I saw a vid from Linus on youtube, if you use a ssd when using fraps to record, you don't take that much of a hit. Fraps really hammers hdds though and thats what is probably causing the loss of framerate when using it.
It also helps to have your FRAPS setup correctly.
FRAPS is just a dog to record with anyway. Even on my setup with my i7, 780Ti and my SSD it drops my frames by like 10. That of course is if I want to record full 1080p and record at 60fps, would be better if I could play at 60 with it and record at 30 instead of locking your framerates
Since you have an i7 you should use a recorder that utilizes the quick sync features like mirillis action, it's almost as if you're not recording anything at all when it comes to performance.
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