long time ps3/wii/pc owner - actually considereing getting a 360 now

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#1 Some-Mist
Member since 2009 • 5631 Posts

my main question is similar to those in the other slews of 'should I buy this?' threads but I've actually got games picked out that I'm interested in. I originally wanted to buy a 360 for just alan wake...but I'm not THAT moronic of a consumer as I've never bought a console for one game.

I've always been curious about shadow complex, stoked, ninja blade and other similar titles altho most of them seem very low-budget, but the majority of the time the quality of the game doesn't matter as long as it's fun. I still play PS1 and DC games and have fun with em.

the main title (oddly) that makes me want the system more than anything is the import title mushihimeme-sama futari. I've just gotten big on shmups (been buyin tons for my DC, PS1, and GC) and definitely want to import/check out that specific title.

I'm also interested in castlevania: harmony of despair as well as limbo.

my questions: say I wait until the release of limbo and castlevania, get a free month of 360 live (??right?) and if I buy all 3 titles and choose to never renew my subscription, do I still get the full single player functionality of my 360? As in, can I still play those titles without being connected online, or do I always need a subscription (like silver or w/e). Keep in mine I have my ps3 for a media server, so I'm not worried about that and I rarely play online. I play online on my ps3 (rarely) but definitely won't purchase the psn+. I'm not big on online payments (did them for WoW) and I try to avoid those types of subscriptions at all costs. I'm not looking to play a lot of XBL but I'd still check out games like gears and halo reach (altho I'm not as big of a FPS fan as I used to be - both of the newer titles look pretty promising).

I plan on trying to make my purchase around the time of those xbl releases, anything new (hardware wise - other than the slim) coming out that I should wait for? Should I avoid the slim and try to get myself an older model?

I used to own the original XBOX and I mainly bought that for XBL and halo 2 (bought about 4 games total with it). After 3 weeks I never really touched it again. Could the 360 turn out to be a similar situation? IMO it seems the 360 is leagues better than the original XBOX, but then again the only personal experience I've had is playing sports games on a friends.

again, I'm not really interested in XBL or motion controls. Will my purchase be worth it in the end for the type of use/games I listed? I realize I won't be playing the 360 to it's full potential without all the online features that people rave about. I just don't want to regret my purchase.

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#2 deactivated-5e0e425ee91d8
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If the first party titles interest you, go for it. otherwise just stick with PS3 and your not missing much
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#3 Some-Mist
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the thing is, I'm not a HUGE first party fan. I've been skeptical on buying SMG2 as mario games tend to bore me. But I hear it's one of the best games of all time. I really enjoyed uncharted 2, but I wasn't a huge fan of killzone 2. I like titles like muramasa: the demon blade, demon's souls, no more heroes, and games like those. I never picked up littlebigplanet altho I've played friends copies quite a few times. GoW III was kind of fun, but I enjoyed bayonetta more. I kind of like the budget titles.

for instance, I bought red seeds profile just because deadly premonition didn't come to the PS3. I actually had fun and found deadly premonition (red seeds profile) very interesting.

deadly premonition would probably be another game I would purchase and play through again. already played mass effect 1 + 2 on PC altho I probably wouldn't mind trying out the console version again.

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#4 iBear-
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If you didn't like SMG you shouldn't get SMG2. Yea im 99% sure you can buy arcade games with silver.

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#5 Some-Mist
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well actually never played SMG either. I'm sure that'll probably make a lot of wii owners mad :oops: last mario game I played was the new super mario bros on the DS.

on the other hand, sin and punishment has been one of my favorite games this gen now.

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#6 Karnage108
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You still keep all the XBLA games that you paid for, regardless of whether or not you have a Gold membership. And as long as you have the license for those games (only reason you wouldn't is if your 360 breaks and they send you a new one; hopefully not much of an issue anymore but you can transfer the license to the new one) then you can play them offline as well. As for the hardware, it just depends how much you want to spend. The new ones have built-in wifi, but if you can setup a wired connection then you'd be better off with that. It's also pretty much a given that they're more reliable.
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#7 Some-Mist
Member since 2009 • 5631 Posts

awesome! thank you for the helpful info.

more advice would be greatly appreciated guys! it's still going to be awhile before I can put some money together to buy one. To the people who own all 3 consoles (I know it will depend per person) but does your 360 get a lot of play? I'd assume you guys buy the multi-plats for 360.

I just want to make sure that a 360 won't turn out like my original XBOX (IMO a waste). Probably the only console I ever regret buying and that I've never regretted selling...which is also part of the reason why I never picked up a 360.

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#8 randomguy15
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Yeah the 360 usually has better multiplats, and I'm sure you will like many arcade games. But I only own a 360 now. So it gets a lot of play.

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#9 coasterguy65
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awesome! thank you for the helpful info.

more advice would be greatly appreciated guys! it's still going to be awhile before I can put some money together to buy one. To the people who own all 3 consoles (I know it will depend per person) but does your 360 get a lot of play? I'd assume you guys buy the multi-plats for 360.

I just want to make sure that a 360 won't turn out like my original XBOX (IMO a waste). Probably the only console I ever regret buying and that I've never regretted selling...which is also part of the reason why I never picked up a 360.


Well this is just me, and of course my opinion, but I will say this. I started off with a Wii this generation, moved up to a 360. Bought a 40GB PS3 which I really only bought for PS3 exclusives and Blu-ray. It took a dump on my so I bought a Slim. I started to get where I was actually buying most of my games for the PS3 mainly because of the free online, and the fact that some PS3 games have extra content.

That momentum has now switched back to the 360. I can't really say why but I just enjoy playing games on it more. I will say this and I'm not trying to start a war here, but I find that a lot of the PS3 exclusives, just aren't that good to me. I really enjoyed Uncharted 1 and 2, and Resistance 2, but most of the other exclusives I've played have gotten really stale fast. I know I maybe in the minority here, but of course it's just the way I feel.

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#10 TravJon
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I own a 360 and a ps3, and I have to say I use my ps3 more. Since I got my ps3 I only use my 360 for exclusives (which aren't many in my case). I'm not really into shooters, so maybe that's why I don't use it much. Although I just bought Lost Odyssey today, so I'm excited to play that.:)

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#11 Sword-Demon
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if you already have a ps3/pc/wii.. you already have access to over 90% of the games on the 360.. doesn't seem worth it to me, but if you want it, get it

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#12 Some-Mist
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the last comment sort of makes sense, but at the same time I play a ton of games and altho my collection isn't gigantic, I collect games. One of this years most anticipated games for myself is alan wake. I feel theres quite a few games that I would consider day 1 buys with the console. Many of the other games I want to play (such as ninja blade and stoked) aren't games I would pick up right away, but I sort of feel like I NEED to play alan wake and mushihimes-asma futari. those 2 have just been in the back of my head for the past week and I'm sort of craving them!

borrowing a friend's 360 is always an option, however, I wouldn't be able to play all the games I want to play AND many of my friends that are 360 owners go away for college, so it'd have to be something I did before the end of summer if that's the route I take. ALSO I'd be buying the games they don't own for a system I'll have for a very short period of time.

I'm kind of wanting one pretty bad but I'd REALLY have to fit it into my budget.

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#13 Dead-Memories
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the 360 is a good gaming system, probably the bestconsole this gen, so go for it.