crash, but maybe they can breathe new life into it.
Are we pretending that Crash is a series worth reviving? That series had one good game with Warped. Beyond that it's in the abyss of mediocrity.
I want this to happen mostly because 3D platformers are all but dead. Mario is just about the only quality 3D platform series around.
But who would develop a new crash? Insomniac did a really good job of the platforming planetoids in A Crack in Time, but could they make a full platformer centric game? Sucker Punch had amazing mechanics and some brilliant levels for Sly although the minigame sections and the other characters were all terrible. SCE Japan Studios did Knack and Puppeteer. One of which was a terrible beat em up and the other a terrible 2D platformer....
I'm guessing if anything Activision might give Sony an exclusive Crash game at this point.
@davillain-: the odds of spyro coming back are slim to none.
Spyro already is back- he's just a Skylander now.
@charizard1605: I mean the odds of him coming back as his own platformer is slim to none. I'm aware he's in skylanders that's why I said it. Also why I doubt sony will be able to buy him.
Yeah. It's a shame, too, since I was always more of a Spyro guy than a Crash guy.
Oh well.
@drinkerofjuice: All of the Crash games have high scores from what I remember.
Mainly speaking from personal perspective. However critically the games were never exceptional, and the later entries were marked down as being rather mediocre. The Wrath of Cortex at least anyway.
I want to believe, sure. I love 3D platformers and would love to see more in the genre. Mario is the king and he delivers but some variety would be nice.
@jcrame10: I imagine this will end up being timed exclusive or console exclusive or something like that. A lot like Final Fantasy 7 remake, really.
And Activision and Sony share a very close relationship this generation, as Destiny and Call of Duty demonstrate. I'm sure benefits were exchanged, but they were probably less quantifiable.
@charizard1605: if crash is coming back under sony, I don't see him heading anywhere but playstation. FF7 remake made sense on ps4 and PC cuz the original was also ps and PC. Crash was always only playstation during that gen.
Hmmm, but this is Activision. This will probably at least also be PC as well.
@charizard1605: in my hypothetical scenario, sony would have fully bought the rights. What use is crash to activision anyways?
Activision are fiercely protective of their IP, that's the thing.
I wonder if they would sell the game. I think it's more of a new game in the franchise that they put on PS4 first, then share with other systems (maybe PC). A lot like the Goldeneye remake for the Wii, actually, now that I think about it.
@drinkerofjuice: All of the Crash games have high scores from what I remember.
Mainly speaking from personal perspective. However critically the games were never exceptional, and the later entries were marked down as being rather mediocre. The Wrath of Cortex at least anyway.
Any Crash after the PS1 era was not made by Naughty Dog. Hence why the quality dropped. Wrath of Cortex was utter garbage. I would only want this franchise back If ND take it up again.
The bad news for lems continues.
How would this be bad news for lems? LMAO!! Dude, do us all a favor and fall off a mountain. Your comments are so #%$&ing stupid.
Damn you really take this place far too seriously lol. Wanting me to kill myself for making fun of your favorite piece of plastic. I guess after losing all your exclusives to PC and getting destroyed in yet another NPD there is only so much lems can take. You must be sick of being the laughing stock of the industry.
The bad news for lems continues.
Lol, man you have to be the worst troll on these forums. You bring the quality of these forums way down.
Anyway, if Crash does come back, it'd be interesting to see the direction they go with it. Maybe a Ratchet & Clank style narrative with more platforming.
I doubt that they'll capture the magic of the first one. If they do then I'll look forward to checking it out on PC. I'm sure that it will be a multiplat release.
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