I'm just curious if there area lot of people like me who used to be hardcore Nintendo fans (the name Nintendo was synonymas with video games back in the 80's early 90's). I was wondering if you'd like to share your stories of what made you turn, or if you stayed with them for the long run.
Myself, I was all about everything Nintendo did, UNTIL, Legend of Zelda, Twilight Princess was delayed for the umteenth time on Gamecube, even then I held my allegience, until I heard they were contemplating only bringing it to the revolution. That did it for me, I sold my Gamecube, and turned my back on video games completely for a while because of that. The whole reason I wanted a Gamecube was for that game, arg.
Now I think my anger has turned down a few notches, I've had a lot of fun with my PS3 this year and was thinking the only thing that could enhance my gaming experience right now would be to get a Wii, so I could go back and play all those fun games again. I think the N64 had the best games of any system for it's time.
Anyway, anybody else?
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