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[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]I hated the game because of the dream sequences being so god damn amazing. They had the perfect game plot sitting infront of them but decided to go with some cliche save the world story. The 1000 year journey was far more interesting than the entire game. It's pretty sad when text logs are better than your entire story you spent tons of cash getting CG done for...I despise this game for that reason that they just dropped the ball so bad with that. There was next to no CG in the whole game. Most of the cutscenes were done using the in game graphics. And if you like the dream sequences so much, maybe you should stick to reading books, because that's basically what it is. Literature.I liked it. The dream sequences in particular were very well done.
i had bought it in a bargain bin years ago. popped it into my 360. after about 30 minutes i couldnt stand playing it anymore and never played it since.
All jrpg's are like that but LO manages to pull it off while still being enjoyable, there is a world of difference between the actual game dialogue and Kaim's memories though.
[QUOTE="funsohng"][QUOTE="xXShortroundXx"]"shut up little boy, your mum is dead, which means she is not alive, so she can't be dead because she isn't alive because she is dead and not alive."xXShortroundXxI find this actually pretty awesome. Is that actually in game? Near the end of disc 1 :P
System Wars, one of few places on earth where is fun to joke about a father finding his long lost dying daughter as she takes here few final breathes.
JRPG's can go to hell this gen. ( on consoles at least ) Develeopers haven't made a good console RPG since Rogue Galaxy[QUOTE="xXShortroundXx"][QUOTE="no_more_fayth"]
JRPG brothers and sisters need to stick together in a place such as this lest we get eaten alive.
Demons souls kkthx bai.
even tho i could barely get past the first dungeon i thought it was one of the best simplistic rpg's i've ever played and reallly focuses on the core elements of rpg games.
Aren't we talking about story here? The whole treads focus has been story and characters, here you are trying to bring demon's souls into a discussion about story and characters?
Doesnt stop it from being an awesome game though. Best JRPG ive played from this gen Iantheone
guess you never got the chance to play valkyria chronicles
[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]I hated the game because of the dream sequences being so god damn amazing. They had the perfect game plot sitting infront of them but decided to go with some cliche save the world story. The 1000 year journey was far more interesting than the entire game. It's pretty sad when text logs are better than your entire story you spent tons of cash getting CG done for...I despise this game for that reason that they just dropped the ball so bad with that.I liked it. The dream sequences in particular were very well done.
I remember reading back in 2006 that the game was going to take place over the span of 1000 years and your party would change with each era besides the immortals. Although i liked the end product, definately a dissapointment when compared to what they originally planned.
Lost Odyssey scored lower than FF13.Its ok for Lost Odyssey to do it because its not Square Enix right?
Yeah LO had cheesy moments but it is still a solid jRPG. Try NIER for the best jRPG this generation. Warning though, if you make a thread like this about NIER I'll have to add you to 'my list' & hunt you down. I'm sorry, that's just how these things work.
[QUOTE="crimsonman1245"]Lost Odyssey scored lower than FF13.Its ok for Lost Odyssey to do it because its not Square Enix right?
Shh, dont tell the 13 haters that, they will attack.
Lost Odyssey scored lower than FF13.[QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"][QUOTE="crimsonman1245"]
Its ok for Lost Odyssey to do it because its not Square Enix right?
Shh, dont tell the 13 haters that, they will attack.
FF13 got away with a lot of crap though.Compared to some JRPG's, the dialogue in Lost Odyssey was actually decent.
Same with Tales of Vesperia, though that game focuses way too much on splitting your party and then reconciling literally 5 minutes later. I reckon I'm pretty close to the end, and my team has emotionally broken up and reconciled about 20 times.
The game has false endings, it's probably not over yet :PCompared to some JRPG's, the dialogue in Lost Odyssey was actually decent.
Same with Tales of Vesperia, though that game focuses way too much on splitting your party and then reconciling literally 5 minutes later. I reckon I'm pretty close to the end, and my team has emotionally broken up and reconciled about 20 times.
[QUOTE="dommeus"]The game has false endings, it's probably not over yet :P Really? Well, I'm enjoying it (even though the difficulty spike between normal encounters and bosses is sometimes astronomical). I remember playing the demo and getting to the massive purple wolf boss and then getting my arse handed to me in about 30 seconds, and decided not to buy it due to the difficulty, Now that I've rented it, it seems like it was probably the worst part of the game the developer could have picked for the demo.Compared to some JRPG's, the dialogue in Lost Odyssey was actually decent.
Same with Tales of Vesperia, though that game focuses way too much on splitting your party and then reconciling literally 5 minutes later. I reckon I'm pretty close to the end, and my team has emotionally broken up and reconciled about 20 times.
JRPG's can go to hell this gen. ( on consoles at least ) Develeopers haven't made a good console RPG since Rogue Galaxy[QUOTE="xXShortroundXx"][QUOTE="no_more_fayth"]
JRPG brothers and sisters need to stick together in a place such as this lest we get eaten alive.
Tales of Vesperia disagrees with you.
Along with Final Fantasy XIII, Lost Odyssey and Eternal Sonata.
3/4 games you listed were not good. Tales story was just horrid. What Kingdom is going to actually let their Princess travel around the world with a person who dropped out of the Knights? The entire first 20 hours or so of the game is just so completely unbelievable. The combat is good. Just the characters and story were not.
Eternal Sonata had great music and art style. But again, I don't know what's wrong with Japanese RPG developers but their stories are just horrible. I actually quit playing the game because I got to an area, after going through and killing hordes of monsters, where there's a goat standing on a bridge. He won't move, and so you have to play a pixel hunt game and run around the area trying to find paper for him to eat so he'll move. ZOMG REALLY?!?!?! I mean you can't get more awful than that.
FFXIII, I don't even want to go into. Hope's entire basis for being mad at Snow is just stupid and no real person would be. The Australian girl is just annoying. They drop you into a game world that's fully fleshed out and yet explain NOTHING to do, all while using terms that you have no idea what they mean. Poor writing. The game is linear, the stores are pointless, I could keep going but I've already said far too much on the subject elsewhere.
LO is the only one that you listed that I would rank as "good". Even it had it's flaws, the children characters come off annoying. The entire Wall system is broken and later in the game, pointless. But where LO makes up for it is some truly amazing moments. Cid is great and his story and how he relates to certain characters was unexpected and charming. The entire idea of an immortal without his memories is an interesting idea and they play up well on it. And without a doubt, the dream sequences are AMAZING. The best writing I've read in a JRPG, pretty much ever. As a whole though, JRPGs this gen have become stagnant with little innovation.
I mainly have a problem with Gongorra, Cooke, Macke and the fact that the main plot is'nt that interesting and takes a major backseat to the written 1000 years of dreams.
Can't say I've ever played an uncorny jrpg or that many uncorny games at all anyway....
I agree, some parts were boring, like the funeral scene where you have to pick some flowers, wait 5 mins hold a torch, was another 5 mins hold a torch. But that's the only bad part that sticks out. It was a solid game.Lost Odyssey was boring. I fell asleep multiple times playing that game. I mean it was solid and a lot better than a bunch of the junk JRPGs out there this gen, but I don't understand all the hoopla over it.
[QUOTE="Jynxzor"][QUOTE="DarkLink77"]I hated the game because of the dream sequences being so god damn amazing. They had the perfect game plot sitting infront of them but decided to go with some cliche save the world story. The 1000 year journey was far more interesting than the entire game. It's pretty sad when text logs are better than your entire story you spent tons of cash getting CG done for...I despise this game for that reason that they just dropped the ball so bad with that. There was next to no CG in the whole game. Most of the cutscenes were done using the in game graphics. And if you like the dream sequences so much, maybe you should stick to reading books, because that's basically what it is. Literature.I liked it. The dream sequences in particular were very well done.
I don't care about "Most" of the Cutscenes they spent money on anything that didn't revolve around the good story in the game was a waste. What an arrogant response telling me to read a book if I like a good story, why shouldn't I be able to expect a good story in my gameplay?
Especially in my story drivin games like JRPG's. Perhaphs I'm not like you and expect a good story from my JRPG because I find in general they have decent enough stories. With this game especially the 1000 year journey could have easilly been done in the gameplay. Nothing in those "Litterature" moments couldn't have been reproduced in the game. Get over yourself if you think video games are beyond telling a good story and that this garbage should be "Acceptable"
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