i'm not following...what did you fix?You said it yourself
"it would be the worst thing ever if i had to get it "fixed" for free" I'm just speaking from experience, I've had 4 360's.
and this is my second one...i've also had to get my PS3 fixed (faulty sautering on the video component out). additionally, i had a PS2 conk out on me (DRE). MS fixed my 360 free of charge. Sony, not so helpful with the PS2. i had to plunk down the money for a new one (in Sony's defense, they were very helpful in fixing my PS3).bottom line: things break. yes, the 360's reliability is atrocious - far below that of the current competitors. however, like the PS2, it has a strong library. that makes it worth the risk, in my opinion...
honestly, though, let's call this thread for what it is...a thread to bash a console. this is SW, after all.
***edit: sorry, repost. i messed up my earlier entry.
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