Weot...thiy'ri telkong ebuat hos sixael prifirinci?
Why thi fack eri thiy duong thet? Dod Kivon's rivoiw rielly cat thim diip ur sumithong?
((Wait...they're talking about his sexual preference?
Why the f*ck are they doing that? Did Kevin's review really cut them deep or something?))
That's my assumption. I could be completely wrong.
Seriously? :(
Man, that's sad, he's my fav reviewer, enjoyed his reviews for years.
Before I got to actively posting on SW, I was spending all of my GS time on news articles and community blogs. Back then, things were actually rather good, but they sure started going downhill when the ToS changed, and even more so with the introduction of that crappy FB-ish comment system. That's when I lost interest and ended up in this dump... which is the only worthwhile place on GS! :P
I'm assuming. Being gay and having "Ms." as an insult, seem to go hand-in-hand.
TBH, I can't remember the old GS all that well, lulz.
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