get over it.
1. xbox 360's game library isn't as big as the universe as you think it is. IF YOU CAN NAME TWENTY GOOD GAMES on the spot, i'd say xbox360 rocks. if not hush about it having such a big library of good games, cuz im playing most of them on the pc.
2. yes ps3 games are coming slow but go to any local game store and theres... TONS of games, 20-35ish.
3. WII wont last in the long run, its business plan was to succeed in the short run, but thats all they need to make WII 2.
4. PS3 has the best games for 2008 so its a BIG year for sony, so they wont be going away anytime soon.
5. Yes. sony lost alot of money but by taking otu PS2 compatibility and lots of extras.... u end up with 400 ps3... which is still like the 600 ps3 but w/o all that stuff i mentioned. you can say sony relieved a burden and made it in time for the holidays.
6. xbox360's 2008 lineup is DECENT but its downhill from there
7. xbox ONLINE is fun, but PS3's online is JUST as fun. i played halo3 and resistance and the fun factor is about the same.
8. oh and ps3 launch wasn't that bad, its as good as the ps2 launch if not better, and ps2 did have a drought season also. so why all the bashing.
yes it may seem like im defending sony and bashing the other two. the truth is I DONT SEE WII as a STEP FORWARD, i see it as DECEPTIVE gaming... the worst sensor in the world , cant even detect ur movements at any angel or height... have to be pointing at it to get good signal and controller connection issues.... its such a bad console with crappy looking games.
oh and xbox360 may just be the worst made console in history... mr. bill gates want to rush it 1yr before ps3 and end up paying billions on repairs and getting a bad repuation on quality.. good job microsoft.
oh and sony got too confident thinking everybody loves them, no PRICE do matter, and sales shows that, no matter how technologically advanced it is, if the general public cant afford it, it wont be a success.
DONT get me wrong, i own a WII and im not too happy with it, i didn't OWN a 360 cuz risk of RROD and most of the good games are already on PC, so i wont bother putting 400 down when my pc is running like a beast.....
im the happiest with the PS3 because of the games that are coming out....
Final fantasy 13
versus 13, kingdom hearts 3 (most likely on ps3)
god of war 3(imagine how this game will look on ps3)
devil may cry 4 ( more dmc3 action w/ better graphics)
gran turismo 5 (photorealistic rendering... unbelievable, cant wait to buy the wheel to play with it)
grand theft auto 4 (more gangstaaaa action w/ prettier graphics)
killzone 2 (with double to triple the development team of the first killzone... it might be one of the best shooters this generation and finally... delivers!)
oh and METAL GEAR SOLID 4 (cant friggin wait)
buy the system you like to play, the games you want to play, so hush about what system is more awesome. i feel ps3 is more awesome because how its made... its shine, heaviness screams well made...
i just find WII too last gen... too much of a gimmick... not that fun... poor pixelated graphcis.. (graphics do matter, its like comparing this girl who dont want to pretty up to this girl thats prettied up for u, bad analogy but u get what im saying) overhyped... unworthy of its success. i guess i grew out of nintendo. its still too kiddy.
and i never liked microsoft cuz their rich, if it wasn't for them... sony will be dominating.
HEY MR BILL GATES hope u SEE THIS!!: stop selling ur failbox360 that rrod's 10% of xbox users out there and jus make games on SONY platform. maybe u'll make big bucks or two, instead of losing money on each unit. hey... i guess ur making decent since ur making RROD'd xbox users buying another one again. good job.
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