my main question is similar to those in the other slews of 'should I buy this?' threads but I've actually got games picked out that I'm interested in. I originally wanted to buy a 360 for just alan wake...but I'm not THAT moronic of a consumer as I've never bought a console for one game.
I've always been curious about shadow complex, stoked, ninja blade and other similar titles altho most of them seem very low-budget, but the majority of the time the quality of the game doesn't matter as long as it's fun. I still play PS1 and DC games and have fun with em.
the main title (oddly) that makes me want the system more than anything is the import title mushihimeme-sama futari. I've just gotten big on shmups (been buyin tons for my DC, PS1, and GC) and definitely want to import/check out that specific title.
I'm also interested in castlevania: harmony of despair as well as limbo.
my questions: say I wait until the release of limbo and castlevania, get a free month of 360 live (??right?) and if I buy all 3 titles and choose to never renew my subscription, do I still get the full single player functionality of my 360? As in, can I still play those titles without being connected online, or do I always need a subscription (like silver or w/e). Keep in mine I have my ps3 for a media server, so I'm not worried about that and I rarely play online. I play online on my ps3 (rarely) but definitely won't purchase the psn+. I'm not big on online payments (did them for WoW) and I try to avoid those types of subscriptions at all costs. I'm not looking to play a lot of XBL but I'd still check out games like gears and halo reach (altho I'm not as big of a FPS fan as I used to be - both of the newer titles look pretty promising).
I plan on trying to make my purchase around the time of those xbl releases, anything new (hardware wise - other than the slim) coming out that I should wait for? Should I avoid the slim and try to get myself an older model?
I used to own the original XBOX and I mainly bought that for XBL and halo 2 (bought about 4 games total with it). After 3 weeks I never really touched it again. Could the 360 turn out to be a similar situation? IMO it seems the 360 is leagues better than the original XBOX, but then again the only personal experience I've had is playing sports games on a friends.
again, I'm not really interested in XBL or motion controls. Will my purchase be worth it in the end for the type of use/games I listed? I realize I won't be playing the 360 to it's full potential without all the online features that people rave about. I just don't want to regret my purchase.
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